Semua Bab Bride of the Lycan King: Bab 21 - Bab 30
108 Bab
Chapter 20
The back of my legs was aching. I had difficulty breathing and it felt like my vision would fade to black at any moment. But the pain in my left arm wouldn't let me rest. I forced myself to stand straight. My entire world shifted as my foot hit the ground again. My knees buckled and I struggled to catch myself on one arm. The pain flared even worse when I tried to stand upright again.Twenty minutes was starting to feel like an eternity. So many girls had fallen behind me, some were injured, and barely mobile just like myself. The roars of the crowd seemed to echo in my ears. It was hard to concentrate. We had less than ten minutes left and I hadn't set my sights on the finish line. I lifted my head to catch sight of Paige. Her hair was a tangled mess around her face, and tiny bruises littered her skin from the hit she had taken moments ago, but her eyes still shone with determination and concern,"The blade cut you deep," She offered me a hand which I gratefully accepted, "We have to
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Chapter 21
"You're joking!"I was halfway out of the room but Paige's hold on my wrist kept me rooted on my spot. My throat bobbed in a tight swallow, and I fought to get air into my lungs. "Let me go. I have to go speak to her." My gaze was firmly set on the cerulean-coloured curtains surrounding us. I tugged against her iron-clad grip, but she was strong, too strong for my feeble attempt. "You're insane! You passed already! You won, why can't you just accept it!?" The emotion in her voice startled me and I looked over my shoulder at her. She was biting her lip hard enough to draw blood but her eyes were glassy with unshed tears. My heart squeezed painfully as I wondered why she was upset, we hadn't even known each other that long but she was willing to risk her victory for my safety,Why?I opened my mouth to explain, but the words caught in my throat. In truth, I didn't know what to say, I couldn't tell her the truth...however, I couldn't find it in me to lie either. So I remained silent.
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Chapter 22
I had no clue where he was taking me. Heck! I didn't even know anything about the man, but I trusted him, I trusted the reassuring smile he kept throwing at me over his shoulder, the way he gently squeezed my wrist as if telling me that I would be fine. I trusted him and I didn't know if that was a wise decision.We were far away from the West Court now, even from the main Palace, with only trees and shrubs stretching out into a thick canopy of greenery, a forest I hadn't even known Castle Black possessed. The trees were tall, their branches heavy with blossoms and leaves that swayed in the cool breeze. It smelled fresh, almost like a field after rain. A soft, gentle wind tickled the back of my neck. It felt so relaxing… so right. We walked for a while, and my ankle protested with every step but I told myself it would be worth it,Finally, we reached a clearing and a shocked gasp escaped when I realized what I was staring at. My gaze flickered to his grinning face, a proud look on his
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Chapter 23
"Theo."The name slipped out of my lips in a chant, and his hand tightened its hold around my waist. My heart pounded erratically, I was sure he could feel them. I couldn't breathe, my brain felt like it had short-circuited, and my gaze remained fixated on him,Theo "You-" He started to say but the rest of his statement died off, his eyes becoming unfocused. Confused, I pulled back to examine him, his ears were twitching back and forth, his brows furrowed in concentration."Theo?" I called and he blinked, emotion returning to those chocolate-brown orbs. "Is something wrong?""No," He whispered, then shook his head, "No, nothing's wrong." He added, making his voice firmer.I closed my eyes, relishing in the feel of his fingers trailing across my face. He pulled back, the water swishing along with his movements I let my eyes snap open and the look on his face told me what I needed to know,"You have to go, don't you?"He looked sheepish and the sight of him like that unfurled a stran
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Chapter 24
"I have to go. Where's my phone?"I was agitated, my mind racing in fear. I made to leave the room when her voice stopped me,"You're leaving? like that?"I backtracked to the doorway, staring down at her with a frown. One look at my outfit told me what she meant, part of the dress had dried and although the jacket covered much, I still looked like a freak. "Take a shower first." Paige motioned to the open door with her head. I chewed on my bottom lip, pondering whether or not it would be better to take a bath now. Deciding it was wise, I sighed, walked towards the bathroom,Dahlia could wait. I took a bath and had dinner with Paige and some other girls. She shared some funny stories that almost made me forget my situation...almost. I cleared my plate within minutes and gave them a silly excuse about wanting to call my family to break the good news. They'd cheered me up, saying they had done the same thing. The moment I stepped into the garden, for a minute I thought I saw Theo
