All Chapters of Their Precious Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
90 Chapters
Chapter 31
Charlotte POV:I tangled my fingers into Timothy's fur, clinging onto him as he ran through the forest. I have no idea what's going on. I'm not sure if I want to know what's going on. There was monstrous beasts running around, people were getting angry, strangers were making Aries and Theós mad.I never seen Aries or Theós so mad before.They sounded like they wanted to rip out that guys throat out."Calm Luna." Timothy snarled lowly. I tried to listen to his jumbling words that slurred together. I tried to calm myself down to make it easy on him and everyone else. But I couldn't. I was much more calm when I was near Theós, in Aries arms. Now I was nowhere near them. Now, I didn't know if they were alright or lying on the ground dying.I'm trying to calm down but I just can't.I want Theós and Aries. I want my "mates"."Home." Timothy snarled out again, causing me to peek out from his furried chest. I felt a little comfort knowing that I was home again. I knew I was much safer in here
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Chapter 32
Theós POV:"How the fuck did those rogues get near my mate?!" I shouted out, furious.It's been a day since the "incident". I wanted to discuss this right after Aries and I slaughter those disgusting creatures, but Aries didn't want to stay away from our mate any longer. I honestly didn't want to either. So we both postponed this meeting until the next day.Which is what we're doing now."They got in during shift transition." One of my supervising warriors explained. My supervising warriors are the captains of our regular warriors. They oversee them to make sure they are doing their job properly. "In the east sector, during the transition for our warriors to switch, they managed a surprise attack and caught them off guard."I let out a growl, running a hand through my hair. "It's time to change the routine then. I don't want this to happen again.""We'll work on it right away, King."I nodded, waving a hand to dismiss him away. He bowed, turning on his heel, leaving the room. I practi
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Chapter 33
I grumbled a few curses underneath my breath as I angrily plopped down in my seat. Aries sat down two seats from my left, making sure there was an empty chair between him and I. Nathan sat on the other side of the table, arms crossed and face blank."I didn't see why we had to leave." I said out loud."You know why we had to leave." Aries grumbled back. "She'll be out in a minute."I don't want to wait a minute. I want my mate in my arms now."O-Okay! We're c-coming!" I perked up at the sound of my mate's voice. The delicious smell of meat, cheese, and potatoes made my stomach rumble. I flashed Timothy a smug grin as he followed Charlotte out the kitchen with a childish pout. He glared back at me, sending me a few choice words in the mindlink. Ignoring him, I eagerly waited for her and Timothy to set the plates down."Everything smells amazing baby," I told her, hoping she would put the food down faster. "It looks amazing too. I'm sure it tastes just as good as it looks.""I hope.""I
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Chapter 34
Aries POV: "What do we have?" I ask, not wanting to play around with this.I eyed all the papers and documents that were messily littered on my desk. Code Bastard, a code name that Timothy came up with, is about Bates. Code Tomoro is about our Uncle. The son of a bitch that tried to ruin my parents and our lives.Our Uncle, our dad's oldest brother, has been a pain in our ass since before Theós and I was born. It all started when our grandfather refused to hand the title of Alpha King to him. Despite him being the oldest, our grandfather knew there was something wrong with him. A very bad mistake. He had a lurking evil that grew as he grew older.He became a power hungry monster that wanted to control everything and everyone.He wanted everyone to bow down to him. He wanted everyone to be his submissive little bitch while he ruled happily.That isn't what a King is meant to be. Not a true good king, anyway.When our grandfather gave our dad's the title of being King, Tomoro became fu
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Chapter 35
"Stop harassing my daughter you heathens!" Timothy called from the counter. He pointed the knife towards Theós then to me then back to Theós."We're not harassing Charlotte! Stop being overdramatic!" Theós hissed out."I'm not being overdramatic! I'm not going to let you dirty my baby! She's going to stay innocent for the rest of her life!" Timothy argued."That's not your decision to make! The only person who can make that decision is Charlotte!" Theós argued back.Ignoring the argument, Timothy motioned Charlotte over to him. "Don't you two have some working out to do? Huh?""Oh r-right!" Charlotte scurried over to the fridge, struggling to pull out a very large basket.Theós and I quickly scurried over to help Charlotte with the basket. The basket was almost twice the size of her head. She smiled in thanks before pointing into the still open fridge. "T-There are nine more b-baskets in t-there. Its s-snacks for training. T-Things like d-dried f-fruit and t-tiny s-sandwiches. I a-als
