Semua Bab My Dad's Bestfriend : Bab 51 - Bab 60
162 Bab
Pre-Wedding Jitters
EvelynThe music enveloped us, a cacophony of sound as people bustled about, dancing, and indulging in the evening's drinks. I must admit, my dad had an extraordinary circle of acquaintances, though some might argue they were closer to being outright lunatics. The guest list for the wedding seemed to be expanding by the day, partly due to Clara and me.However, my current concern wasn't the growing number of guests; it was my dad, who appeared to be drowning in a sea of distress.A damsel in distress—what's the male version of that? I couldn't say for sure, but I could Google it later."I can't believe you're nervous," I said, pretending to be disappointed. "This isn't your first time tying the knot.""Hey, just because I've been married once before doesn't mean I have no right to feel nervous now. Stop giving me that look!" He downed another shot of tequila. "I might be getting married for the second time, but it's still marriage. The feeling remains the same.""So what? Are you goin
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Unveiling Resentments
JacobI watched her as she conversed with her friends, the smile on her face never fading. It occasionally broadened with a subtle twitch at the corner of her lips, as if she could sense my gaze fixed on her the entire time. And, truth be told, she could. Evelyn was incredibly observant though she didn't know that I had mentally captured every aspect of her from the very first day I arrived here to attend Samuel's wedding. She remained oblivious to how I had lost most of my self-control that very morning when I unexpectedly found her in the kitchen, wearing a little top and shorts that perfectly showcased her sexy body.Who would have thought that this was the same Evelyn I had known years ago?Back then, she had been quite shy around me, always quiet, except for those nights when she'd sneak wine from the kitchen cabinets and retreat to her safe haven—her room. In the midst of her liquor-induced intoxication, she would often do wild things that were entirely contrary to her usual natu
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Turbulent Waters
EvelynI could feel it the entire time—his gaze, unwavering and fixed on me. He looked at me with a total disregard for anyone who might notice, and I didn't know why, but I found it incredibly thrilling. There was something intriguing about it, perhaps not as intense as butterflies and fireworks, but enough to leave a tantalizing trail of sparks all over my skin, everywhere his blue irises touched. The feeling was indescribable.I knew him all too well not to notice his eyes on me. He was like one of those books that initially seemed impossible to understand or get through because of their unique traits and storyline, but eventually became your absolute favourite once you got a grasp of them. For me, I had already read halfway through, and I intended to finish the rest of it in this lifetime."Dude, your man is still looking at you," Nancy remarked, astonishment gleaming in her eyes, "You've smitten him, haven't you? What did you do? Are you giving him a blowjob every single day?"A
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A Startling Turn
EvelynUnbelievable! Both Chloe and Jacob were nowhere to be seen.I was already freaking out. It wasn't as if I didn't trust Jacob, but the truth was that I didn't trust Chloe. However, I fully believed in her ability to manipulate. Even her face said that she was a twisted, manipulative, filthy and fucked-up bitch.What if she ends up creating a distance between me and Jacob? She could, it was not an impossible task for her, given that she and Jacob had been in a relationship for years. It was natural that Jacob would have a soft spot for her, I wouldn't blame him for that, but... I didn't want to lose him. That was the only reason I was freaking out.The last thing I wanted was to find him and Chloe locked up in a room — yes, I feared it. I absolutely feared it no matter how much I trusted Jacob. But he wouldn't cheat on me, would he?God, this is driving me insane.Being disappointed with not finding them on the entire first floor, I headed up the stairs.I swear to god, if I ende
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Broken Hearts
Evelyn"What... what did you say?" I stammered, my hands dropping back to my sides, my eyes fixated on his figure.My heart literally stopped. Yes, I'd felt it skip a beat many times, especially whenever my gaze landed on Jacob. But today, there was something terrifying about the way it ceased to beat. It was as if my entire world had crumbled, and every fiber of my being could only register those few words escaping his lips. Words that I could scarcely believe came from him—the man who, just a few hours ago, had told me that I was the only one he’d ever love.No! This had to be some cruel joke...He couldn't possibly be serious.I watched as he exhaled a sigh, taking a drag and releasing the smoke into the air. His unaffected demeanor was already starting to infuriate me. How could he remain so composed while uttering words that were fucking breaking my heart into a thousand pieces?"I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark, Evelyn. I just can't get over Chloe," My heartbreaker couldn't
