All Chapters of I Was Always Yours: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
43 Chapters
The soldiers came late in the day, grim and unwavering. Everyone had expected them, but their appearances, led by a cold-eyed colonel who has been a terror in the community, was still shocking. The men of the house went out to meet them, while the daughters and their mother stayed back and watched with fear.Samara glanced through the kitchen window with panic. Rafael her brother, lurked just outside the door. He caught her eye and made an urgent gesture, she must hide. She nodded to him, but didn’t budge. She wanted to see everything.“To what do I owe this honor?” Her Father spoke, feigning a smile.The colonel looked at him spitefully, “This is not a pleasant visit”.Samara could see her Father tremble at the colonel’s voice. She felt bad. She has brought this upon her family with her uncouth attitude towards the officers earlier in the day when she had gone to pick oranges. Samara was on her way home when she had heard a sound come in on the wind, voices and a soft mewling. Unab
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Chapter one
If he had been asked, Colonel Frederick Smyth could have put his hand on his heart and sworn that he had never met anyone as ravishingly beautiful as Samara Noel. She was beauty personified, from her pretty face, with a bright calling eyes, her well sculpted pointy nose, broad high temple, high cheek bones, curvy luscious lips, and piano keys-like dentition, to her curvy body and very smooth light skin. She was perfection.As a child, Frederick was not a good looking boy. He was chubby, and had a huge round stomach. He was always bullied by his mate. When he became a teenager, he had lost some weight, but his face was filled with acne. He was still taunted and mocked by both boys and girls of his age. No one wanted to be friends with him. Frederick felt so inferior among his mates, that he swore he was going to find a way to measure up, and even get better than them. When an opportunity to join the army came, he grabbed it. He needed so bad to excel at something. And so he did. Frede
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Chapter two
NEVER… NEVER… NEVER…Samara kept screaming in her head as she returned home after meeting with the Colonel. She had heard many awful things about the Colonel, but after today she was sure they forgot to mention that he was also a Mad Man. If not, then how on earth did he think of making such a proposal? Or the worst that he expected that she would accept? “Why are you talking to yourself?” Samara looked up to see who had spoken to her. She was totally lost in her thoughts that she didn’t realize she was not alone. A young handsome man stood before her, and she was caught aback for few seconds. He looked like a model, with thick dark brown hair and vivid eyes; Samara remembered thinking that a man with a face like his should be short, just to keep the scales balanced. Instead he was tall and had a casual masculine grace that could draw any feminine eye to him. His looks were wholly masculine. “Why are you talking to me?” She asked after regaining her composure and giving him a good
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Chapter three
“Do you even know what effect you’re having on me right now?”Damien said as he leaned in and gently caressed Samara’s lips with his. The softness of her lips took him by surprise. Samara looked up at him with her beautiful eyes, not moving away as her lips parted slightly, inviting him. The touch of their lips kindled something in him as he fully claimed hers and sunk into a deep kiss. The kiss lasted longer than he intended, but he couldn’t pull himself away. Instead he pulled her close, and she willingly gave herself to him. His hands began to slip beneath her dress, feeling the warmth of her bare skin, at this point they were both breathing hard, as he could feel her body trembling as his hands moved higher under her dress, slowly lifting it up, revealing her body to his eager eyes.“Damien! Your breakfast is getting cold”. His mother’s voice from the living room woke him up.Damien opened his eyes, stunned by his dream. His heart was still pounding, as he remained on the bed reel
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Chapter four
If Damien Kesley could make a wish, he would wish that the clock spin backwards to when he met her. A shiver rolled through him, rattling the spikes along his spine as he pictured her face. She is a natural beauty, with her shiny jet black hair and killer figure, her softly upturned nose and stunning hazel eyes. But it’s not just her looks. She has a sharp wit too, beauty and brain.Damien shook his head in disbelief as he sat by a tree just by the same spot he had met her yesterday. If he had ever been told that he would be this anxious just to meet a woman again, he would have doubted it. Under normal circumstances, this shouldn't bother him, he was the one who usually had such effect on people and not the other way round. This time though it was different, she was different.Tall, dark and handsome, Damien Kesley was the type of man that got ladies drooling. He has never put effort into getting or wooing a woman. They all came to him themselves. But she was different. The beautifu