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Chapter 36
I froze, seeing the unfamiliar man standing in the doorway in the kitchen. I slowly began to inch closer to Timothy, not knowing what to do other than that."Calm down Cherry. He's just here to pick up the basket full of snacks you made. Remember how Theós said he'll send someone to pick them up. This is the man that is going to do it." Timothy slowly explained. He stepped beside me, motioning for the unfamiliar man to enter more into the kitchen. "This is Eric. He's one of our top head warriors. A man that will protect you, never harm you. Yeah?"I slowly nodded."He's going to take your yummy snacks to Theós, Aries, and all the other top head warriors. Do you mind if he comes in to get them?" Timothy asked me.'Stop being a baby.' I scolded myself. Putting on the bravest face I could, I made my way over to the fridge and opened it. "O-Of course h-he c-can. T-There a-are t-ten b-baskets i-in t-there.""Good. You're doing good sweetheart." Timothy motioned Eric forward, tossing him a
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Chapter 37
Theós POV:I am starving.If this training wasn't necessary, I would end it early. Even without my heightened senses, I could still smell the delicious scent of food coming from the castle. I have no idea what Charlotte is cooking. And for some reason that made me even more hungry. All the possibilities it could be are popping in my mind.Maybe some sort of beef stew?A meaty sandwich?A pot pie?I shook my head. Thinking about the food isn't helping my situation.Clearing my throat, I glared at my top head warriors. "One more lap and then we're done!""Good." Aries grumble from beside me, "I'm fucking starving. I don't know what Charlotte is making but it smells fucking amazing. I can't wait to eat it."I nodded in agreement, snarling when I saw a warrior running a little slower than I like. Hearing my snarl, he immediately fixed his mistake and sped up. "You and me both brother. Whatever it is, it's going to be better than what we had for lunch.""Alpha's," Insync, Aries and I turne
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Chapter 38
I turned my attention back to Charlotte as soon as they made it into the kitchen. I knew why Nathan went with Timothy, and I'm grateful for it. I wanted to give Charlotte a warning that we were going to have a serious talk after dinner."Baby," Charlotte blinked up at me, shoving a fork load of sauce covered green beans and a piece of veal into her mouth. I waited until she chewed and swallowed before I spoke again. "After dinner, we're going to have to talk about something serious.""W-What? D-Did I do s-something?!"My eyes widened at the panic and fear that was pouring from her. I glanced over at Aries, seeing him silently panicking himself."No! No, no, no!" I cupped her cheeks with my hands, lifting her face so I made eye contact with her now watery grey ones. "No panicking. It's okay. You didn't do anything.""You have been such a good girl, princess." Aries added, wrapping an arm around her waist. He pulled her against his hard chest. Deep rumbles erupting from him as he tried
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Chapter 39
Charlotte POV:I peered up at the nervous looking Theós and Aries. I never saw them look like anything but confident and smuggish. To see the most confident people I know reduced to this nervousness made me feel uneasy.I swallowed nervously."We have some news princess," Aries swallowed, "Bad news."I knew it. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. They didn't want me anymore. They wanted to get rid of me. They realized how much of a waste I am. I wasn't worth the time and effort they put in. I was a burden. Nothing more than a piece of-"Charlotte." Theós growled out.I flinched at the growl, waiting for the harsh words to follow. My eyes watered at the thought of what to come. I was really hoping for something long lasting. I was hoping I could stay happy. But they were going to send me back to him and-"Charlotte!" I looked up, watery eyes and repressed sobs. Theós was kneeling in front of me, narrowed greenish blue eyes glaring into mine. "We aren't leaving you. You're
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Chapter 40
"CHARLOTTE!" Timothy banged on my door. I peeked my head out from my blankets, eyeing the door. I hope he doesn't bust down my door. "I'M COMING IN!"Timothy barged into my room, making a beeline for my bed. I ducked back underneath my blankets, curling into a ball with my eyes closed shut. I didn't want to leave my bed now. I want Theós and Aries to come lay in bed with me.Feeling the blankets being ripped from my body, I squeak at the chill from the cool air. I shut my eyes, curling into a tighter ball. I was trying to make myself disappear from the cold and Timothy. "No!""Don't you "no" me young lady! You're going to get up right now and march your butt into that shower!" Timothy commanded."I d-don't wanna leave m-my bed!" I whined."Well your gonna!" He said, lifting me from my bed. I grumbled unhappily as he made his way to the bathroom with me in his arms. He set me down on my feet as soon as we entered the bathroom. He placed his hands on his hips, looking down at me with a
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