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Chapter 25
The hushed murmurings of the room slowly grew in volume until they reached a deafening level which caused me to bite hard on my lower lip. After crying myself to sleep last night, I woke up with a nasty migraine and my head throbbed from the noise in the hall. We were unceremoniously woken up from our slumber by the loudspeakers in our room, urging us to gather downstairs for very important information.So here we were, gathered into one huge crowd this morning, and none too happy about it either."Do you think she's ever gonna talk?" Paige questioned, her gaze pinned on the auburn-haired beauty standing on the podium across from us.I rubbed the heels of my palm against my forehead, groaning slightly, "I don't know, Paige." She patted my back sympathetically. "Do you think they'll have some ibuprofen at the infirmary?" "I'm sure they will." I gave her a small smile and she returned the gesture. "Can I have your attention, everyone?" Lady Sarah clapped her hands, gaining the attentio
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Chapter 26
A crazed scream cut through the air, startling everyone. Paige paused the braiding on my hair and I looked toward the source of the noise, Bree was standing at the foot of her bed, her clothes littered all over the ground and a crazed look in her eyes. "Who took it!? WHO!!!?" She swiveled to face us, her dark gaze passing over everyone. Jessica was leaning against the window, phone in hand and a bored expression on her face. Cora was sitting cross-legged on her bed, a laptop resting on her lap and her eyebrows cocked high. Bree's dark-haired friend, Diana, had a weary countenance, as she watched Bree."What are you looking for, Bree?" Diana asked slowly, rising to stand beside the fuming girl. "My necklace!" She yelled, turning to flip her suitcase over, the item landed with a thud on the carpeted ground. "The diamond-encrusted one my father gave me for my last birthday! It's gone!" She faced us once more, pointing an accusatory finger in our direction, "I know one of them too
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Chapter 27
I let my head fall to the ground, my icy blonde hair hung like a curtain shielding my face. It didn't protect me from the vile whispers of the crowd as I passed, the soldiers hold on my arms was unrelenting and it made my muscles throb painfully but I couldn't complain,I had no right to.We arrived at the top floor and I frowned as we approached the familiar mahogany doors. They ushered me into the room, and my wandering eyes took in the beautiful red carpet that covered the center of the room, the chandeliers that hung above my head, the pale wood-paneled walls, and the grand piano in the corner.I was too absorbed in the magnificence of the room to notice when the two guards had left, locking me alone in the office. I moved towards the piano and ran my fingers along the smooth wooden surface. It was beautiful.Dahlia had a piano back home too, she played well, even winning an award last month for the best pianist in our pack. I'd always watched her, hiding behind the stairs or peek
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Chapter 28
I paced back and forth, my sweaty fingers rubbing against each other nervously. My eyes kept darting toward the entrance and each time, the space remained empty. Doubt slowly began to creep in and I wondered if I was doing the right thing,Was he going to show up? And if he did, would he even believe me?The fountain makes splashing sounds as it spouts water from its mouth, the light from the moon above reflected on the surface, making the water resemble glittering gems,I wondered how nobody knew of this place, of the beauty of the fountain, especially at night."I knew I would find you here."My body reacted before my mind did, turning to face the intruder. I instantly relaxed at the sight of Theo walking towards me."Theo," I jogged to meet him halfway, a smile lighting up my features, "You're here."His lips curled into a lopsided grin and he lifted his hand to gently pinch my cheek, "You look excited to see me today. Did something happen, little wolf?" "Come." I wrapped my hand
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Chapter 29
The three of us watched with bated breaths as the figure casually strolled into the room, her head kept darting to the door as if she didn't want anyone to walk in, slowly, she walked over to Bree's bed and kneeled at the foot,Her back was pointing at the camera but it was clear she was struggling to bring out something, the room was dark except for the single overhead lamp illuminating the large space. She succeeded in bringing out the item, a suitcase. We watched as she rummaged through the bag until she found what she was looking for,When she raised it in the air, it was obvious what it was. She rose fast, arranged the suitcase and returned it to its former position. She bounded for her next target…my bed.Her wary form darted towards the door, her shoulders sagging in relief on seeing that no one had walked in. Her next movements were quick, she located my suitcase next, slipping the item into my luggage and locking. She wiped her hands on the back of her jeans, nodding in sati
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