Semua Bab Captivating love of an alpha : Bab 61 - Bab 67
67 Bab
Derick and Gerrard was excited to meet their grandchildren
Nican hurriedly walked through the bustling corridors of the human school, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the upcoming exam. Lost in his own world, he accidentally bumped into a girl, causing their books to scatter across the floor."Oh, I'm so sorry!" Nican exclaimed, bending down to help gather the fallen books.The girl, with flowing chestnut hair and sparkling green eyes, smiled warmly at him. "It's okay, accidents happen. Thank you for helping me."Nican's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her radiant smile. "You're welcome. I'm Nican."The girl extended her hand. "I'm Mira. Nice to meet you, Nican."As their hands touched, a jolt of electricity seemed to pass through Nican's veins. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, captivated by her charm and kindness."Um, would you like some help carrying your books to your next class?" Nican offered, trying to conceal his growing excitement.Mira nodded appreciatively. "That would be great, thank you."They walked side by sid
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Alison turned out to be Mira’s mother
Nican's heart raced as he raced through the woods, chasing after Mira. His mind was filled with thoughts of her, her radiant smile, and her enchanting presence. He couldn't deny the strong pull he felt towards her.Finally, he caught up with her near a small clearing, where Mira seemed to be lost in thought. Nican approached cautiously, his eyes fixed on her delicate form. As he neared, he accidentally stepped on a twig, causing it to snap loudly.Startled, Mira turned around, her eyes widening in surprise. "Nican? What are you doing here?"Nican took a moment to catch his breath before answering. "I've been trying to catch up with you, Mira. There's something I need to tell you."Mira's brows furrowed in curiosity. "What is it?"Nican hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to express his feelings. But the sight of Mira's gentle eyes gave him the courage he needed. "I can't stop thinking about you, Mira. There's something about you that draws me in. I... I think I might be falling in l
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Evan found out that Mira was Alison’s daughter
Evan stood there, his brows furrowed and his expression grave. The revelation that Mira was Alison's daughter sent shockwaves through him, and he struggled to process the implications of this newfound information. He had always been protective of his family, especially after the hardships they had faced in the past."I can't believe it," I muttered under my breath, my mind racing with conflicting emotions. On one hand, I understood that Mira was not responsible for her mother's actions. But on the other hand, the wounds inflicted by Alison were still fresh in my memory, and the idea of welcoming her daughter into our lives felt like a betrayal to my family.Nican looked at me, his eyes wide with surprise. "Dad, I... I didn't know. This changes everything, doesn't it?"I sighed heavily, running a hand through my hair. "Yes, son, it does. I have to consider the safety and well-being of our pack. We can't simply ignore the past."Zira stepped forward, her voice filled with concern. "But
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Evan welcome Alison into the park
I stood in the center of the pack's gathering area, my gaze scanning the surroundings as the evening sun cast a warm golden glow. The pack members mingled, their laughter and conversation filling the air. It was a peaceful scene, yet my mind was troubled.Suddenly, my attention was drawn to the entrance of the gathering area, where a familiar figure emerged. It was Alison, Mira's mother. A mix of emotions washed over me as I watched her approach, unsure of what her visit entailed.Alison's eyes met mine, and I could see a hint of unease in her expression. She walked towards me with purpose, determination etched in her features. As she reached me, I braced myself for what she might say."Evan," she greeted me, her voice carrying a touch of apprehension. "May we talk?"I nodded, motioning for her to follow me to a quieter corner of the gathering area. We found a secluded spot near a cluster of trees, away from prying ears. The air was thick with anticipation as I turned to face her."Wh
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Evan ruled without conflict.
Everywhere was decorated according to the taste of Alpha Evan, who had ruled the whole pack with wisdom, understanding, fair play, and many good attributes. His behavior and how he ruled the pack made every single member of the pack love him, he had never gone out to war with other packs and was defeated, Now, he have brought peace between the two packs that were in conflict.Alpha Evan didn't want to announce the peacefulness between his pack and Alison's pack just like that, he wanted the other packs to know so that they would also learn from him, him being the head of other packs, he needed to live by example so that other upcoming leaders would learn from him.The interior building was decorated with a golden corral, the curtains were also Golden, and the mattress was spread around the throne hall. Everyone was trooping in, Alpha Evan was standing in front of his throne with his lovely wife Kate by his right, and his son Nican by his left. Any leader of any pack coming into the ar
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Evan and Alison park settle their differences and became friends.
Everybody had settled down while Nican and the rest were chatting happily. Evan, Kate, Aiden, Vella, Jaden, and his wife, Alison, Derrick, and Gerrard, were together sitting on the big dining table, with them surrounded by it, they were all seen with smiles and laughter. Evan stood up, he looked at their faces one by one before speaking up"Am glad that we all are sitting here today in peace and not for war, I don't know how to express my happiness, I have long waited for a day like this to come and it finally showed up, am glad we didn't let our children experience the coldness between our pack, and I hope we can continue to grow in peace and love and also work together" Evan bowed down immediately he made his last statement, a loud clap was heard. Alison interrupted by clearing her throat before standing up and working towards the front of the hall for speech."I know I was cruel before, I know I wanted to eliminate you all, and I still hold grudges against myself even though I kno
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Nican and Zira had an argument
Nican woke up with a huge headache, it was as if his brain is about to leave his head, it was banging like someone who did something that drained out its energy. If this was how having a headache felt like, Nican was glad he never experienced one, not until now, and he hoped it was going to be his last time having one. He looked around, and he saw it was already midday, he tried to sit upright, but something was restricting him from doing so. He slowly sat up and saw that Zira was the one, she was sitting on the floor with her head resting on his leg, turning the other side, he saw Mira sleeping too, but her head was resting on the bed."Did I sleep too long, that they had to take care of me?""When did Mira arrive here?" He asked, that was when he remembered he had just undergone the process of becoming an Alpha and is now an Alpha"Zira! Mira!!" He called but none of them answered"They must be really tired and need some sleep" He came down from the bed and was about to carry Mira
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