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Chapter five
As Samara Noel walked down the aisle arm in arm with her father, she struggled not to breakdown in tears. She looked very beautiful with her hair arranged in an elaborate style on top of her head, and her immaculate white wedding gown swished almost silently on the carpet aisle.The whole setting was breathtaking and close to perfect. It was like something cut out of her romance novels. The church was beautifully decorated with red and white roses. Her younger sister Callista was busy sprinkling some of the rose petals on the aisle, while her bridesmaid stood with huge smiles on their faces, looking gorgeous in their flowing scarlet knee length dresses.Samara tried to mirror their smiles, but found herself crying instead, as the tears she fought to hold back slipped down her eyes silently. Everything was perfect except for the man she was getting married to. Colonel Frederick Smyth was the last man on earth she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She thought as she finally let
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Chapter six
Samara shivered as fingertips trailed along her skin. Her inside flutters at the feel of his warmth against her body. There was something possessive about it, something claiming. She liked the feeling.Why has she been so afraid of this before? She turned her head to face him and found him staring at her, his stare intense.Their feet touched as he pressed against her, and her heart hammered as a flash of pleasure at the touch of his hard swollen member grazing her abdomen, rushed through her. She let herself stay like that, connected to him. It felt like an offer. And an acceptance. He placed his hands on her thigh and she quickly sucked in her breath in response, then she saw the gown she wore riding up, as he makes room for his fingers to edge higher."Want to enjoy it more?" He murmurs in her ears with a seductive voice, the expression on his face, intense. Her body trembled at his words as she closed her eyes against the surge of heat she felt as his hands rode higher and closer
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Chapter seven
"Samara..."Colonel Frederick spoke softly to his wife who stood by the door to bid him farewell on his new mission. There was an ongoing civil unrest in a neighbouring state, and a peace enforcement mission has been assigned to his unit. The thought of not being around Samara for a few weeks didn't sit too well with him. Everyday he spent with Samara as his wife, made him fall even deeper in love with her. His only wish was for her to meet him halfway."Please take care of yourself”. He says and kisses her lightly on the forehead, and to his great surprise she lets him. She just stood quietly by his side lost in her own thoughts. She has been acting a bit differently ever since they moved to the city. She no longer makes nasty comments about her hatred for him. Things were seeming a bit hopeful in their marriage, but she was yet to open up to him. He was willing to give her time. They had forever to get there."Samara, are you okay?" He asked with worry laced in his voice, wondering w
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Chapter eight
If there was one thing Damien Kesley hated to do, it was definitely shopping. As much as he didn’t mind being surrounded by beautiful women and having them drooling at him, the thought of going through clothes to select the best fit was a onerous task. He wondered what thrilled ladies about it. It was a tedious chore, and could take the whole day. But he had promised Sebastien he was going to help pick out the suits they would wear to meet his prospective in-laws. Since they wore the same size, it wouldn't be difficult.His best friend and partner in crime has finally decided to tie the knot, and has gotten engaged to his lover. Leaving him the only bachelor in his circle of friends. Damien has always envisioned marriage and children. He was thirty, a successful architect, and a good looking man who could get any woman of his choice, but he still enjoyed the chase and attention. He was also convinced he hasn’t met the woman that could make him commit. Well, there was one woman though
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Chapter nine
For a moment Samara just stood by the car contemplating what Damien had asked. Her driver, Sylvester who had stepped out of the car immediately he sighted her come out of the mall, stood too, looking at her quizzically, wondering what was wrong with her.Finally, she made it to the door, and Sylvester stepped up to it as he grasped the door handle and pulled it open for her."Is everything ok Ma'am?" He asked concerned."Take me home". Samara said dryly, and he quickly closed the door of the passenger seat before turning back around to his driver's seat. As he started the engine, Samara shook her head slowly. She didn’t know if seeing Damien again was such a good idea. All of a sudden the thought made her apprehensive. She knew deep down she wanted to see him again. In fact she was looking forward to it just a little bit too much…and that was really scary.The journey home would take about twenty minutes, but the silence in the car was deafening, and she needed some sort of noise to d
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