Semua Bab Secret affair with the President : Bab 1 - Bab 10
35 Bab
Secret service
Alyssa was settling already in the White House, assigning members of the Secret Service to their designated posts and looking to memorize the layout of the building so that she knew every exit, entrance, room, hidden room and the location of every surveillance camera. Her hair was pulled back in a sleeker back ponytail and she was dressed in a black tight knee dress with heels. Her eyes were framed behind glasses. But not just regular glasses. The E23 model was the latest development of Homeland Security with face recognition software. She paced down the corridor towards the central hall of the House where the Secretary of Homeland Security expected her to drive to the U.S. Capitol where the inauguration would take place.“I’m ready to go.” She said to the tall grown man in a tuxedo in front of her. He nodded and moved to the exit. She followed and slithered into the limo. Her eyes raked through the paperwork that accompanied her new position. Fortunately, Alyssa had a photographic
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Salty taste
Alyssa entered the room hesitantly. She felt his eyes pinning her from the moment she closed the door behind her. She leaned against it not taking another step towards him. “Alyssa…” He broke the silence, “Really? You’re going to stay there?” He enquired leaning against his office desk. He looked powerful, handsome and confident. Just like she’d remember him.“We promised. You promised.” She said lowering here eyes to the ground and sighing. “You’re President now. This cannot happen.” She met his eyes and the tension became thicker. Every time their gazes locked it was as if a lightning stroke.Alyssa had met Richard during his service as Senator three years ago. He had already been 4 years into his marriage and tired from the pretense of a happy husband. He loved his wife. But he was not in love with her. He viewed as an ally of his, of his political dreams and goals. They met through a mutual friend, the Vice President, known as Erik Collins, a fervent supporter of Davis. Alyssa had
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First Lady
It had been a week since the President entered the White House and the Congress as well as the Senate expected his plan of change. The plan that he’d promise to execute during his campaigning. Richard had been working sleeplessly with the Chief of Staff to appoint the right people in the right positions and back Senators in their election. The Cabinet had already formed. The Vice President, Erik Collins, would arrive today to go through the plan and offer his opinion and counseling on it. Richard and Erik were good friends, aware of each other’s relationship of dependency. “We need to do something big. Something innovative that will show the world why they voted for you, Mr. President.” Veronica Lee, the Chief of Staff, said noting down.“Yes. The worlds needs peace. Education and immigration are good side pieces but not what’s going to make it on the front page.” Erik agreed. Richard sat across from him in the couch, looking deep in thought. With conflict in Ukraine and the tensions
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Inevitable mistake
Alyssa walked down the street with her heart a little lighter since she left his office and stormed into her car. However, she still has work to do if she was going to get the Chief of Staff of the US Army or as briefly known the General to confess his crimes to her. This crime at least. Who knows how many he’d had to confess if she asked all of them. Patriotic crimes.She fished her phone out of her purse and turned her head slightly to nod at the two men following her. The one ring the limousine to come and they’d wait where they had dropped her off exactly. Alyssa found the contact of the Chief of Staff. She didn’t remember his name. It sounded bad but it was the truth. Fortunately for her, they know each other and he wouldn’t take it personally knowing her.She dialed his number and waited for his to answer as she took in her surroundings. She was 15 minutes away from the White House and half an hour from the closest Presidential safe house. If something were to happen she would h
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Call my bluff
Alyssa was pushing her panties up and patting her dress down when Richard unlocked the door. It had been almost an hour. Her desk was a mess and she hissed at him to not open the door until she got that fixed. “Help me.” She ordered and he did as told. The President of the US kneeled collecting documents at his mistress’s wish. That’s how much she had over him.She tidied the desk arranging the computer wires and the keyboard whilst Richard staffed the papers and pens and pencil cases cautiously. He knew Alyssa was an organization freak and he remembered to leave everything as it was. Her shoes had rolled off to the edge of the wooden desk leg and she was quick to slide her feet in there as he flanked the door open. Carl appeared unfazed and he nodded at Alyssa before escorting the President outside of the room.She sank to her seat and checked the time. She would have to meet with the General in an hour. That meant that Richard would already have resigned to the East Wing with his wi
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No promises
Alyssa woke up next day in the warmth of her sheets at the sound of her alarm. It was 5AM. She was to get to the White House with the first ones and leave with the last ones. Everyday the House was checked for potential invasions, violations of the security protocols. She jumped into the shower and turned on the water running hot to cleanse the sins off her skin as images of the previous day played in her mind. Richard's face between her legs flashed in her mind and she closed her eyes burying her face under the pouring water. Soon enough she was out of the shower and in her bedroom picking out her outfit. She opened her closet and took out a white suit with a silver satin blouse inside. She put it on and paired it with black and white heels. She pulled her hair back in a high ponytail and hide her eyes behind her glasses. Alyssa carried mostly Tom Hilfiger. She took her favorite black and white bag and fished her phone from the covers. The limousine was waiting outside her house
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The end?
