All Chapters of When Mates Collide: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
115 Chapters
| Tiny Bloody Pieces
Joan slid her weak arms around Elliott's neck and laid her head on his t-shirt, his chest muscles moving under it as he walked, her stockinged feet bobbing with the journey. He kicked the bathroom door open and then set her down on a counter that was barely big enough to hold her. Motioning for her to wait, he turned on the water, guiding the temperature. She watched the cotton tug across his shoulders. She couldn’t wait to kiss them. He rose and walked to slip her white socks off and tossed them aside, massaging the bottoms of her toes as he reached over and checked the water again. “Perfect,” he said under his breath as he began to strip. Yes, you are, she thought to herself with a happy smile. He bent his head, reached back and grabbed the cotton fabric on his shoulder blades, pulling his shirt off from back to front. He tossed it to the ground and looked at her. She was staring at his chest. He smiled. “You like what you see, Joan?” She nodded. He chuckled and kicked off his bl
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| Normally In Control
The lobby button lit up and Joan sucked up a final sob and shook herself off as the doors opened. She stared into the foyer so tempted to push the button to take her back up again. But he didn’t want her there. He’d stepped back. He’d let her go. That was his choice. And she didn’t want to be like Lanka asking him to do something he didn’t want to do. Elliott Jack was not the type of man you give your heart to, she told herself knowing it was too late. On 1st Avenue, running to the edge of the sidewalk to hail a taxi, she shouted at one, “Hey! Hey, stop!!” The car pulled over and she threw open the back door and climbed in, her body shook. “Thank you. Town, please.” They pulled away from the curb and she looked up toward her friend’s old floor. Pulling out her phone, she tried again to call. Again it went straight to voicemail. “Bonnie, it’s me.” Her heart twisted in her chest as she whispered, “Call me. Please.”***Elliott knocked louder on the door. It was only two in the morning.
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| Need To See Her
Elliott stared into space, his mind numb. “I have to wake Bonnie up and get Joan’s number. I looked her up on the Internet but she’s a lawyer so they don’t give out their personal information. Blah blah blah. And she doesn’t have a F******k.” “You went on F******k?” Nate was shocked. With a shrug, Elliott stared at his packmate. “I’m not in my right mind. See?” Raising his voice, he called, “Bonnie! Wake up!” Nate reached across the bar to punch him but Elliott was too fast for him and ducked out of the way. “Bonnie! Come here!” Nate swore under his breath and whispered, “Don’t tell her about Joan, yet. Not until you know what you’re going to do.” Elliott gritted his teeth, knowing his friend’s head was screwed onto saner shoulders. “Fine,” he grumbled, taking a sip of excellent Scotch as footsteps padded toward them. “Babe?” came her soft, sleepy voice. “Everything okay?” She appeared in her robe and her brown eyes widened as she saw her husband’s nudity. “Um…Can I get you a robe
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| The Promotion
Bonnie was riddled with an apology upon apology, her voice urgent. “Joan! It’s me. I just heard your messages. I lost my phone and then it died! I didn’t hear your message about the case and then turn off the phone. The battery died! Congratulations on the case! I so wish I’d known. I swear, Elliott found my phone at my old place. I wanted to call you, but I didn’t have your phone number or email and so I was going to come by your place and tell you in person. I’ve been telling you to get on F******k forever and if you’d listened to me, this never would have happened.” Joan’s lips squished up. It was true. Bonnie was a social marketing guru and knew everything about current networking sites while Joan stayed far away. I don’t want people I prosecute stalking me on the Internet. Bonnie continued, “You can ask Elliott! He’ll tell you the battery was dead.” Joan’s stomach hurt just hearing his name. “But hey, let me take you out for lunch. I don’t have any big meetings today! Let me take
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| The Apology
Joan continued. "Mr Clark, if you’re the one pushing me for the junior partner, I need it to be because you know I bring value to this firm with my time, talent and dedication.” “Don’t get too full of yourself. You’re very young, Ms Henry,” said Steve Clark in a sober voice that sounded pretty fucking condescending. She smiled with her signature courtroom calm. “I’m just stating the facts of what I bring and there is nothing wrong with knowing one’s worth. Did you know that men get more raises than women simply because they ask for them? They have no problem saying I deserve what I deserve. And how old were you when you made a partner?” She knew the answer was twenty-nine. He didn’t offer it, and so she continued, becoming more theatrical and having fun with this now that her anger had ignited. “But you’re a man, right? I’m the first woman, you said? Why is that, when the feminist revolution happened in the sixties? That was fifty years ago. Why am I the first, and why do you say tha
