All Chapters of The Alphas Prize: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
171 Chapters
#Chapter41Freja POV:I laid there in bed, staring at Cain as he slept so soundly. Everything seemed different now, my perspective of him was different now, but I wondered what was to come of our future? Thoughts of my short time with Mikael were clouding my thoughts. I wondered what he had truly meant and what dangers lay ahead for us. I considered telling Cain about Mikael’s warning, but the timing just wasn’t right. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep. I placed my hand onto Cain’s mark and caressed it, still unable to fully come to terms with the fact that I had mated with him, a man that used to haunt my dreams. Everyone always told me about how horrible he is and the things he has done, but as I’ve gotten to know him, I’ve seen small glimpses of a man that no one has ever seen. I got out of bed, walked over to the balcony door, and peeked through the curtain. The sun was rising, gracing the land with its light. Things were peaceful, but I wondere
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#Chapter42She began to take careful steps to the right, focused on something ahead of us. I was on edge now as well, wondering what dangers were in store for us. My wolf stopped in her tracks, not taking a step further and lowered herself to the ground. That’s when I saw Calyx in the distance, appearing to be having a conversation with another person. But, unfortunately, whoever he was talking to was hidden behind the trees, we couldn’t see who it was, and their scent was masked. I urged my wolf to crawl closer to them, hoping we would be able to hear them more clearly or get a better view of them. We were as close as we could get now without being detected. The other person was a female, possibly young, but the girl's scent was still undetectable. “We need to wait until the time is right and ensure that the plan will work.” Calyx said. “The plan will work, I’ll get close to her, wound her and then Cain will be an easier target to take down, but we need to be sure they remain
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#Chapter43Eve looked like she had been run over by a train more than once. Her hair was matted and tangled, her clothes stained with mud. Her face was coated in a thin layer of dust and smeared makeup. I wrinkled my nose at the sight of her. “Damn, what happened to you?” I asked her. Her chest heaved heavily, Eve’s breathing erratic now. “I’ve been living out here in the woods since Cain banned me from the pack, and it’s all your fucking fault.” She hollered while pointing a bony finger at me. I pursed my lips. “Really, and how is it my fault?” I asked her, incredulous. Her lip quivered. “Because you shouldn’t be here, you shouldn’t be Cain’s mate; it should be me, not you! You aren’t worthy of being his mate; you aren’t worthy of being Luna!” She screeched at me. “Aww, are we jealous?” I fake pouted, “Jealous that he no longer wants you? No longer fucks you, but me instead now? And that you, Eve, aren’t worthy of being in this pack anymore? You are a sneaky, vindictive bi
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#Chapter44Cain's eyes burned into mine as a devious smile placated his plump lips. I didn’t know what was in store for me, but I was excited to find out. Then, finally, he reared back and stood to his feet, then casually strolled into the closet. I continued to lay there, waiting for him to come back, but it had now been a few moments, and I started to wonder, what in the hell he was doing? I stood up from the bed and crept towards the closet, trying to peek in as I got closer. Just as I was about to cross the threshold, Cain emerged from the closet. He grabbed me by the wrist and spun me around, slamming me face-first into the wall. Cain held my hands together behind my back before wrapping my hair around his other hand and tugging it back slightly. His soft, plump lips brushed against my ear. “Did I say you could move?” He asked in a husky tone. I bit my lower lip. “No, but I was becoming bored waiting for y….”Cain cut me off by pulling my hair tighter and causing my head t
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#Chapter45Cain fucked me hard and deep, pounding into me at a dizzying speed. Finally, he pulled himself all the way out and smacked my ass once again before plunging back into me. He gripped my hair tightly, pulling my head back and entering me even deeper now. I moaned and screamed his name loudly. “Fuck, Cain.” I bellowed out.He flipped me over onto my back suddenly, then lifted my legs, putting them over his shoulder and leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of my head. Again, Cain entered me slowly, this time as his mouth devoured mine. My mind was racing with sexual ecstasy, it was foggy, and my head was starting to spin from the orgasm that was building with each thrust, pushing me closer to the edge. My legs shook as he deepened himself. Cain then reared back slightly and placed his hands on my thighs, entering me deeper than I ever thought possible. Cain’s thrusts were almost violent now, as he consumed my entire being and my climax hit me like a tidal wav
