All Chapters of Kidnapped By The LYCAN: My Mate Hates Me: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
95 Chapters
Chapter 31
Erin’s POVThis is like deja vu. I remember feeling like this before, trapped in a cold dark place. “Mother! Please, don’t leave me here. I promise to be good. Just don't leave me here. I can not stand the dark. Mother, I am afraid of the dark!" I I heard a familiar voice shouting pitifully in the dark. She cried until her voice became hoarse. The sound of her pain and fear breaks my heart. I could feel the little girl’s pain from her plaintive cries, and my heart constricted hearing her. It brought tears to my eyes. Then the situation changed. The girl disappeared. I could still feel the cold seeping through my skin, but this time, I knew this was real.I remember swimming in the lake before a giant whirlpool sucked Alaric and me.I almost wished Alaric and I did not swim in the lake. What people often say is true. Do not trust calm water. It is the calm and silent water that drowns a man. I felt a noose tightening my esophagus. I peeled it off with my hands only to
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Chapter 32
Erin’s POVI was surprised by the name that came out of my lips. Xavier. I repeated the name in my head as I tried to rack my brain for any recollection. Anything to explain this larger-than-life phenomenon. Alas, I came up empty-handed. I scratched my head, giving up. “Do you know him?” At around the same time, Alaric asks. His face showed his confusion. I shook my head in denial, but something told me I had been in this place before, and I had seen and conversed with the man, who I called Xavier.He was naked from the waist up, and his brown skin provides a stark contrast to the pristine white surroundings. Despite that, the markings on his right arm seemed to glow, giving me an idea of what it was - a mandala with an eye in the center. Just like the figure on the wall. And then, something hit me. It would have been the first thing that came to my head when he appeared before us out of nowhere, but it was obliterated by my eagerness to place Xavier. “You came off the wall
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Chapter 33
Alaric’s POVI could feel Erin attempting to open our communication channel, but I continued to shut her out. I am so pissed off with her right now. After several tries and getting no positive results for her efforts, she stopped trying, leaving me in peace.When I did not feel her presence in my head any longer, I looked around me, realizing I was deep into the woods and was very near the lake where the water sucked us in to meet Xavier, the legendary forebears of the Crescent Moon State. According to historians, Xavier used to own all the lands, air, and water that make up the state. When he passed away, the high-ranking members of his pack drew lots to split the territory among themselves to make up little packs of their own. It was obvious the people he trusted wanted to be little Alpha of their own pack. They do not want to follow orders anymore. They wanted to lead. They wanted to elevate their status to the highest rung, not contented with being second or third to anyone
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Chapter 34
Alaric’s POVI watched in horror as I saw two Erins before me. The sight of them together confused me. Who is the real, and who is the fake between the two? That was what came to my mind when I saw them together. Then, the intoxicating smell of lavender wafted in the air as an angry Erin leveled me with an icy glare. I knew that smell from the heart. It was my mate’s!Eric leaped in my head as he called out to our mate. He purred, showing his excitement. If I didn’t pull him back just in time, he would come out of confinement and run off toward our mate. My gaze shifted from the angry Erin to the one near me. If that was my mate, then who was the one in my arms who looked exactly like her?I watched in horror as my real mate approached me in quick angry strides and realized I had been duped. It made me angry, but it was no match to the expression registered on Erin’s face. She was so livid. She was a Luna on a warpath as she crossed the line that separated us. From the bla
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Chapter 35
Erin’s POVThe morning light cast a warm glow on my skin, and for a moment, I let myself soak up the warmth it bestowed upon me freely.Last night, I was in pain. Seeing my sister and mate together was a nightmare from the past.  If given a choice, it was something I would never go back to revisit at any time in my life. It reminded me of Boris’s duplicity and the excruciating pain it cost me. I almost died in his hands. More than that, Boris' rejection has taught me that I would never have any place in my family.  It dug up years of repressed hurt.  For a moment, it blinded me. I almost killed my sister! Without Alaric's intervention, I would have strangled Lyla to death, bringing insurmountable repercussions for Alaric and his pack. If I succeeded, I would have unwittingly given my father another reason to cause trouble for Alaric's pack. It could trigger a war. &