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| Vacation, Day One
Bonnie threw a potato chip in her mouth, talking with it full. "Well, we'd spent the last couple of weeks bouncing between places and I wasn't thinking anything because everything happened quickly and I think my head has been in the clouds." She waved a chip in the air, then ate it while still talking, “Then just yesterday after I–” Joan interrupted, “Oh yeah, you had a big meeting or something?” Bonnie shook her head. “It didn’t go well. A potential new client, but she wasn’t ready to commit. Still, laying the foundation down for something maybe in the future. Anyway, I call Nate and he shocks me with the news that Elliott wants to give us their place. It was his idea! He's so nice. I couldn't believe it. So generous. You haven’t been there yet, but they designed their whole flat and it is incredible. They’re talented. Nate says Elliott is going to completely makeover my place. I can’t wait to see what he does." Bonnie didn't see Joan's eyes lose their shine as she kept going on and
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| Like A Heroin Addiction
Standing outside Deborah’s apartment building later that night, Elliott’s knuckles itched for the beating he was going to give Lane. He needed to release this fire he couldn’t shake. Even on his walk over here, Elliott thought he smelled Joan’s scent on the wind and flipped around in frantic circles searching to find her. It was getting ridiculous. He’d had an early dinner with Darrell just to get out of Bonnie’s house because he couldn’t keep his hands off those torn panties. Darrell had asked him about five times, “What’s wrong with you?” before he finally answered, “Just a woman. It’s nothing.” Looking doubtful, Darrell dropped it, happy to talk about a movie he’d just found on Netflix called City Island, one of the coolest films he’d seen in a long time. “Unpredictable!” Elliott kept him on his favourite conversation course by asking questions about the film. For a little while that helped keep his and his packmate’s mind off what he was going through, which was hell.
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| Not Up To Him
Lane picked up some clothes and a jacket, ignoring him and moving slowly. She turned and faced him, cocking her chin with defiance. Unleashing his restraint, he used all of his supernatural speed, appearing inches in front of her terrified face with his eyes in full shift-glow. He growled at her, his chest rumbling so thoroughly it vibrated hers, too. Urine rushed down her leg and she ran out, clamouring down the stairs. He knew this was dangerous, but he couldn't help himself. As soon as he gathered himself and knew his eyes were back to their normal human-like colour, he turned and dipped to his knees to be at her level. “Deborah, are you okay?” Holding one of the desk legs, she had tears streaming down her old bruises, and her cheek was red from the slap. “I’m fine.” “I heard her kick you. Is anything broken?” He couldn’t smell blood, but only she would know if something was internally damaged, like a rib. She sniffled and shook her head. “No.” “You want to come out?” Climb
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| Way Too Careful
At Bane Coffee, the line was manageable, but it wasn’t moving fast enough for Joan. She tapped her foot while her mind made big plans, spinning in circles about how to make a website. She could hire someone but would they work fast enough? She wanted the damn thing up today! Digging in her bag for her purse, she heard a male voice say, "Why the frown on a Sunday? Don't tell me you're working on the weekend." She glanced up and saw a nice-looking man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He had no accent but with those features and that smile, she'd bet money his family descended from Ireland. He had a nice face. "I’m starting my own business. Today. So, I guess I am working." He gave a playful frown. "I don't like the idea of anyone working today when winter is just around the corner. Plenty of time to stay indoors then, don't you think?" She laughed with an agreeing shrug. "Yes. True. But I'm going to do it anyway." He smiled and turned back around. Giving his trim shape a once
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| The Worst Thing He Could Have Done
Elliott stared at the phone waiting for Joan to reply. The T.V. was on Universal and a repeat of Supernatural had been amusing him to no end. Until now. "You’re not going to even answer my text?" he muttered, his hand on the soft cotton of his t-shirt. He meant to sleep in that day since it was the weekend and their firm was closed. A wolf's hours are in the night, and day sleeping was natural. He and his packmates indulged themselves at least twice a week, and today was supposed to be one of those days, but he'd dreamed of Joan all night and woke with a hard-on that wouldn't quit. He wouldn't let himself fantasize about her because it would only feed the beast. He’d stupidly thought texting was a good idea since he had to tell her about Deborah in case she called. But he realized with each passing second he waited for a reply that it was the worst thing he could have done. The obsession he’d abated was now in full swing. Jumping off the couch, he paced around Bonnie's old apartment
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