Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 1 - Chapitre 10
1 - Is it wrong, if I use my heart for anything?
Zeva was propping her chin on her desk while twirling a small letter in the shape of a maple leaf with a stem in her hand. Here are the contents of the letter."Good morning, my photographer. I have to say goodbye. Starting now, your job is only to take care of your heart for me alone. Take a cue from a maple leaf of its loyalty! See you soon!Your Future,Zero"The small letter was originally just a sticky note. However, now the small letter has been laminated with a maple leaf as the background.Why did Zeva keep it like that? Because the little letter was a relic from someone who could now be said to be someone special in her heart, just like a maple leaf. Yes, Zeva happens to be a maple leaf lover.Who would have thought, that special someone was a man who had just met her face-to-face once? Even though it was only the first time, their first meeting immediately became an unforgettable and memorable moment for Zeva.The reason is, they immediately spent the whole day together and
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2 - A Glimpse of Tight Hugs
As if he heard someone say his name and realized someone was watching, Zero turned his gaze toward the entrance. As soon as he saw that there was a figure of Zeva staring at him, Zero immediately froze and said, "Zeva."Instead of approaching Zero, Zeva turned around and rushed out of the cafe. This made Zero immediately get up from his seat and rush after Zeva."Zeva," said Zero, as soon as he grabbed Zeva's wrist, which made Zeva stop in her tracks."Hey, look at me," asked Zero gently while holding Zeva's chin because Zeva had been looking down as if she didn't want to look at Zero.Once Zeva had looked at him, Zero continued to say, "Why are you running from me?""I should be the one asking you, why are you here?" Zeva asked back, with a breath that was still a little rushed from walking half a run.Zero was silent for a moment. Then, Zero even smiled, which made Zeva frown."Why are you even smiling?" said Zeva in a curt tone."Don't you want to hug me before you shoot me with yo
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3 - Sudden Surprise
"So now you're alone here?" Zero asked Zeva when he arrived in front of Zeva's house.Yes, because it was late, finally Zero took Zeva home. Earlier, Zero asked Zeva to come with him to accompany Liora shopping and sightseeing, because tomorrow they would immediately return to their homeland, Indonesia.Zeva just found out that Zero has been here for three days. The reason Zero didn't tell Zeva that he was here was because of Liora's tight control schedule. So, the main purpose of Zero's return to this time was to accompany Liora for treatment, not to meet Zeva.Realizing that there was no time to meet Zeva, Zero decided not to tell Zeva that he was there. Besides that, Zero also actually planned to surprise Zeva today, because today Liora's control schedule was over. However, in fact, Zero and Zeva both get a surprise meeting naturally, and unexpectedly.During the walk, Liora also often asked Zeva to take pictures of her in spots with views that she thought were good. Liora's attit
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4 - Seconds of The Last Call
Inevitably, as if to represent the meaning of the exclamation, Zeva was really surprised. Moreover, seeing who the figure standing in front of her was now. "Zero," said Zeva. Yes, the person who gave the surprise was Zero. "What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me first?" point Zeva, having managed to control her shock. "It's the rules of giving a surprise. No one wants to give a surprise but tell the target beforehand," said Zero. "Surprise for what? It's not my birthday anymore," said Zeva, who still didn't understand the surprise Zero meant. "Is it true that a surprise should only be addressed to the person who is having a birthday? No, right? If we really want to give a surprise, then we can give it anytime. Especially, for the one who we love," said Zero. "So, where's the surprise?" Zeva asked again."How could you still ask where it is? It's obvious the surprise is right in front of your eyes. I'm the surprise," replied Zero. "Oh, you mean that you are the surpris
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5 - The First Phone Call
Zeva is working with her camera looking at her shots while traveling with Zero and Liora. Of course, there are no photos of herself because Zeva is the photographer. Yeah, that's her consequence of being a photographer. When she gathers or meets people who know her profession, she will always be the target for asking for help to take pictures for them. It's as if her job desk to take pictures is always attached to a photographer, even if she's not on her working time. So there's no need to be surprised why Zeva's photo collection is so minimal. Yeah, once she asked someone else to take a photo of herself, the results did not match Zeva's expectations. In the end, she's too lazy to ask for help to take another photo. Zeva has been pressing the next camera button so far, so that photo by photo appears alternately on the camera screen. Then, Zeva realized that there were more Liora photos with Zero than Liora's photos alone. Maybe for people who don't know that Zero and Liora are
