Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 31 - Chapitre 40
Coalescing Secrecy
LivieI walked to our room with my head hung in shame and hugged myself. I felt horrible for keeping something like this from him. I wanted to cry... So Many things went through my head. If I could do things differently I would, but how? "Livie, just be honest with him. Tell him how horrible they were to us. He should know, and I'm sure he will understand. You know Black and Ricky love us." Freya's voice says as I walk slowly behind him. The hall leading to our room seemed longer than usual, and so gloomy. For the first time, walking down this hall made me feel uneasy. He opens the door and goes inside without looking back. The lights are off and the entrance looks dark until I see the room. Mind I say, the room is so huge. It's like a whole floor all to ourselves. I close the door behind me and stand by the door for a second before I continue on. The room had a walkway of roses and candles leading to our bed. The bed was beautifully arranged with rose petals and surrounded by cand
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Making Up
AUTHOR'S NOTE: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT. IF YOU ARE NOT 18 YEARS OLD 🔞 OR ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THESE PASSAGES, DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER. KINDLY SKIP TO THE NEXT CHAPTER IF AVAILABLE OR KINDLY WAIT FOR A NEW ONE. THANK YOU, AND ENJOY! ✨✨✨✨✨Livie"So, does this mean you're not upset with me?" I ask as I stand in front of him. His hands wrap around my waist, pulling me closer until his head rests against my abdomen. "I could never be mad at you, Livie. I'm pissed that a guy like Skylar who is supposed to be a leader would act so cowardly. I mean, I get it... We are both in our eighteen, but fuck, we have been training for this position since our earliest teen years. He should know that every decision you make can deter your leadership and reputation." he says as nods, closing his eyes in frustration.But he was right. As a werewolf, we are not only taught how to fight and our pack history but we are taught how to take care of our position in our pack. Get my pos
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Show Off
LivieYou could say that Alarick is an old soul. He's too mature for his age and too smart for his own good. But by the end of the day, we are still just young eighteen years old, and that makes us still teens. Hormonal teens, to be precise. Because yes, he soon will be nineteen, just days before his birthday, but he is still a teen. I have never understood why we werewolves place a newly turned eighteen-year-old in charge of a pack. I mean, it is a lot of pressure, full of responsibility. And when I say a lot of responsibility, I mean A LOT of responsibility. You are not only responsible for the pack's well-being but the territory's safety, the entire pack's finances, their health, and everything. Unfortunately, a lot of alpha's take this as a free pass to act like entitled assholes who go around pushing everyone aside, and treating them like garbage. I'm glad I was mated to a great guy because Ricky is the total opposite of this. He seems ruthless and goes around with an angry-lo
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Walk The Walk
LivieI smiled brightly as Ricky and I walked hand in hand inside the dining room. Everyone clapped as we made our way inside as the newlyweds. I couldn't help but blush. I wasn't used to this kind of treatment. I sometimes still worry I might be dreaming, which, I honestly hope I never wake from."Luna Olivia, Alpha Ricky, this way, please!" Tate says as he sees everyone gathering around and hugging us. The visiting alphas and lunas couldn't help but awe at how loving our pack was being with us. Yet- I couldn't help but notice that Leah and Evelyn were sitting down, irritated and rolling their eyes as if feeling disgusted. I had to say, I was enjoying it. Not because I was being treated like a celebrity in my own pack, but because I was now at Leah's level... Maybe higher. And there was nothing she could do about it. We went around saying our fellow to everyone, including the visiting Lunas and their mates. But the more we went around, the more we became crowded. So, we finally mad
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Obstacle Course, part 1
Leah"I guess we'll see you out there then. I just need to go change into more adequate attire for practice." I say faking a smile as Olivia gives me her stupid ditsy smile. She is so stupid, I swear. I can't stand her. And I can't believe I have to kiss ass to her right now. Goddess, I hate this."Great. We'll meet you out there. Don't take too long, you'll miss all the fun." Olivia says, making me nod. I rolled my eyes as Margot and she turned and walks away with Alarick holding her hand. He is such a god, I swear. If Skylar wasn't in the picture and Alarick was available, I would so jump on him. Hell, I'd do him, even if Olivia was in the picture. If I was able to take Skylar away from Olivia, I am damn sure I can take Alarick away. No- what am I thinking? I love Skylar. Damn it. What is wrong with me? My wolf, Sienna growls at my thought. "I know. Sorry. I don't know what came over me." I apologize to my wolf, making her growl.She loves Skylar. She has always been in love with h