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Chapter 36
Erin’s POVThe next few days were crazy. Ever since we learned that I was with a pup, Alaric had been acting over the top.  He followed me around like a dog on a leash and refused to leave my side.  Alaric even waited on me hand and foot, and it actually drove me crazy. This morning, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided I had enough.  I yelled at him to get out and do his job.He had been neglecting his duties and delegated most of his tasks to Ben. I heard from Ben that the pack officials were looking for him, too. There was so much to do with so little time - what with the construction of new school buildings and the ongoing expansion of the hospital.The training for new warriors continues, as well. There is so much to do, and Alaric is slacking off. “I am fine. I won’t break.  Please, give me some peace and get away from me.”  I glared at him
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Chapter 37
Erin's POVOne of the magical things that can happen to a person is that of welcoming a new life into this world.The pain notwithstanding, childbirth is one of the most precious miracles in life. To bring another creature into this world, conceived through love and nurtured by love, gives purpose to our existence. It allows us to create meaning in our world. “Push!” Dr. Martin ordered. I pushed in time with the contraction that hit my stomach, gnashing my teeth in a pain that no other could rival, in my opinion. It is like being torn apart. I was strapped in a birthing chair, panting while my belly contracted within seconds of each other in preparation for the birthing process. “Arggh!” I screamed as another pain shot through me. My body trembled as I tilted my head back to gather strength. Tears mixed with tears and mucus coming from my nose covered my face while I tried to push the baby out. “Come on, one more push! We are almost there. The baby is almost out. ” Dr. Mar
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Chapter 38
Months passed by, and without realizing it, we arrived at the changing of the seasons. It was now raining outside. The dark sky loomed over us, but it did not cast a shadow to dampen our moods. This is a special day for our family.At last, the construction of new school buildings and the hospital expansion is completed. Alaric had been too busy lately and barely had time for relaxation. At night, he would help me tend to Cirala because the baby’s routine changed, and he would be awake from midnight to dawn. When I told him I would watch Cirala so he could go to sleep, he told me gently that those moments watching me for me are the only times he gets to bond with our son. Most of the time, he was out doing so many tasks. Cirala is growing up fast. I want to be there every step of the way, he said to end our argument about who needed to rest and tend to Cirala at night. So what more can this momma do? I let them bond while I catch some precious zzz. “Are you ready?” Alaric
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Chapter 39
“Do not tell me you are letting her get away just like that father?” Lyla’s shrill voice echoed in the vast hall halting Erin in her tracks.Alaric, not partial to the possibility of a confrontation between Erin and her family escalating, chose the best course - to leave. He guided Erin out of the hall, arms wrapped protectively around her waist while the other held their baby. His first plan was to mingle with other guests for a while, but seeing Alpha Leo and the effect of his presence on his mate, he chose to pull back.Today is Cirala’s celebration. They would not let anyone dampen it and cast a glow on the event. Let Alpha Leo make a fool of himself. They would not be a participant in his show. But Erin’s sister was the one causing a scene, putting shade on her character in front of everyone else. Lyla was painting an ugly picture of Erin for the guests to feast on. “Erin blatantly disrespected you. She disregarded your position as the oldest Alpha in the council.” Lyla
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Chapter 40
Erin’s POV“Is he asleep?” Alaric asked, referring to our son. I was holding Cirala in my arms, rocking him to sleep. He was a bit fussy earlier and would not want to be put down and placed on his cot. He had been like this since the day of his presentation. He clung to me more than ever. Maybe he knew that I would be leaving him temporarily, and this is his way of letting me know the impending separation did not sit well with him. Since he was born, Cirala never left my sight. I promised myself that I would take care of him myself despite Alaric’s constant reminder that I could ask a slave’s help in tending to my child. I preferred doing it alone.Alaric, when he has the time, helps, too. But for most of the day, it is just Cirala and I. It is our bonding time. I wanted my child to know that he was well cared for by his mother - that he was loved. As the weeks go by, I was amazed by the connection we established between us. Cirala seemed attuned to my thoughts and feelin
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