Semua Bab My Devil’s Side: Book 1 & 2: Bab 1 - Bab 10
162 Bab
Author note: This is one of my first stories from a free app. It is a bit raw and needs a good edit. I’m going through and fixing this story up to flow better as well as the grammar. I’m leaving the story here so any that had read it already can still access when edits complete. i just wanted to give you a warning before you dive in. My other books are more polished and you can tell by the popularity of them vs this one. I still love this story (I’m bias of course) and I don’t want to trash it. If you want a more completed story line with edits, check out my others. If you like raw books from beginners then please read on. I hope to have the edit version out in a few months, but I’m also working on newer books. Thank you all for you support :)Alley POVI grew up in a small town in the Midwest which seemed to go unnoticed by the rest of the world. It made our little town a perfect place for those with money and power to take advantage of those without. The rich do as they please while
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Ace POVDerek and I just dropped Alley off at home and I was itching to fuck a girl. I know I shouldn't be thinking about Alley's now tan legs or how they led to her perfect ass. I swear she turned from this geeky cute chick to a hot as hell temptress in Europe. Thinking how sexy she looked at the airport made both my dick hard and my anger boil over.While I white knuckled the steering wheel from my frustrations, I tried to think about anything else. I would never use her that way. Never cross that line but I'm 17 and she came home looking hot as fuck. If I can't get the image of her curvy little body out of my head, I can only imagine what every other teenage asshole is thinking. "Want to check out the lake?" I asked Derek. He gave me a knowing smirk, nodding in agreement. Most of the kids from school hung out by the small beach area that was hidden through the woods. There was a path off the side of the main highway that led to an opening. Once the car was parked, we had to walk a
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Our Place
Ace POVI was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to pass out. I was so happy Alley was finally home, but she had me so irritated all day. Seeing her at the airport this morning nearly gave me a heart attack. I can't believe she was wearing barely any clothes and alone for 6 weeks in Europe like that. I regretted paying her entry fee for that competition. She thought it came from a scholarship for poor kids, but the truth was no one gave a shit about them. She spent so much time studying for it I couldn't see her not even get a shot at it. Now she was back with a whole new attitude. I tried to not let it show how much her confidence pissed me off. Her attitude mixed with that body is going to get her in trouble. What was causing this change though? It was nagging at me all day. It's like she went from a little girl to a woman overnight.Oh fuck! She better not have. It can't be that. My head was swarming with all the ways I would kill whatever boy took advantage of her. No! She
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First Day of Hell
Alley POVI applied a little red lipstick then blotted my lips taking a final turn in the mirror. I had a white crop top on that covered my shoulders and sat right above my waistline. My blue pleated skirt was a little on the short side but didn't show any of my ass. It was perfectly in line with what Derek and Christian deemed as appropriate attire. The heels on the other hand, they were going to lose their shit over.I rolled my eyes thinking about their reactions then pushed out my door. They weren't going to make me hide anymore. I'm not a slut, but I won't be a scared little mouse either. I needed to be me. I liked wearing skirts and dresses just as much as I liked jeans or even sweatpants. "Seriously!" Derek said, shaking his head at my outfit."Come on bro, I followed all your rules. No shoulders, tits, belly, or ass on display. So don't even dare tell me to change." I said crossing my arms trying to give him a don't fuck with me look. He was always the easier one to get ove
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Alley POV"Are you stupid or just an idiot little girl?" Christian asked spinning me around to face him. Geez, for someone who is supposedly my best friend he was sure laying the insults on thick today."Pretty sure that means the same thing, but I like to think I'm a confident, smart... creative... a fucking awesome little girl. A little girl that so happens to be hot as hell." I said, cocking my head to the side while my eyes slowly traced his face from his eyes to his lips. Then without thinking I brought my chocolate to my mouth, letting my lips slowly brush over the bar before biting all the way down and letting a little moan out. I didn't plan to try and flirt with my best friend, but if he was going to start acting like the rest of these assholes then I would start treating him the same. Christian didn't know how to respond to my flirting and backed up some."You think this is a game?" he said softly. I almost felt bad seeing his mood change from anger to concern but he wasn'
