All Chapters of The Luna Who Wants Everything: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
98 Chapters
11. Freya
How was this possible? Zeke isn’t my mate, yet my body is on fire for his touch. This isn’t what they teach you. Every shifter knows only your true mate turns your blood to a terrifying mix of ice and fire. Racing through every cell and lighting you up like dynamite. Does he feel the same? Do I have a secret second wolf, or am I just really into long-haired grumps whose eyes glimmer in the dark? The sensation of his lips against mine is making me push closer into his body and the bike. I blank my mind to the many, many problems I am creating through my own insatiable curiosity.Despite having a firm grip on my hips, Zeke pulled away first. With only the headlamp of the motorcycle, I could just see the green flashes hurtling through his irises. Stunning, wild, and hungry, their unique glow was imprinted in my memory already. Holding me so tightly, pinned against his thigh and the side of the bike./Say something/ Livi exclaimed, but I wanted to see what Zeke did. Which turned out to
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12. Zeke
“Maddox what the hell are you doing here?” He inspected underneath his black boot with disdain. “Why the fuck am I walking through gore? I thought this was a safe house!” “Not that safe if you know about it,” I snapped back. “Answer the question.” “Who the hell is this!” Finn’s surly voice cutting through. Yes the lump had fought well but I can’t trust him yet. The temptation to see how he handled six wolves on his own was almost entirely a military decision. Almost. Not that seeing him receive a few bites would have felt like sweet revenge for how poorly he's treated Freya. /But look how we just treated her/ Rush snarled, still absolutely furious with me for pulling away. The kiss that somehow froze and ignited my very soul in a heartbeat. I didn’t talk to her because I had nothing to say. No words could explain just how dangerously she’s flung me towards the borderline of sanity. She might have a mate, she may well be a Luna. But now, she is the most important thing in my wo
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13. Freya
Stroking up and down his stomach, fingertips resting on his hip was irrestible. If a kiss sent sparks down to my toes what would kissing the rest of him feel like? That heady red-wine scent smells devious. It makes my mind conjure up images of gripping his hair, placing his face where I want it. Being in control for a change. He’s nothing like Phillipe, where everything had to be on his terms. My pleasure was assumed to be a result of his. Not even the mate bond can pull off that miracle every time. Livi teasingly reminds me how his stiffening cock thrummed against my body after brushing past him in the doorway. He wants me but he’s fighting it. The idea of him giving in, just pulling me into his hold forces me to shift and adjust on the back of the bike. Then I asked him to take me to Rising Star. His voice lowered, a hint of confusion. “I’d have to clear it with Alpha Cillian, work out to get you there safely but…if that was what you wanted.” “I don’t want to go back to Phillip
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14. Zeke
So I caved. Climbing that rope ladder like a man possessed I’d warned Rush not to push it. Not to get swept up in that delicious, lingering orange blossom that made me want to just get on my knees and worship her. Now as she rested her head against my chest, her quivering breaths making me want to do it all over again a curious silence washed over us. The line had been well and truly crossed. I swore to myself I would protect her, not fall for her. It was worth it though. Watching her face bea as she gave out her daring requests. Those perfect little moans, the ruby glimmer in her eyes. Chasing that spark up and down her body. Feeling all those gorgeous, sensual curves that have been placed in my direction entirely to taunt me. Her nipples through that silk top had been lethal. I twisted my fingers deviously as I withdrew from her soaked core, forcing a final little groan of pleasure that I savoured. My cock was fit to burst but that wasn’t what this was about. She asked if I was
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15. Freya
Waking up on the hard floorboards left me with aching shoulders and hips. I wasn’t surprised to find Zeke gone, but I still puffed out my cheeks and sighed at the lonely little nest he had abandoned me in. I was thankful I had time to place the amulet in the lining of his jacket before all the passion spilled over. It made me feel a little better, knowing he had some protection out there in the world. Maybe I’m an idiot. Foolishly optimistic that I would not be in such danger again. Visions of Zeke being my knight in shining armour, had possibly got me carried away.I hauled the rope ladder up, wondering just how safe I really was if my screams had carried through the forest. Because I was seriously loud.Because it was so good. Unbelievable, forget-my-own-name good.Livi emerged, having been rather quiet during my time with Zeke.Silently pottering around, unpacking the food and drink I hold counsel with my inner wolf spirit. /Do you hate me for cheating on Phillipe?//I feel sorry f
