All Chapters of No Cure For The Poisoned World: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
38 Chapters
In the dark
A long hour of decontamination later that Vincent settled into his own bed. A journal in hand as he leaned back against the headboard. Jotting down notes of his patient's health. Tuck slept soundly in a twin bed opposite of his, and Audi on his own cushion beside it. The dog eyed the room before curling up on his bed. Vincent closed his journal after several minutes, placing it on a nightstand to his left. Trading it for one of Doctor Isla's journals which he kept in the drawer. In silence, he began sifting through the pages. Taking in memory of its contents until his eyes finally droop. Sleep takes him, like the breeze takes a candle's flame. Hours into the night, a quarter moon was at its peak over their Florida home. The only sound was the night air as it flowed through wild trees and grasses. The moon was near its fall when Cole got out of bed. Heavy with sleep, she peeked toward the bathroom. Her eyes half open as she drags her feet in the direction. Cole relieved her bladder
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nowhere to go
"Vin… Vin… BLONDIE!" Tuck's voice calls eagerly from his right. Vincent stirred awake, lifting his head to see that Tuck was pointing at his wrist. Where a similar tech wristlet was beeping away. "Could you turn that off? Jeez…" Tuck groans, rubbing his tired eyes as he was about return to bed. "Oh god…" Vincent stares at his wristlet, which showed an increase in his patient's heartrate. "Why is she awake?" He mumbled, forcing himself to sit upright. "It's 2am… Cole's never up this early." "She probably having a nightmare." Tuck guesses, throwing himself back in bed. Vincent chewed his lip as he thought about it. Eventually, he laid back down and silenced the wristlet. -- "SOMEONE!" Eris opened his eyes, instinctively pulling out his pistol from his clutter. Natalie did the same as she slipped from their bed and entered the hall. "That was Cole!” Tuck came out of his room but was yanked back in by his collar. "Don't leave the room". Vincent blocks him quickly and shuts the doo
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Cole turns her head, spotting one of the thieves crawling on the slate of the roof. Her heart began to pound harder, Cole had nowhere else to go. "I'm- I'm infected!" Cole shouts, putting up her palms in a warning for the woman to keep her distance. To her surprise, the woman pulls out a sharp weapon. "Lies". She spat. "We've been watching this place for weeks now… No one lives this long with the corruption. We know what it does and we know who made it". "Who made it?" Cole mumbles, carefully moving away from the window. "What are you talking about?" She questions, secretly hoping to stall long enough to figure something out. “The missile? The weapon unleashed by fools with power. It's the reason we're forced to fend for ourselves and eat scrap". The woman stalked closer and closer, while Cole backed away. Sliding herself further up the slate until she could go no farther. "People like you. The 'important people' with all the resources are the reason we are left to die… While the re
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Cole sucked in a breath, and without another thought, threw herself forward. Flashes of her past flood her mind. Like looking at shiny gold treasures in a chest. Cole remembered the moments when her parents smiled, when her sister giggled, when things were simple, safe and beautiful… Her ears filled with distant flutters of bird wings. Until the flutters became pops again and murmurs became shouts. "COLE!" All at once, her gray eyes opened, and the full moon’s glory filled her vision. "COLE WHERE ARE YOU?" A voice shouts. Cole's heart pounds as she realizes it was Tuck shouting for her. She frantically looked around, seeing that she had indeed landed on the terrace. While her attacker lay unconscious on a broken table; which was crushed under his weight. "COLE!" Another shout makes Cole turn her head to the right, finding the house door. Right away she knew Tuck was checking every room on the third floor. The floor creaked, drawing her gaze left again. Cole's gray eyes went wi
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Loud shouts and sounds of fists colliding with flesh. They echo within the otherwise peaceful darkness of Cole's mind. Until her lips opened to receive air. Cole sucked in a huge breath, coughing out again as she regained consciousness. Cole's vision was hazy at first and she was unable to recognize the moving shadows in front of her.Time stretched as Cole’s mind takes in the sight of her surroundings. Cole fixed her gaze on someone bursting through the door. Heavy boots land on the wooden floor of the terrace. It was Tuck. He shouts something, but his voice sounds submerged and echoes repeatedly in Cole’s mind. As if he were shouting through a flooded tunnel. His eyes pinned on Cole's body that lay slumped against the rail. His brown eyes fill with terror as his lips part again. Exhaling breath through bloody lips. Cole could tell he'd been through hell and back. Reddened parts of his skin drew her gaze. As if someone had clawed him from head to toe, Tuck's clothes were torn, and hi
