All Chapters of Mated to the Broken Alpha : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
84 Chapters
Uncertainties of life
Aurora pov As the vibrant hues of orange and purple painted the evening sky, casting a breathtaking display of colors, I found myself standing on the beautiful balcony of Gary's house, my heart heavy with sorrow. I had been going through a difficult time, grappling with the weight of my own brokenness and the challenges life had thrown my way.Lost in my thoughts, I stared at the setting sun, its descent symbolizing the fading hope within me. The balcony offered a sanctuary of solace, a space where I could momentarily escape my worries.As I stood there, tears welled up in my eyes, her emotions threatening to overflow. It was then that I heard soft footsteps approaching from behind. I turned my head and saw my friend, my savior, Gary, making his way towards me with a gentle and understanding expression.He leaned against the railing, his presence offering a sense of comfort. He glanced at the colorful canvas in the sky and spoke softly, breaking the silence."Sunsets have a way
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JAX'S POVIn the depths of the night, as the moon shone brightly in the sky, I found myself immersed in a vivid dream. In my slumber, I transformed into a powerful, majestic werewolf, my senses heightened and my spirit wild.As I roamed through a mystical forest, guided by the moonlight, I encountered a radiant figure, ethereal and captivating. She introduced herself as Ariel, the Moon Goddess, and spoke to me with a voice that echoed with both wisdom and grace."Jaxson," Ariel's voice resonated in my dream. "You are not merely a creature of the night but a being tied to the cycles of the moon. Your true mate, whom you have sent away, holds a profound connection to your destiny."Confusion and regret flooded my dream-state. I recalled Aurora— the woman I had pushed away, consumed by my own fears and doubts."But why did I push her away? I felt such hatred towards her," I confessed, my voice tinged with remorse.Ariel's eyes, shining like orbs of moonlight, held a compassionate gaze. "
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Better future
AURORA'S POVI woke up to the cold breeze caressing my face, and as I slowly opened my eyes, the harsh reality of my situation flooded my mind. I was homeless, pregnant, and alone on the unforgiving streets. Jax, the only man I loved, the one I thought would be my support, had sent me away because of my werewolf nature. What was wrong in being a werewolf? I didn't choose to be this way. It was a devastating blow that shattered my heart into a million pieces.With a hand protectively cradling my growing belly, I tried to find some comfort amidst the chaos of my circumstances. But the reality was cruel—I was pregnant and homeless, carrying lives within me that deserved love and security. Determined not to let despair consume me, I pulled myself up, relying on the strength that had sustained me throughout my life.Each day was a relentless struggle for survival. I wandered through the streets, searching for scraps of food, seeking shelter in abandoned corners, and enduring the judgm
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GARY'S POVMy days were filled with the hustle and bustle of the hospital, attending to patients and navigating the intricacies of medicine. Amidst the chaos, I couldn't help but notice a familiar face, the face of my girlfriend, Adline. There was something unusual about her frequent visits to the hospital's pharmacy, and my curiosity grew with each sighting.One day, as fate would have it, I finally managed to catch her near the pharmacy counter. With a mix of intrigue and concern, I approached her, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of my lips."Babe, fancy meeting you here," I said, my voice laced with curiosity. "What brings you to my hospital's pharmacy today?"She looked up at me, her eyes widening momentarily before a composed expression settled upon her face. "Oh, hey, baby. I just had a couple of questions about some medications. Nothing serious, really."I sensed a slight hesitation in her voice, a guardedness that piqued my interest further. I decided to probe a little
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Too weak to smile
I stood in the kitchen, throwing popcorns into my mouth and admiring the full moon.The night enveloped me in its darkness, casting an eerie stillness over the house. I went back and forth from the living room to the kitchen, my steps quickening with each passing moment. Waves of discomfort pulsed through my body, a visceral reminder that the time for new life's arrival was drawing near.I glanced at the clock on the wall, late into the night. My heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and unease. I was alone at home, and the realization that my labor had commenced with no one by my side made my pulse quicken. I didn't even realize it was nine months already. Nine months without Jax and any touch.As the contractions intensified, a surge of panic washed over me. I willed myself to remain calm, knowing that fear and anxiety would not aid in the process. But the absence of a familiar face, a reassuring presence, left me feeling vulnerable and alone.A sudden gush caught me by sur
