All Chapters of A Breeder For The Golden-Eyed Alpha: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
117 Chapters
A N D R E A “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked in an angry voice, still not able to comprehend that she was really here. “C-can I come in?” She asked, her voice below a whisper. Without thinking, I opened the door wide open for her, allowing her to step into the light. It was only then I noticed the large bruise on her left cheek and the tears streaming down her face. My body stiffened as I walked closer to her, taking a good look at the bruise that was already getting purple. “Who did this to you?” I demanded angrily, feeling my blood boil with rage. “N-no… no one,” She answered, avoiding my eyes. “Breanna,” I said in a hard tone that sent shivers down her spine, “I need to know who did this to you.” My eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and fury. Without thinking, I turned towards the door, ready to storm out but a hand grabbed mine, stopping me. “No, Andrea, it's no use. He's... he's not someone you can fight.” “And who the fuck is he?” I growled, snatching my
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A N D R E AMy eyes widened in shock, unable to comprehend what was happening. I didn't push her away. I know I should, but I couldn't. Why?That was a question I couldn't answer.Shaking off every rational thought from my head, I grabbed her neck and kissed her back. Hard. My grip tightened on her neck and she moaned as I deepened the kiss, our lips moving with an intensity that sent electric shocks coursing through my body. It was a collision of desire, a whirlwind of passion that consumed us both.Breanna's hands found their way to my waist, pulling me closer, and I felt the heat radiating from her body. My own hands, seemingly of their own accord, traveled up her back, feeling the smoothness of her skin beneath my fingertips. The kiss grew more heated, our bodies pressed against each other, fitting together as if they were meant to be.My mind was clouded with a mix of confusion and longing, torn between the sensations that flooded every inch of my being and the realization that t
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A N D R E AA pained hiss slipped past my lips as I stumbled from the words, into the pack. Thankfully, no one was in sight as I walked. I wasn't ready for the questions or curious glances I was going to get.I placed a hand on my heavily bleeding shoulder, my mouth curling into a wicked grin at the thought of what I had done to them. I had done so much worse. Making sure no one could see me, I made my way further into the pack. It was already late at night, everyone should be asleep by now and that would give me easy entrance without being seen.But as they say, not everything goes as planned right? I just had to see her. Again. I came to a complete halt as a pair of hazel eyes stared at me in shock. “Andrea?” Her voice was filled with confusion and concern.“I'm starting to think you only operate at night.” I gritted out through the pain. “What the hell are you doing out at this hour?” “I should be asking you the same,” She retorted, raising a brow at me. “Are you okay?”“Do I no
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D E L I L A HThe next two months passed by blissfully well and before I knew it, I was already four months pregnant. I marveled at the way my body was transforming, nurturing a tiny life within me. The feeling of new life growing inside me brought a sense of wonder and awe that I could never have imagined. As each day passed, I became more connected to the tiny being growing in my womb, feeling its gentle movements and imagining the person it would become.I could still remember the first time I actually felt the baby move inside of me, it was an unexplainable feeling that brought tears of joy in my eyes.Azriel and I were laying in bed and just enjoying each other's presence when I began feeling tiny movements in my abdomen. I had thought it was one of my little cramps that I tend to have, but when it became frequent, realization suddenly hit me that the baby was actually moving inside of me.I hadn't wasted time in taking Azriel's hands and placing them on my slightly protruding
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D E L I L A HMy heart beat quickened as Azriel and I walked hand in hand in where my supposed mother was. I had earlier called Nana Alma and informed her about this new situation. I couldn't wait for her to come because I obviously couldn't bear this alone.Azriel's grip on my hand tightened as we entered the pack's border and the guards directed us to where she was. My hands felt sweaty as I saw a mop of brunette hair that looked so similar to mine. The woman's back was turned to me, so I couldn't properly see her features. Right on cue, her head snapped towards us and my breath got caught in my throat and I paused.For a moment, I thought I saw rage swirling in her green eyes that were so similar to mine but it was as if I was seeing things because not even a second later, her eyes were rapidly blurring with tears as she approached us.“Oh my dear,” Her voice was soft as she pushed past the guards and rushed towards me. But before she could reach me, Azriel stood in front of me, st