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A moment passes. Then another, as Cole mentally processes what happened. Turning her head to see the man, Lucas, lying in a pool of his own blood with a piece of a chair leg nearby. The wooden thing was stained at one end. Immediately Cole knew what the Doctor had done…"Oh my god...""Breathe Cole". Vincent touches her cheek again. Guiding her vision away from the sight when her breathing becomes feverish."V-Vin… M-My window". Cole tries to speak, starting to feel the pain in her bones. In her mind, she remembered the trio that broke into the house."I know". Went Vincent. "They broke in. It'll be over soon"."Come here". Vincent carefully lifts Cole to sit up. One hand slipping to cradle the back of her neck, while the other supports her back. Vincent let go, but not for long when Cole began to tilt. She breathed feverishly while her gaze shifted around. As if she were unable to tell (up) from (down.) "Tuck, get the door". Vincent tells him, lifting Cole from the floor. "Cole stay
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eyes I'll never forget
"AHH!" Natalie's scream pierces through noises of gunfire. The sound reaches Eris, who rushed from his spot near the front door. Into the living room, where Natalie was pinned under a man who hasn't met him yet. Eris yanks him off, slamming him to the floor and beating him in a rage. Natalie got up, firing shots toward the yard as she neared Eris. "They're retreating! Eris! Those bastards have our supplies!" Standing up straight, Eris stood over the unconscious man and glanced at the window. Then at Natalie. "You're injured". he says, looking at a bullet wound in her left arm. "It's just a flesh wound". Natalie sniffles as she casually reloads her silver pistol. "I'll be fine…" She exhales, but Eris could tell she was trying to hide her pain. "Let's go get our stuff back". Natalie takes the lead and heads for the door. -- Curled up on the floor, Cole holds her sore stomach while the intruder reaches down for the weapon. Only to be shoved into another wall. Cole turned her head t
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morning light
Cole lay in bed, eyes open and staring blankly at the white ceiling. The room was filled with morning light. She breathed lightly, waiting for whatever analgesic Vincent gave her to finally kick in.Eventually, it did. The soreness in her bones was nonexistent, except for some slight stinging in her right thigh.A bag of blood dangled to the left of the bed. The intravenous tube extended carefully to the bed. Vincent eyed the blood as it travels through the tube. Cole observed the side of his face that was partially protected by the mask. A red streak on his skin showed beneath his jaw. As if someone had attempted to strangle him…Cole turned her face away before he could see the tears spill from her eyes. She breathed deep and willed herself to stop. Though her heart remained sore.The sting of fluid didn't help as Vincent started cleaning her smaller injuries.Once it was over, Vincent put away his kit and ordered Tuck to stay with the patient. Whatever was going on outside kept eve
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the men we are today
"Cole". Eris's husky voice was calm, but Cole knew he was upset. "I know I can't force you to eat… These things aren't easy. My hope is that someday, when the world is healed, you and Tuck will get to be kids… Get together, stay out late, rise early for school, have holidays too… I think you remind him of his best friend. They got separated when she contracted". Cole curiously lifts her gaze. Eris stops a moment, catching himself before he reveals too much. "I'm only telling you this so you will understand what will happen. When Tuck finds out you're not eating, and from the looks of it". Eris glances below her eyes, where dark circles were already formed. "Not sleeping either". Eris took one more look at Cole, who appeared to be in her own thoughts. He stood and began pulling out the kit. For the first time, Eris was the one performing the treatment. "Why are you helping me?" Cole found herself asking. "I thought you hated me". Eris froze mid-setup and turned to look at her. Imme
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he stayed the night
"I…" Cole blinked nervously, looking down at her hands in shame. Even though Vincent showed no sign of anger. "I think I overslept."Vincent was quiet and had an air of calm surrounding him. His seated form shadowed hers. Vincent was wearing a pair of dark blue trousers and the protective mask covering his face. Seeing he was shirtless and with wild hair of his own. Cole guessed he rolled out of bed and slipped on a mask. It wasn't proper protection, but Vincent did not seem to care."Vin, if you get sick, I'll never forgive myself". Cole spoke, peeking up at him. "You should go put s-something else on".Vincent took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he extended his other arm. Reaching, he cups her chin in his hand and brings her gaze to his again. "There are worse things to die from…" He says, chewing on his lip as a thought crossed his mind. Cole read the look in his green eyes as they traveled to the bruises on the side of her face. Pain surfaced in them, darkening the light
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