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Positive outcome
ADLINE'S POVThe ring of my phone startled me in the convinent store where I was picking up a few things for Aurora. With delight, I answered the call only to be met by silence on the other end or rather the heavy breathings.I rushed into my car with urgency, driving recklessly without a word of apology to anyone.Bringing the car to a full stop, I jumped out of the car like I was being chased.I busted into my own home like I was the FBI.My eyes searched around the house and in an instant, they fell on Aurora. Drenched in sweat and looking lifeless.I rushed to her to ensure she was still breathing. I checked her pulses, they were responsive but very slow.I knew that wasn't good.I tapped her several times and she fluttered her eyes open, regaining consciousness.I smiled at her, "you're doing fine," I said, knowing too well that I was dying inside.Confusion gripped me as I stood in the living room, witnessing the onset of an unexpected event. I felt utterly lost, unsure of what
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Waves of pain
AURORA'S POVIn the labor ward, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of anticipation, nervousness, and excitement. I lay on the hospital bed, my body heavy with the weight of new life about to enter the world. The room was filled with the gentle hum of medical equipment, the rhythmic beeping of monitors, and the muffled sounds of conversationAs the contractions intensified, my mind began to wander, seeking solace and familiarity amidst the uncertainty. Thoughts of Jax flooded my consciousness, his warm smile and gentle touch etched into my memory. I longed for his presence, his unwavering support, and the strength of our love to guide me through this challenging yet extraordinary journey.But circumstances had conspired to keep him away, and I found myself navigating the labor ward alone, a mixture of fear and longing swirling within me. Yet, even in his absence, Jax's spirit was intertwined with mine, providing a tether of love and strength that I clung to.As the contractions
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Glimmer of hope
GARY'S POVI stepped out of the labor ward, my mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. The exhaustion from a long shift mingled with worry and confusion as I thought about Aurora, who had just given birth. But unlike the usual joy that accompanies such moments, an unsettling unease settled within me as I remembered the sight of her passing out after the birth of her babies which was still surprising to me that she gave birth to twins.I made my way to the doctor's lounge, seeking a moment of solitude to collect my thoughts. I sank into a chair, my mind replaying the events of the delivery over and over. The memory of Aurora losing consciousness after the birth weighed heavily on my heart, fueling my concern for her well-being.As a doctor, I knew that the immediate postpartum period could be physically demanding and emotionally overwhelming for new mothers. But the gravity of Aurora's situation felt different. Her passing out had been unexpected, and it lingered in my mind like a
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ADLINE'S POVAs the golden rays of the rising sun peeked through the hospital windows, I walked hand in hand with Gary, my heart brimming with a mix of excitement and concern. Today has been filled with a lot of emotions. From Aurora going into labor, to bumping into Gary here after all attempts to avoid. And now we were walking to go see Aurora and her newborn in her room The morning air held a sense of anticipation as we made our way to her room.Anticipation pulsed through my veins, mingled with a hint of worry. I had heard that Aurora had passed out after delivering and was now in the process of recovering. I hoped fervently that she was doing well and that her newborn was safe.We arrived at Aurora's room, our footsteps muffled by the hushed atmosphere. Upon entering, Aurora's eyes widened with surprise, a flicker of delight lighting up her face. "Oh my goodness, you guys are here! I didn't expect to see you so early in the morning."Gary chuckled, his eyes gleaming with aff
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AURORA'S POVAs my mind wandered amid the discomfort, memories of the past resurfaced, a mixture of joy and guilt intertwining. I recalled the day I had left Gary's house, my heart heavy with uncertainty and fear, fear of being a burden. Our friendship had been solid, but my pregnancy had taken us both by surprise, leaving me feeling overwhelmed and unsure.Now, as I lay in the labor ward, I remembered how I was surprised to see Gary, standing tall in his doctor's coat, a stethoscope draped around his neck. My heart skipped a beat, a mix of emotions coursing through me. I hadn't expected him to be the one delivering my baby.His eyes met mine, filled with compassion and professionalism, as he assessed my condition."You're doing great, Aurora. Just a little while longer." His words of encouragement rang in my head again.His voice was reassuring, his touch gentle as he monitored my progress. But beneath his calm demeanor, I could sense the unspoken emotions. The memories of the pa
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