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6 - Interrupted Voice
A faint voice sounded so soft but able to disturb Zeva in her sleep."Hey, honey. Get up, come on. It's morning here."Zeva slowly opened her eyes. Zeva was still half awake, she was confused about whether she was still in a dream or in the real world. The reason is, the voice is the same as the voice in the dream earlier. Zeva only realized that it wasn't a dream after seeing her cell phone lying on her right and the soft voice sounded again, "Zeva."Now Zeva is fully aware that the voice is real, not just in her dreams. Yes, the sound comes from her cell phone. And it was Zero's voice. Last night Zeva silenced Zero when Zero informed her that he could not immediately fly to Canada to meet Zeva according to Zeva's request. The reason is, there are still many things that Zero has to take care of in Indonesia, especially since he just returned from Canada two days ago. This is what Zero said last night, responding to Zeva's request, "Zeva, it's not that I don't want to comply with y
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7 - Being a Professional
"Why are you suddenly here?" Zeva was confused by the presence of Sky who had suddenly sat in the same seat as her. "We've made an appointment. I'm not late, am I?" replied Sky. "Hah? Do not tell …." Because felt so unexpected, Zeva did not finish her sentence. "Don't say what?" asked Sky. "Don't tell me you haven't saved my number?" continued Sky, who even asked back. Getting a question like that, made Zeva speechless. Now Zeva just realized why she felt familiar with this client's phone number. How is it not familiar, in the past, the phone number was already outside Zeva's head? In fact, Zeva made his number the number one emergency call number. "Oh, so you really haven't saved my number. I'm already happy though, you know, you've unblocked my number," said Sky, who took Zeva's silence as an answer that his guess was correct. Yeah, indeed on the day Sky told Zeva that he was going to propose to someone else's daughter, Zeva was angry with Sky. Zeva was angry because all thi
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8 - Keep Her Distance
Zeva was still staring at Sky sharply with her hands clenched into fists. However, Sky couldn't see Zeva's fist because it was covered by Zeva's long outer arm. Even so, Sky could still feel that Zeva was very upset with him from the glint in Zeva's eyes. "Arghh," growled Zeva, then immediately turned right and walked towards the bike tour area. Sky was finally able to expand his smile freely. "It turns out that you are still the Zeva I know Zev, hasn't changed," thought Sky in his mind as he continued to watch Zeva who continued to walk from behind. Then, Sky also stepped foot to follow Zeva. "Why are you following me? Go there, don't bother me. I want to work quietly," Zeva grumbled to Sky when she realized that Sky was walking next to her. "Who wants to bother you? I am a client who uses your services. Yeah, of course, I'm following you to monitor. Aren't clients supposed to always follow you when you're taking pictures?" replied Sky. "Shouldn't you be in the frame?" Ze
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9 - Feel Given a Chance
Zeva's happy expression instantly disappeared. Now Zeva showed her flat expression to Sky. At first, Zeva felt that she could get used to Sky, but because the tone and volume of Sky's voice just now sounded unfriendly and rose in Zeva's ears, Zeva's annoyance at Sky reappeared. "Who's that, Zev?" Zero's voice asked on the other end of the phone. "Zer, sorry, I have to hang up our call. I am at work right now. Please you just continue sleeping if you're still sleepy," said Zeva in response to Zero, then immediately disconnected the phone unilaterally, without waiting for a response from Zero."I know you pay for my services, it's not for free. But… don't you know how to be ethical in reprimanding others?" said Zeva while staring at Sky."Even if you don't want to wait for me to finish the call, you can at least excuse me first, then you reprimand, instead of being outspoken by raising your voice like that to me," continued Zeva, then immediately turned right and continued her steps
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10 - Exclusive Video Call
When Zeva's finger was typing letter by letter on her cell phone keypad, suddenly Zero's profile photo appeared on her cell phone screen accompanied by a ringing tone. This made Zeva instantly freeze. The reason is, this time it's not just an ordinary incoming call notification from Zero, but a video call notification. Yeah, this is the exclusive video call from Zero to Zeva. Zeva's nervousness this time also increased compared to getting the first regular incoming call notification from Zero at that time. "Huaaa, why did he suddenly make a video call like this, anyway? I'm really shabby, I'm already wearing pajamas to sleep like this." Zeva panicked with her appearance. Zeva hasn't commented on her own appearance in a long time. Usually, when video calls with Runa and Gamma, Zeva doesn't take care of her appearance. Even if she hasn't showered or just woken up, she has immediately accepted the video call. In fact, in the past, it was the same when Zeva used to do video calls wi
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