207 Bab
Let's get divorced
“Listen here, woman…" Ryan called out in a loud voice. “I'm sick and tired of your never-ending drama and can't keep up with your attitude anymore. I'm desperately in need of a break from you.”“I see you really do need a break, Ryan.” She blurted out in a grouchy tone, irritated by his choice of response. “This must have been the reason you've been frantically searching for Ciara since all these while, is it not?”Ryan thought he heard her wrong, did those words just come out of Anne? He doubts it. If she really did say the words, how was she able to find out about it? He had told no one about this except his mother.The more he thought about it, there is no way his mother would have ranted him out to Anne —even if she tells on him, definitely not to Anne of all people.‘How then did she find out?’ He pondered, unable to get any tangible reply to his curiosity. For Anne to find out about what was supposed to be between himself and his mother, then there are lots of things he thought
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Sorrows, Prayers
Ryan had left home so late that morning, even without being in the mood to go to work, he was left with no choice to it; coupled with the state of his company —if the sky should fall, he still had to go.The tension in the air was very much unpleasing and Ryan did not like it a bit, but he paid less attention to it —his present mood was likely enough to cause another tension in additional to the already existing one.He did say no word as he walked past the receptionist, finding it hard to respond to her greeting; the receptionist's voice, on the other hand, wasn't as cheerily as it used to sound, something was off about it.Ryan wasn't that daft not to find out, but at that moment, whatever thing that might have happened to request such a reaction from her was far from his business; he didn't want to get himself involved in it.“Where is Miriam?” Ryan, who still couldn't pinpoint the reason behind his question, asked the receptionist in demand. “Has she resumed work already?”“Earlie
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Prodigal Son
Ryan breathed in for the umpteenth times before he was able to gather the supposed courage to face his mother. He tapped on his mother's huge oak door, as usual, ignoring the doorbell, and patiently waited on his mother's reply.“It's not locked, Ryan…" He heard her voice from with in, his face was with that of surprise. She always knew he was the one at the door, and how she was always able to sound that loud was usually enough reason to baffle him.Ryan, putting whatever thought he was having at the moment aside, pushed the oak door instead and walked in slowly like he was trying to watch his steps to prevent him from stumbling.“Ah, Son —you came.” She called out to him like she's been expecting his arrival as her almost aging lips broke into a small smile; even though it was a small smile, it was radiant enough to reach her eyes —it reflects how glad she was to see him again.His mother wasn't sitting in her usual favorite seat, this time, she was standing next to the fireplace an
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Sorrows, Sorrows, Prayers
Ryan should have known better, his mother is barely taken aback by things like this —it's hard to see a surprised reaction on her, maybe she did have but was always quick to conceal it.“…I've seen much relatable situations like this, son —and this won't be the last of it, either…” She always claimed, and Ryan himself, couldn't count how many times he's heard such line from her that he could memorize it even in his sleep.“Aren't you surprised at this, mother?” He unconsciously muttered his question, his brows raised —he was the confused one instead of his mother.“Why should I be?” She asked him, her brows knotted into a tight frown. “There is nothing to be surprised about in it, she left —so what?”“I was seriously expecting much from you, mother.” Ryan muttered with his eyes tightly shut, as he rubbed his fingers on his temples continuously. “The fact that I did not expect this from her makes it even more frustrating.”Mrs. Lerman shrugged her shoulders lightly. “This is very much
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Verge to bankrupt
Ryan could barely sleep throughout the night as he was eager for the day to break, he seemed to be in a haste for something bothering him hard —he was restless and could barely wait for whatever was bothering him to be solved.Immediately he realized it was dawn, he hastily did his morning routine and was ready for work without breakfast —he'll be lucky to have a bite or two before lunch. Ever since Anne had left him, he barely had breakfast and most times, he had to be on an empty stomach until lunch.Though reluctantly and wasn't in the mood to go anywhere for the day, even with his anxious self, he still has the mixed feeling of staying back home. But on the other hand, he needed to get to the office. ******“I don't think we will go ahead with the idea of taking a loan from the bank anymore.” Ryan told Miriam with a straight face that was holding no expression.Miriam was astonished, why did he change plan all of a sudden? Not when the company had concluded that they were going t
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A new dawn