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A Z R I E LI was quick to catch Delilah as she staggered on her fit, tears streamed down her face as she looked at me softly. “H-how could she? H-how could she do such a thing, Azriel? K-killing her own sister out of jealousy? How wicked can people be?” She placed her arms on my back and cried into my shoulders.I rubbed her back gently, not knowing what to say. I was stunned. How was I supposed to console her for the loss of her parents when I didn't know how to? I tightened my arms around her, running my hands through her soft hair. Sobs wracked through her body, and I could feel the pain in her every breath. I may not have known the exact words to say, but I knew that sometimes actions spoke louder than any speech. I wanted to be there for her, to provide comfort and solace in any way I could.I gently led Delilah to the nearest couch, urging her to sit down. I knelt before her, placing my hands on her rounded belly, feeling the warmth and life inside of her. The baby kicked and
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A Z R I E L“One thing. Just one fucking job I gave y'all and you failed yet again!” The guards flinched at my tone of voice.“But Alpha–” With lightning speed, I was in front of him, holding his neck in a death grip. His eyes widened in horror as he tried to struggle from my hold but it was pointless.“This should be the last fucking time you ever interrupt me while I'm talking, I think I've gone too easy on y'all and you suddenly forgot how it used to be around here.” He gasped, his eyes filled with fear and I tightened my grip on his neck before releasing him.His hands protectively wrapped around his neck as he coughed. He backed away from me, falling to his knees. I looked at them passively, my fist clenched. “I think I asked a fucking question,” They moved back a little in fear. “Are y'all fucking deaf?!” I yelled in frustration when I didn't get a response from them. Just as I decided that they were all as good as dead, Nolan decides to step in. He touched my shoulder which I
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My blood grew cold as I kicked the door open. The house was a fucking mess. I immediately walked upstairs to our room, but it was empty.The living room was a complete mess, the couch was hanging upside down. The table was shattered to the ground and I could see little drops of blood on the floor. She had clearly struggled. My fists clenched at the thought of her being hurt and the baby… fuck. I searched every nook and cranny of the house but it was empty. I turned to Nolan and Kameron who had just come out of the room, obviously searching for her too. “She's gone…” Nolan whispered quietly, cautiously taking a step closer to me.“Fuck!” I cussed, punching the wall and not even wincing as the pain spread through my wrist. “That bitch took her! That fucking bitch took her!” I yelled, punching the wall repeatedly.I pushed them away from me as they tried to separate me from the wall. “Calm down, Azriel! We're going to get her back!” Kameron yelled, pulling me away. I turned around and
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A Z R I E L My head snapped towards him as soon as her name fell out from his lips. “You're kidding, right?” “She's the only option we have right now. I think you need to let go of whatever feud you have with her for now and just focus on the most important thing, which is bringing back your mate.” I shook my head, clenching my fist. “The last thing I need is help from that girl.” I seethed with disdain. “Are you even listening to yourself right now, man?” Nolan interrupted looking at me incredulously. “This is your mate we are talking about here, your fucking pregnant mate! The life of her and the baby are at stake here! Get your head straight man! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Nolan was a man that rarely raised his voice because he has always been the cool and playful one between Kameron and I, but when he does shout, it means he is more than pissed. I narrowed my eyes at his blatant disrespect but only sighed in response. Fuck, he was right. I hated that everyone wa
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A Z R I E LI watched as she walked away as soon as I said the words. I ginned my lips in anger, glaring at Kameron. “I fucking told you she wasn't even going to consider it, not like I need her anyways. Go get me someone else as soon as possible.” I said, running my hands through my face. I couldn't even deny the fact that I felt frustrated at this point.We heard footsteps walking down the steps, making me snap my head up. Andrea walked down the stairs with a laptop in her hands looking at me emotionlessly. She took a seat on the couch, placing the laptop in front of her. She outstretched her hand and cocked a brow, “Well?” I placed the phone on her palm and she immediately got to work. A thought slipped into my head and I decided to voice it out. “Azalea should never know of this.” I warned in a gruff voice.She looked up at me and smirked, “Why? Afraid daddy dearest might have a hand in this?” “I would suggest you watch your fucking tongue before I shut it for you.” “Considerin
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