Preparations were being made for the President’s trip to New York to the UN Headquarters. Alyssa had been buried in work the past week setting officers to their posts, spies to their hidden locations and snipers to every building surrounding the headquarters and the President’s hotel. They would all follow him everywhere along the way. She had organized a team of around 40 people to escort him with her in it too. She’d become his shadow for the following days.Alyssa strutted down the corridors of the White House with her phone on her ear mumbling orders for stakeouts and warehouses in New York as well as the booking of the whole hotel for the President. She’d settle for four out of the ten floors. She ordered already 20 of the escort team to travel there and check the facilities of the hotel, the exits, the rooms, everything.Richard was also closed off in the Oval Room with the Vice President, Chief of staff and head of international relations to prepare him for the conference. The
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The price of power
Alyssa stood on the South Lawn with her suitcase beside her gazing at the morning sky. The breeze caressed her skin and for the first time after long periods of hiding and living in the glimpses of stolen moments with Richard, she felt somewhat free. Her phone in hand, it dinged to tell her that the president was here. The jet had landed there waiting for them. She’d cried so much last night that her eyes had turned dry. She heard him from her office next door smashing glasses before he headed off to the East Wing, to his wife, to his official life. She wore a black right dress with her hair let down to fall on her shoulders. Her heels were replaced with boots so she could move more quickly if the safety of the President was compromised. The leader of the free world arrived and the Secret Service escorted him first to the jet. He looked aloof and that’s when she noticed the limp in his walk. He was drunk. It was 7AM. She followed and boarded shortly after him. Cal taking her suitcase
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A distraction. A way out.
After they’d settle at the hotel, Alyssa went on to inform the press Secretary of White House of the President’s safe arrival in New York and send a few pictures of him smiling from her journalists connections in the city. She’d leave her suitcase on the side of her bed as she took out her laptop and work papers from her bag and put them on the office in the small living room of the hotel room. They’d put her in a junior suite. She was two floors down from the Presidential suite where Richard was. She looked at the time on her phone. 14 PM. She had time to take a shower and relax a bit before she needed to assemble the rest of the service agents to inform them about their placement in the Leaders of the World dinner the president had to attend. She took off her clothes and sighed in relief taking her bra off. Airplanes drained her. He had drained her. She stepped into the shower and let her anxiety and worries wash off and for the minutes she was under the water, she was free. After
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Restless night
It was currently 18 PM. Alyssa was fixing the last details of her appearance before getting ready to meet the President in the garage of the Plaza where they could leave from the back door so that the wave of journalists does not block their way out. The restaurant had been booked for the night.Alyssa would seat in another table in the back of the restaurant with Cal as her date. The rest of the team would be scattered in the exits and some inside the building. She was guessing that the rest of the leaders’ security staff would occupy different tables too. She wore a black sleeveless silky midi dress with a turtleneck neckline with a pair of silver heels and earrings. She pulled her hair in a low bun and glossed her lips.She grabbed her black Prada purse with her gun, taser and pocket knife inside as well as her badge that read her security clearance in the majority of US institutions should she need it. Of course phone and wallet were included. She put on her beige raincoat and ex
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