Her walking steps were majestic and graceful as her heels clicked against the marbled floor. Her aura was not the type that no one wouldn't dare notice, and her presence screamed authority.The little boy who seemed to hold her left hand with his grip tightened around it beamed with smiles, the type that was reaching his eyes and doesn't seem like it will be leaving his face anytime soon.He stared around, his gaze roaming the surrounding frantically. He seemed to be looking for someone or something, but soon enough, he was snapped out of his eye search at the sudden voice that came out of nowhere.“Ma'am…" The soft but audible voice called out, and she stopped on her track, same as the little boy, before facing the source of the voice. “Good morning, ma'am.”Instead of a reply, she nodded her head to the greeting in response. “What's the news, Milan?” She requested sharply, her voice was laced with the authority she carried.The lady, whose name turned out to be Milan, nodded curtly
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Awaiting miracle
Ciara knew her son was right with his words, even without wearing any facial expression on him —she knew he was hurt with the way he related his phrase, if not, disappointed. She barely had time since the past few weeks, always occupied with work and meetings.She had, times without number, promised herself to squeeze out time out of her busy schedule for him, but she was mistaken, work wouldn't stop weighing her down, and it seemed to be getting more complex than the previous.Ciara walked up to her son with self guilty as she placed her right palms on his shoulder, patting it. “Don't worry, pumpkin…” She said with an assuring smile. “Mom would surely make it up to you soon, okay…?”“Soon…? When…?” His voice was quick in demand, expecting something more soothing from his mother. “When this mom planning to make it up to me, I'm tired of waiting until forever.”Ciara sighed. “Soon enough, son. Don't you trust Mommy's word?” She asked him slowly, smiling.“Of course, I do. I was only —”
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Reckon days of my enemies
Ciara's staff had called her attention to a company putting a notification up in a newspaper for the interest of shareholders and investors for itself.Since the past few months, Ciara's main interest aside the goals she set, aside for her company, was being a shareholder in order company who are willingly giving part of their company up for this —and the staff, having seen a related article, decided to call her boss's, Ciara, attention to it.Ciara opened to the mentioned page and had barely spent a few seconds on it, her facial expression crackled as it dropped to its least, her brows were creased with astonishment as well as curiosity.She was balled over as she found it hard to believe her eyes and felt like she was the one seeing things. What she saw on the page was enough to throw her off guard —it's far more than what she had expected.“Okay. This can't be true.” She muttered to herself, shaking her head like she was trying to wade off illusion from her head. “This definitely i
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Ciara came out of the car alongside Herzl, who seemed to be excited to see his uncle after all this while, with his face beaming with smiles as it always does.“Its been ages, little sister.” Dwayne uttered with a wide smile that was reaching his eyes immediately he saw Ciara approaching him.Ciara shook her head slightly in disapproval. “Not that long, like you've assumed.” She replied, reciprocating the smile and giving him a warm embrace.“Yeah, I know.” Dwayne nodded before turning his attention to Herzl, who did not bother to interrupt their exchanging of pleasantries. “What's up, young guy?”“I'm good, uncle Dwayne.” Herzl uttered airily in response with a positive nod. “You stopped visiting us all of a sudden, why? I missed seeing you around, uncle.”“I have been busy all this while, you know I won't just forget you like that —not my precious big guy, no?” Dwayne told him, ruffling his hair affectionately, and his next question was directed at his sister. “Ciara did you not tel
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Triumphant of my ex husband
The early morning sun peeped from the horizon, after several couples of minutes since dawn, casting its warm yellow hues over the quiet two-storey building in downtown States.Ciara's face was clouded with impatience, knowing she had lots on her table in the office as it was an early Monday morning, but Herzl, who suddenly found pleasure in picking his meals, seemed to be the one holding her back.On most Mondays like this, Ciara was always reviewing proposals or attending to business meetings, it was always a hectic day to start the week with, and she didn't want to go late.“Come on, Herzl…" She drawled, almost whining as she realized she'll be late to work, which she dreaded the most. “Eat up, little guy, else we both will run awfully late —it's Monday morning, running late should be off the plan.”Herzl did not reply to his mother nor shake in response, instead, he pretended not to be the one being referred to. Ciara was left with no choice than to let him finish, since he wouldn'
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