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Obstacle Course, part 2
LivieI was eager to get there. I ran the whole way back, hoping they hadn't started without me. I sighed, smiling as I see that they were just about to commence."Luna! She's here!" some of the younger girls say, making me smile and waving at them. There were so many members spectating. It's been a handful of times an alpha and his luna have visited, from what I know, but never have they been asked to join our practice grounds. "Well, well, well... The queen finally joined us. I thought you had run scared, Luna Olivia?" Leah says in a hushed tone, but I faked a bright smile, not letting her phase my good mood. Practice time is one of my favorites throughout the day because I see how happy our members are. They take practice very seriously because they know our safety depends on it. So I look forward to it as well. "Of course not. I wouldn't miss it for the world. But- as a Luna, you should know... Duties come first. And I was called to attend to something first. But don't worry, I
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Sparring Made Easy
LivieI can't say that I don't enjoy seeing my members sparring. I do, I love it. It gets so much fun, yet... Competitive. So competitive!And not just with the guys, but the girls too. It can get a little personal at times. I mean, my pack is so well-behaved. Everyone gets along, but there have been a few times when Ricky and I have had to intervene to break up an argument or call them in for a misunderstanding.But I was worried. My girls are really good at fighting. Really good! When there's been a possible rogue invasion, they are quick to jump into action. They will not be left behind, and believe me, it worries me. The few times Ricky has had to go and defend the Silver Moon Pack and save Skylar's butt, I can't seem to be calm.I have not been allowed to go to any attacks yet, but today, I am going to prove to Ricky that I am ready. I need to give it my all and prove to him that I am stronger now. I need to prove to him that I can fight by his side if needed.There were various
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Wake Up to Reality
SkylarLeah was slowly waking up. She had a throbbing headache, and couldn't help but grunt as she got up. "What the hell am I doing here? Where am I?" she asked, oblivious to what had happened back there. Evelyn and I look at each other. I sigh and get off my chair, going next to her as she held her hand up to her head. "You're in the infirmary, you got knocked out pretty cold for a good three hours, babe. How are you feeling?" "Waht? What the hell do you mean I was out cold for three hours? What happened?" she asks, looking irritatingly at Evelyn. "Girl, what do you think happened? I'll tell you what happened, you got your ass kicked by none other than the mutt," she says, making Leah yell."What? No... I was winning. I had her on the ground. She... She hit me with a bat or something. I felt it." she says, making me close my eyes and sighed. "I beg to differ, Leah. But she knocked you out good. Two strikes to the face, a kick to your stomach and that was all it took for you to fa
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Silent Wolves
Livie"Sweetheart, I know you're uncomfortable with them here. But we still need to accommodate them the best we can. We need to be patient, at least while they're here. Who knows, maybe they will behave for the rest of their stay." Ricky says, making me grunt inwardly. "Yeah, right!" Margo says, making me snicker. “That would be a sight. K bet you anything Leah is already making demands in the infirmary,” she says, making Zane give her a warning look. She shrugs her shoulders, making Zane pinch the curve of his nose. Ricky couldn't help but chuckle. He knew it was a long shot, but if you ask me, it was far from possible. Leah has always done as she pleases, and she was going to try her hardest to do as she pleased here. Except... I was not going to allow it. I had already mind-linked all the girls in my pack to not let her slide with anything. This is my pack, and there is no way in hell I will allow her to manipulate or disrespect my people.But- In some way, I know he's right. I
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Noah is AWAL
LivieRicky lead me by the hand to his office. And just like Zane had said, Kaiden was already there, waiting for him. "Rick, what are you doing? She can't be here." Kaiden whispered in his ear, making Ricky look at me worried."Kaid, she already knows about the investigation. Plus... She has information that might be useful to us." he says, placing his hand on the small of my back, and leading me to sit on his chair."Umm, ok. Very well." Kaiden says, rubbing the back of his head. It wasn't long before they began talking about what was happening. My concerns were relieved as I hear that Skylar had indeed let go of the girls that Gunther and Alpha Noah had kept captive when he was still the alpha. But- not without Skylar getting into a big argument with his dad for doing so. Alpha Noah was so mad that Skylar had let go of his precious prices that he threw a big tantrum, breaking almost everything in the pack house and then storming off. Since that day, Alpha Noah has spent a lot of
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