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Ace POVI was livid from Alley's attitude all day. The first day of school and she comes in wearing a skirt with a huge fucking attitude. Then she demands I apologize to her for trying to protect her. Who the fuck does she think she is?I know exactly what every scumbag in this place is thinking. I'm not even ashamed to admit I know because I'm thinking the same thing. Somehow, she turned into this flawless temptress and has a badass attitude to go along with it. It is known that every guy wants to hit the hottest girl and it was even more sexy when they were wild. The need to tame her was a natural part of being a male. At least I think it is. I don't actually know for sure, but I can see in everyone's eyes how they wanted to claim her just like I did. The difference was that I would never let anyone control her that way, not even myself. Every time she walked the halls the guys raked her body up and down, lingering their stares at her breast and ass. The girls were snickering out
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Alley POVAfter our talk on Friday at school things were actually normal. We all hung out last night at the park and it felt so good to just be us again. Derek tried relentlessly to beat the furthest jumper mark. He was right behind Christian's spot, but the other night I beat his. Derek and I had serious competitive issues.I was standing in my bra and underwear switching between black sexy dress or short jean shorts. It was Saturday night, and the guys would be here soon to pick my friends and me up. "I say black dress. You'll look hot. It's sexy but simple so, not too much for the Lake." Layla commented, noticing me struggling to decide on what to wear. She had waist length black hair, dark skin, and mysterious grey eyes. If I ever discovered I'm gay she would be the chick I went after. She was a Junior but since I was in higher classes, we shared a few together. She was from a wealthy family but somehow had decent parents and wasn't like the other entitled snobs. Usually, the adu
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The Lake
Alley POVAfter driving down a long open road we headed down a dark path into the woods. Are they serious? This was the plot of every scary movie. I was getting a little nervous waiting for the lake to appear when Christian rested his hand on my knee. He leaned in a little closer and whispered to me like a psycho. "Relax Alley Cat, the only monster in these woods is already in the car with you.""You're a jerk." I replied looking from his farm green eyes to his light pink lips. I gave him a smile then leaned my head back to breathe in some fresh air. I loved how they both always knew when I was getting anxious and how to calm me. I honestly didn't know if I could get through life without them. When I was little, I would cry a lot and when I got a little older, I would start to have panic attacks. We were poor as shit and my mother was usually the cause of my tears and anxiety, so I never got any professional help. I didn't need it though, I had Derek and Christian to comfort me, prote
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The Game
Ace POV"Ok, let's play," Alley said looking around at everyone, but they were all frozen. No one has ever seen someone talk back to me, let alone me take an order from them. I didn't give a fuck though. I either backed off or lost my temper. She wanted to play, then I'll let her play. I'll make sure everyone here knows she is not to be touched.Amber cleared her throat. "Ok, it was your suggestion so, Alley you start the game." Of course, it was Alley's idea to play this game."Amber truth or dare!" "Truth" she said, because I think the murderous look Alley had was scaring her."How many times in the past month have you fucked my brother?" Alley asked with a shit eating grin. Derek and I knew exactly what she was trying to imply to Layla with the answer to this question. A part of me wanted to smirk at her cleverness. Derek on the other hand was squirming in his seat knowing once Amber opened her mouth his chances with Layla were over. I honestly didn't think he really had a chance
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New Friendships
Alley POVThe second we got out of Christian's car Derek walked right in and went to straight to bed. Neither of them spoke a word since we left the lake.I plopped down on my bed and curled into a ball. Layla sat next to me laying her hand on my back. "That was fucking intense Alley. I have no words.""Me either. I'm so fucking pissed at him, but it also hurts to hate him. Why can't he just be normal?" I sobbed.Being in Europe I met so many people. So many guys that seemed normal. Yeah, I'm sure they are still horny teenage asshole, but it was different than the guys here. They were sweet and friendly to me, but didn't try to only fuck me. We just hung out and laughed. I wanted to go back to being a little girl that only had the middle of the nights to look forward to and that made me hate Christian to want something so little for myself. He had no right to treat me that way, no right to treat my brother that way. What the fuck was his problem anyways?The next two weeks in school e
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