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16. Zeke
There are a few raised eyebrows when I finally pull into Cragstone. Finn and the blonde Sawyer sport smug grins as I pull up just before the packhouse. The others stood around staring with awe up into the Goddess tree. To be fair it’s not often you see a gigantic tree bearing three kinds of fruit emerging from a well in the centre of a town. The pears remain rotten, we assume until Phillipe falls they will never be edible. So yeah I might be an hour later than planned, they can fucking shut up about it /Don’t lose your cool because you’re flustered over her/ Rush warned. /She might not hate us after reading that book/ /If you think that’s likely you’re a fool/ I snap back, throwing myself into leader mode. Before I can start whipping these bulky monsters into shape the double wooden doors of the packhouse fly open and a copper haired whirlwind lunges towards me. “ZEKE! It’s been so long!” cried Matilda. With zero regality she wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace. Our L
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17. Freya
The Zeke staying away causes my agitated, already paranoid mind to be consumed by two main thoughts. One, trying to work if he is avoiding me. Or hurt in the war. Perhaps he is working on assigning me to someone else. Maybe me literally throwing myself at him wasn't the best move after all. Why else would he not come back? My body literally ached for him to return, surely he must be feeling the same? How does anyone become a monk and survive on their own agonising thoughts alone? Then I think of that journal and wince. I shouldn’t want him to come back at all. If he does I am meant to hurl abuse at him, call him a vile pig, a chauvinist bastard? But the man who held me close on this wooden floor doesn’t resemble that book. So therefore, can someone really change? And if Zeke can change for the better…can Phillipe? Am I being hasty in running from my mates worst period if I am so eager to find redeem Zeke? Or am I just going crazy up here? /Crazy/ Livi confirms. I hate my bra
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18. Zeke
The note did not lie. Shadowlands main line of defence was wiped out. A complete massacre. I noticed Finn and the recruits paling as we found the reserves shoring up defences. It had taken over a day of constant travel, but now as the afternoon drew to an end we found ourselves staring at devastation. Myself and Briss simply inhaled, squared our shoulders and strode forward. Beta’s cannot crack. However the forest could not disguise the realities of war. Thick, jagged claw marks branded the tree trunks. The fabric tents were either burnt or smashed to pieces, strips of khaki fabric tangled in branches. Blood still stained the leaves on the floor, the metallic tang making Rush wince. Riley, a tall, chiselled young Beta who'd only just risen through the ranks dashed towards me. "Beta Zeke! Who have you brought?" his blue eyes flicking towards the intimidating pair of Tucker and Finn. Tucker's long black braids and dark eyes brooded over the scene whilst Finn's huge size, wrapped i
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19. Freya
I do not know whether he intended to but Cillian fell asleep on the decking. I slunk off to the small shelter in the centre of the treehouse to scowl at the letter, leaving him leaning over the railing. A soft patter of rain struck up, somehow lulling me to sleep. The treehouse is quite waterproof. The canopy of leaves is so dense barely a drop makes its way onto the decking. It meant I was surprised to be woken by the grunting snores of a restless Alpha when dawn hit me. It seemed cruel to wake him. He lay on the wooden floorboards, sprawled like an annoying stray cat. Every so often he would mutter, clearly lost in a deep dream. The same few words, “Matilda,” “my love,” kept bursting from his agitated sleeping form. I felt like an invader, his tortured, lovelorn murmurs of adoration were certainly not intended for my ears. The night's rest had not improved my opinion of Nikoai’s letter. To enter a marriage of convenience to this random replacement, Gustav, or to be a friendly b
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20. Zeke
The battle was relentless. No tactics, just desperate, ragged survival? Cillian and I charged straight into the carnage. I just goy my jacket off, flung to the floor before the first Hybrid got the drop on me. The risk of having so many new recruits; enemy scents were not obvious. A risk clearly being exploited by Rising Star. Cillian and I fought as a pair, just as we had taught the recruits. To take on a hybrid solo meant death. For hours Shadowlands fought for survival. Chased up and down the valley, darting in between trees, never able to catch a breath. The howls were deafening. Especially the ones of agony. We struggled with one grey-furred hybrid. With its golden eyes flashing we knew its original spirit’s human had been one of Rising Star’s prize Beta Warriors. This bastard was savage. As it resisted defeat it struck out in fury to claw and maul my shoulder. I howled in agony before twisting around to help Cillain. I ripped apart its underbelly, clawing into the glossy red,
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10 Protection Status