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#Chapter46Calyx was silent again, then snarled before I heard a loud crash. I immediately started walking back towards the stairs, not wanting him to come to the door and find me there. I nearly flew down the stairs and into the kitchen; who was Calyx talking to on the phone? Was it Eve? Did she have a brother? Numerous questions scrambled around in my brain as I ran through everything in my head. The whys and the how’s, but I realized I didn’t know much about either, especially, Calyx. I needed to find out more about him to try and piece things together. I wanted to tell Cain earlier about everything, but I didn’t want to say anything to him when we were in the woods, and then we became a bit occupied. Perhaps, that was for the best; maybe I should find out more before telling him, figure out who all Calyx is working with and what his plan is, because if I tell Cain now, he may overreact and spoil everything. As I continued to run things through my head, I reached into the fridg
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#Chapter47Cain sat at his desk, his feet resting on the wooden top and his hands rested behind his head. His muscles flexed, the definition in his biceps was more vivid. My breath caught at the sight before me.  He didn’t move. “What can I help you with, Freja?” Cain asked, almost sounding annoyed. I stood there contemplating whether or not I wanted to tell him about Calyx; he has a right to know. But what danger would that put him in? What if the man in this room was working with Calyx? I needed to do more digging first. “I was just wondering if I could go do some training with Samara today?” I asked, hoping he would agree and remember the conversation we had last night. He looked at me hesitantly for a moment, as if trying to figure out if I was lying or not. I did want to see Samara but not to train.His nostrils flared before he sucked in a deep breath. “Yes, that’s fine. I will have Calyx escort you.”  My eyes widened at his suggestion. “No!” I blurted out a little a
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#Chapter48However, he has changed since Freja’s arrival; I constantly catch him sneaking around, talking about a plan with someone on the phone and how I see him glaring at Freja or me when he thinks we aren’t looking tells me he is up to something. I turned back to face Ryder. “I want to figure out who he is working with first. Calyx has a partner or partners, and I want to know who they are, especially if they had anything to do with Freja’s kidnapping.” I said through gritted teeth, the memory of that made my blood boil.Ryder nodded his head. “What do you want to do?”Freja POV:I walked around the house, looking around to see if I was being followed, and so far, I didn’t notice anything. So I cut around the side of the house and headed straight for the willow tree. As I neared the tree, I didn’t see Samara but hoped she would still show. I was up close to the tree now, and as I admired its beauty, I heard footsteps from behind me. I looked over my shoulder, and it was Sam
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#Chapter49Cain’s upper lip twitched. “You are not welcome here, and I had made that clear previously.” His tone was deep and vicious. Gunnar straightened himself, not showing any signs of being intimidated. “I wanted to see my sister and ensure she was still alive.” He snarled. Cain narrowed his eyes. “Well, as you can see, she is alive and well.” He gestured towards me. “It is time for you to leave now,” Cain said through gritted teeth. Gunnar took a threatening step towards Cain. “I am not leaving yet, not until I’ve had the chance to visit with her and ensure she is safe here.” However, my brother was not easily intimidated, and I was thankful for that because I wanted more time with him. Cain’s canines started to protrude, his nostrils began to flare, and he looked ready to pounce; this was my cue to intervene. I stepped out from behind Gunnar and stood between the two of them. “ENOUGH!” I shouted, “I will not stand here and watch you two try to kill each other. If either
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#Chapter50Gunnar stopped dead in his tracks. “What!” He said rather loudly and grabbed the guard’s attention. I waved the guards off and smiled, reassuring them that everything was fine. I glared at Gunnar. “Shh, be quiet big mouth. I don’t want anyone else to find out right now, not until I have figured a few things out first.”He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before narrowing his dark gaze on me. “Does Cain know about the situation?” Gunnar asked in a clipped tone. I avoided his gaze like it was the plague and ran my hand through my hair. “No,” I said quietly and quickly. His nostrils flared, and his eyes widened, anger clear as day on his face. “Are you fucking kidding me? You need to tell him Freja, he has a right to know, and Cain will protect you.”I huffed. “Yes, I know, and I will tell Cain after I find out who they are working with and what their plan is.” I needed to know these things before proceeding or telling anyone else, as that information may help us.
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