All Chapters of Serenity Rising : Chapter 71 - Chapter 73
73 Chapters
Shut in
Serenity's POVI haven't seen my dad for three days, and I'm starting to panic. He is either locked in his suit or in his office. I know the sentencing must have been hard on him, but for him to shut everyone out for days is a little extreme. I have been trying to keep my distance, as I know it will only hurt him more to see me. me. the cause of all of this. the reason for his pain. I almost whimper with the slice of pain that whips across my chest. the guilt is eating me alive. "Nope," Myles says, pooping me on the nose with his finger. I snap out of my internal war and snap my eyes to his. bloody fool has a goofy ass grin on his face as I scowl at him. "Your father is dealing with things right now and I can promise you, not one of those things is regret or grief over that horrid bitches death. OK?" he asks as he rubs his nose against mine. Myles has utilised the absence of my father over the last few days to be affectionate with me whenever possible. We barely go an hour without
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Drastic Measures
Beta Mylos POV"I know you're trying to be supportive, but you're just pissing me off and getting underfoot... now would you just go. I need peace. " Sam, all but snarls at me, and I heave a loud exasperated sigh. He was hunched over his huge glass topped, metal desk, pouring over paperwork. The dark grey circles around his eyes, and the way his cheeks seem to be sinking in, has us all on edge. Me and the guys are gifted with intuitive connections with our Alpha. It's a large part of what makes an Alpha unit so successful and close. We can tell when he's in danger, pain, feeling fear or anxiety. Since the verdict, we could all feel his stress and anger. It poured off him in waves, and we had all started losing sleep. "Sam, you're officially affecting us all now. Me, and the guys are worried. We can't continue like this. None of us are sleeping because you're up all night drinking your pain away and then wallowing in regret. Do you think we don't feel that? that we don't sit in the ha
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Serenity's POV Uncle Mylo had a point. something needed to be done, but I don't think it's me who needs to do it. He looks at me with a broken soul, only seeing his failure. It's killing me inside because I am his daughter... his heir. I want to see him look at me with pride, but that all went away when I broke our family. 'You didn't break your family, Ren. She did. Maybe we should ask mom what to do? she may have an answer.' Star tells me in my mind, and I have to agree that calling my mom could help. He was chosen to be my dad for a reason. maybe she can knock some sense into him? "Uncle Mylo, you're right. dad is spiralling and causing all of his unit to spiral with him. But... it can't be me who speaks to him." I tell him, and he furrows his brow in confusion."But Ren, you're the only one who can solve this. he is drowning in his own guilt, and it's all focused on you pup. I know it's a lot to ask, but we need to snap him out of this." He says with a hint of panic in his voic
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