All Chapters of The Pup's Midnight Vampire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
55 Chapters
11 - Trust
~Javed’s Point of View~ Just when I think years away from my sweet intended were torture, having her here still without her wolf is somehow worse. Her body is more than that now of a woman, her curves have filled out and her hair is longer and full. Her cheeks have a bit of rosiness but her eyes are still very much that of a girl. Her innocence and purity are very much still there. She even has a little pudge in her belly that my hands desperately want to caress. My kind rarely gets excited or physically turned on over other species so everything about her is quite foreign to me. But the one thing I can never, ever forget even for a second is her fragility. Her human body that I can’t be rough with, that I can’t take for granted. One wrong move and I could snap bones that won’t easily heal and will cause her great pain. But moreso, as she displayed tonight her emotional side is one I certainly don’t know how to handle. Of course she would fall in love, I’m such a fool to be naive
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12 - Not So Solo
~Aurora’s Point of View~ I toss and turn for the couple of hours left before dawn, not believing this is my life now. Laying on a bed so soft and comfy it’s like being on a cloud. That I’ll get to live in this insanely beautiful house. And only get to be with the love of my life after dark. The entirety of how I ended up here is just so bizarre. If Brenna wasn’t such a slut we wouldn’t have bounced from place to place. When Matthew found us, she was working as a stripper and it was truly a low point. We were in a grocery store one morning after she’d been out all night, fighting over cereal when he just seemed to appear out of nowhere. He was drawn to her right away and of course she apparently only saw him as a meal ticket. A means for us to get somewhere better. But if I’d never come to the Midnight Protectors pack, none of this could have been possible. If I find Javed then I could be free to mate Mason and be a mom. But if I hadn’t met Javed I wouldn’t have fled to the other pac
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13 - You Can Go Home
~Aurora’s Point of View~ When it's minutes before dark I’m dressed and waiting, though everything in my gut feels rotten. I’m certain Matthew is going to make me stay with him, that I won’t be able to see Javed. Now that I’ve been back in our home, around him… Leaving will be impossible. As much as I’m already missing Mason, this feels right. Javed feels right. The lull in my head has subsided for now and I’m grateful. It was really driving me nuts for a while. I feel like myself again, at least for now. I get lost standing on the deck, leaning over the railing staring out into the ocean. I want to believe my wolf did in fact save me today, that’s she already guiding me in some fashion. I smell my mate before I feel his arms wrap around me, his lips kiss my cheek from behind. Leaning back into him, he secures his hold. Being in his arms is as easy as breathing, but then again it was like that with Mase too. Goddess, will I ever be able to stop comparing them? “How was your day? Ot
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14 - I Need Something
~Javed’s Point of View~ ~Twenty-Five Days Later~ “I suck at this! My body just doesn’t want to cooperate. I absolutely have no rhythm,” Aurora giggles, as I catch her for the tenth time tonight. Her laugh lights up my entire being, and it makes every night I had to spend away from her worth it. Though that’s easy to say now. We’re so impossibly close to having her wolf. The last week we conned the Alpha into giving her a 2am curfew and it's just been harder and harder to let her go. She insists on rolling around in my bed below ground before I take her home and it thrills me to no end. We’ve kissed ourselves into a frenzy on more than one occasion but I always stop when she’s obviously desperate for more. Before it’s impossible to turn her down. Teaching her to dance has been something I’ve longed to do, not to mention it’s an excuse to dress her up. She now has dozens of dresses and more shoes than she’ll probably ever wear. Once I learned her sizes I may have gone a bit overboa
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15 - First Bite
~Aurora’s Point of View~ *I can’t wait to see what he’s got! Make him take his pants off,* Lucy shouts, distracting me. If I ever thought Mason was an impossible horn dog, I can’t even imagine what his wolf would be like. Sometimes they’re like that but I wasn’t sure mine would be. WRONG! “Javed…” I trail off, as his tongue laps between my legs. My voice is weak, barely a whimper. It’s still so bizarre to feel the coolness of his whole body, even his tongue. When we’re kissing it's nice because I’m usually a sweaty mess. But this… This is a different level. He hums a bit, and I gasp at the sensation, arching my back. My hands are on my nipples, rolling them in my fingers. I’ve never been more desperate for full, real sex than I am right now. Tomorrow can’t get here fast enough. While of course I'm going to try and jump him tonight, I know he won't go for it. People at the pack have been teasing me that I’ll be too tired after my shift to do the “deed” but that’s bullshit. The
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16 - What Else?