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Shattered Illusions
Evelyn"That damn bastard," Mason muttered under his breath, holding me tightly as my tears soaked his shirt. Jennie hugged me from the side, offering me comfort, while Nancy paced back and forth in my room in stress. It was 3 AM when they discovered the whole ordeal. Jennie had come to check on me after failing to reach me through numerous phone calls. When she found me curled up in my room on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, she freaked out and called Mason and Nancy. The truth spilled out from my mouth to prevent the situation from spiraling further out of control."Don't cry, Evie," Jennie kissed my cheek, "We'll find you a better guy than him. He didn't deserve a beautiful girl like you anyway.""He said he loves Chloe..." I sobbed, unable to hold back the flood of tears that had consumed me since the incident with Jacob. My eyes and nose were red and swollen, a clear testament to the heartbreak I was enduring. "It hurts, Jennie. It hurts so damn much. I love him..." I buried
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Lost In Regrets
Evelyn"You...know?" I was flabbergasted, too stunned to utter anything other than this one simple question. My mind felt like it had been thrown off the top floor of a hundred-story building—shocking and terrible.Clara knew...Damn it! I hadn't wanted a single soul to find out before the wedding, and here the bride already knew about my affair with Jacob. What might she think of me? Having an affair with Jacob behind my dad's back. Shit! Shit! Shit!"Yes, Evelyn. I know," she nodded, her voice surprisingly calm, devoid of anger or irritation unlike what I’d expected, “I've seen the way you two look at each other, and how genuinely happy you are around him. I had my suspicions from day one, but it was that day at the hall when you abruptly walked away from your conversation with your mom and he followed you—that confirmed everything for me—I saw both of you at the poolside. I've known for a while, Evie. You don't have to hide anything from me, okay?""Clara...I-I..." I didn't even kn
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Crossed Wires
EvelynThe morning sun's despicable rays fell upon my face, rudely rousing me from the only respite I'd found after last night's ordeal. With a groan, I reluctantly sat up, though I had absolutely no intention of leaving my room. Even now, I could sense the telltale signs of my anguish—red, swollen eyes and a blotchy complexion, the result of countless tears and emotional turmoil.Fuck, men are cruel, especially the ones who effortlessly make you fall in love with them.But Jacob hadn't appeared cruel at first glance..."Stop obsessing over the man who dumped you, Evelyn," I muttered to myself, trying hard to maintain my composure—god, this was just the morning, I couldn’t already lose my shit. But again, it was a struggle not to let my emotions betray me, for inside, I was a whirlwind of pain and confusion. "You've been dumped, face it."I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my dishevelled hair.For a fleeting moment, as I concentrated on my breathing and the warmth of the
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Love Turned Ache
A few moments ago EvelynI was dead wrong when I thought I could spend the whole day convincing myself that Jacob didn't matter anymore. It didn't work. Well, that plan went up in smoke faster than a lit matchstick. Just an hour of soul-searching, and I could tell I was crashing, burning, and falling apart. What stung me the most was that I'd seen it coming, but I still let it happen. I knew he had the power to break me in an instant, yet I trusted him and let myself dive in.I never thought he'd hurt me. How foolish of me!As I thought about the moments we had shared, my mind raced, my heart ached. The thought of losing him terrified me, even though I'd already lost him. Why did it hurt so much? Especially when I'd already lost him. Why?Was it because this was my first heartbreak? Maybe. But in this situation, I felt utterly helpless.How could what we had mean nothing to him? How could he act so cold and distant, throwing away all the promises he made to me like yesterday's news?
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The Pain Of Silence
Evelyn “Do not even fucking think about raising your hand at me, Chloe," I warned her through gritted teeth, my eyes locked onto her trembling hand inching toward her cheek. It was as though she couldn't fathom the slap that had just landed on her face. Well, she'd better believe it because I had no qualms about delivering another if she didn't mind her tongue. "I've dealt with enough bullies in my life to handle a lowlife, cheap filthy, woman like you. And believe me, if you dare to step over that line again, I'll rip that hand right off your body.""What... what did you just say?" Chloe's jaw tightened, her fury evident in the fire that burned in her eyes."Are you deaf or just plain stupid? huh? I snapped back. "You can’t hear me, right? Let me show you—I can actually make you deaf, today if that's what you want. It’ll be fun, I promise.”Before I could advance toward her, a hand shot up, gripping my wrist. It was a touch I knew all too well, one that sent regret surging through m
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