~Javed’s Point of View~ “You really should--” “I’m not leaving you,” she whispers, curling into my chest. I don’t at all like the idea of her spending the day wasting in my dark little hole but I also selfishly don’t want her to leave. It’s still at least two hours until dawn so I quickly wiggle away from her and dash upstairs. My hands are completely full of everything I think she may need for the day when I return, though I don’t know how to sort out the bathroom situation. I got her a portable climbing ladder just in case but letting her come and go while I slumber makes me feel too vulnerable. She giggles when she sees me trying to steady all the food and water on a small corner table. I then cover her with a heavy quilt and get back in bed with her. “I’m so spoiled,” she whispers, and I can tell she’s moments from sleep. My maker is literally the only female who I’ve shared the day with since becoming vampire. It’s an enormous amount of trust to give another. Vampires si
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17 - First Hunt
~Aurora’s Point of View~ I sit with what I know must be a dumb expression on my face. I’m suddenly realizing more and more that there’s so much I don’t know. Are people specifically not telling me things? Just when I think I’m finally fitting in, finding my forever home, I feel like an idiot. Were there witches and fairies at Midnight Moon too then?? Did Mason know?? He never even remotely said anything. I never noticed anyone doing anything weird. I don’t think so anyhow. I mean, yeah I saw wolves around all the time and the occasional other animal but I never went out with them at night hunting. I assumed the other animals were real, or even just visitors. When Javed leads me away from the party, I stare at him desperate for answers. Lucy doesn’t know what to think, she’s just as confused. But she hasn’t been around long enough to have been paying attention to such things. Did I even know such creatures existed? Maybe. Then again I always knew vampires were real but until I met
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18 - For Now
~Javed’s Point of View~ I’ve more than seen my share of human suffering, human pain. Most times, I’ve been the one inflicting it with zero emotion attached to it. Humans were always just food, a means for me to survive if you could call my existence surviving. I’m not proud of that now but there was certainly a time that power meant everything to me. I can only hope the time I’ll have with my Aurora can start the process of atoning for those sins. That and the hundred years I had to lose for a supposed crime I committed. My only regret with that was not finishing the job. But now that I have my sweet, I can’t even remotely get back in that frame of mind. I have to let things go for now, and hope like hell things let me go too. But for a vampire, everything is only a matter of time. All we have is time, our thirst and oftentimes our need for revenge. We hold and harbor grudges more than any other creature, which is saying a lot since witches usually hold the franchise on revenge. At
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19 - UnGlueD
~Aurora’s Point of View~ My nagging mind that says I need to fight him for answers loses out pretty quickly when I feel his erection against me. Nothing is as important as this, as us right now. Even if he won’t fully mate me tonight, I will have this. He will make love to me… or I’ll kill him for real! *Shut … up,* Lucy scolds, trying to move my hands. She’s too weak but I don’t want to fight her on this. Tomorrow I can do all the heavy thinking. Javed is already kissing down my belly and I want to give him my undivided attention. I can tell he wants to take things slow, be romantic. Even if I’m so damn tired all I want is to get things moving. It’s my first time, he’s doing what he should be doing: making it sweet and memorable. Lucy practically hums with his touch, with his kisses. I close my eyes as he kisses just above my clit and his fingertips feel like feathers over my thighs. I don’t know how he can manage to feel so light and gentle when I certainly know what he is. Thoug
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20 - Castle
~Javed’s Point of View~ For at least three hours I’ve been standing in front of various windows around the house, though never out of eye sight of my Aurora for more than a few seconds. The bedroom has a wall open to the house, a weird design but handy for my purposes. Some … thing is outside. If she weren’t so dead tired, I have no doubt Lucy would know. I’ve put myself in a tough spot, not having a single vampire friend to help me. Though I can’t trust a single one of them so I don’t know how I could. I know for certain it isn’t my maker out there in the sub zero temperatures, but that in no one way means it isn’t one of her minions keeping an eye on me. Even in life she never had a problem finding an endless amount of idiots ready to fall at her feet. Becoming an immortal only proved to fit her personality more so I’m sorry to say. There have been many times tonight I knew a vampire was literally on the other side of the window, daring me to move the curtain. Daring me to show
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