Semua Bab In love With My Lycan Stepbrothers: Bab 1 - Bab 10
140 Bab
AFTER DRIVING INTERSTATE for over 7 hours, I found myself navigating my way in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I kept on reciting the address mother had forwarded to me after the call yesterday like that would help me see the house faster. I could not help but notice the basketball arts and street basketball courts. "Man, people around here must love basketball." I noted to myself, nodding to the beat of music blasting from my speakers as I cruised along. Why do I have a feeling that I'm lost? I snatched picked up my phone from the passenger seat and searched for directions to get to the house and saw that it was just about 15 minutes away.I followed the direction and got to the big one-storey, victorian style house with white-washed paint. I eased my car to the sidewalk and parked, relishing the feeling of finally getting to my destination. According to mum's phone call yesterday, nobody should be at home. My step-brothers should be arriving tomorrow. That was fine by me. Being a
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I TRIED TO stay away from the triplets for the rest of the day. I stayed locked in my room, trying to keep myself busy by editing some pictures. I surely did not want anything to do with those men. Apart from the fact that they were rude, they had the type of looks that your mother warned you about. I considered calling my mum, but I did not. Who knows what I might be interrupting? I laid face down on my belly, thinking of Toronto and Mum. I remembered the call I had with her some days ago when she told me about my step-brothers. "They're not… your regular type of guys, to say the least." That was what she had said. It was all making sense now. The golden brown eyes when he was aroused... Jason's comment about me, smelling like sex. He must have perceived the arousal I got from getting turned on by his brother.Of course, they were not my regular type of guy… they must be fucking werewolves or something. But then, how would I know? I've never been out of the Coven.I was still
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My mother married a Lycan?! Double fuck! "Whatever it is you're doing will not work" Jason asserted and paused for a while. Obviously relishing in his victory. "I asked what the fuck you want!" I demanded once again. "Well, for starters, you are going to convince your mother to end this marriage between her and father." He said. "Me? Convince my mother?" I was dumbfounded. “Wasn’t it your father who proposed?" or did I hear the story wrongly? "Yeah, manipulation. He was manipulated by your witchy mother." Jake snarled above me. He tightened his grip on my wrist. "My mother isn't even a witch and you know that!" I yelled at him. "I don't care." Jason said. "You are going to do as I say. You don't have a choice." With that, he walked back to his seat and cut up his steak. "I believe you have burnt up my food." He said absent-mindedly as Jake let go of me. I got up and rubbed my wrists. I could see angry red marks of red on my skin. "Sit and eat your food." Jason gestured an
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I DON'T KNOW much about lycans because they are rarer than werewolves. They were even rumoured to have gone extinct. But from the few hours I've spent with them, I've had a little more knowledge about them than I had before. I've always known that, unlike werewolves, lycans do not shift completely into wolves. Their paranormal form is a humanoid wolf. A pretty monstrous sight. I read somewhere that their connection with the moon goddess was also not as strong as that of werewolves and it was the reason they don't shift uncontrollably and howl at the full moon. I know they were stronger than werewolves. How much stronger? I wasn't aware of that. All I knew was, a werewolf would have whimpered in pain at my spell - I had seen My father bat off hordes of Vampires with just that spell - but these ones just shook it off like it was nothing. Or maybe I just wasn't good at making that kind of effect with magic yet. No pressure though. At least, I could finally feel the magical energ
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I maneuvered my way with little magic so I was resting my back against a tree. Jared deepened the kiss, my hand went around his neck and up his hair. He left my lips and went to nibble at my throat. Waves of pleasure washed around me as he took little nips along my collarbone, my chin… I arched my back against him when his hand went to the button of my jeans and when he touched my clit, I let out a hearty moan and squirmed. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me. There was the question in his eyes. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him again. That must have answered his question because he doubled the fervor which he used to kiss me. “Your room?" He asked against my neck. "Too far." I mumbled. He nodded and proceeded to lower me to the ground filled with dry leaves and hummus.His hand was on my jeans again when we heard a ruffled and then a conversation trailing into our ears. “...what do you think the witch will taste like?”“...shut up you pussy eater?” I h
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I woke up the next morning with determination flooding in my veins, thanks to Jared. All my life, I've never really bothered to test my strength and magical abilities. I just assumed that I was the weakest of the weak, due to my low magical energy.I was unable to draw out energy from natural sources like others which caused me to be a burden on the Coven. They regarded me as useless, throwing me aside and going about with their own duties. They didn't give a fuck if I had manifested some powers. No, they didn't. It didn't help that my mom was ignorant about magic too.And thinking about it made my motivation flare up even more. If I had honed my powers earlier on, I'd be more powerful and stronger than I was now. But, I won't think of the past now. I had to prove myself to be worthy. I had to prove to Jason that I wasn't a "weak human" as he claimed.I quickly got out of bed, heading straight into the bathroom to get rid of my morning breath. I took a quick shower too, putting on a b
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Loud yells filled the whole house. I stood in my suite— rather, what was left of it, frozen in fear. Jason had barely managed to get away from me, his rage nearly overflowing from his body. After his threat of punishment, I didn't think I would get out of this unscathed. I didn't mean for my powers to go haywire and cause this much destruction! I clutched my camera to my chest, as I quietly made my way over to where the noise was coming from.I peeked into the room slightly, catching a glimpse of a furious Jason pacing around with a frustrated look on his face. A brunette man with sharp features stood over at the edge of the room. I could remember him from the meeting last night. His name was Emery, I guess? I wasn't quite clear on it. I did know, however, that he was the Beta to Jason from their earlier conversation I vaguely remembered."... she fucking almost lit the whole house on fire! We were all staying in his house, peacefully, when we smelt smoke! Now half of her suite is d
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A deep frown settled on my face. You have to be fucking kidding me. What sort of ultimatum was this? Pay for the damage I've caused or have sex with them?What bullshit is that? Does he think I'm that desperate to jump their bones? Yes, I did find them attractive and I've thought of them in sexual ways, but that didn't mean I was that depraved."What the hell? No. I don't care how much it is, I'll pay," I glared up at him. He smirked, shrugging a little at my answer. "Of course. Well, the total of the damages would amount to...maybe over a million or more? And that's just for the room alone, not to talk of our damaged items," I blanched at that. A million? Where was I going to get the money from? Do I get a job? But then, how long would it take for me to pay it off?Jason cackled sadistically, with an amused glint in his eye. "I can almost see the calculations going off in your head. You know, if you agree to be with us exclusively, you won't have to worry about anything. Everything
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I took in deep breaths. Tonight was the night I would give myself to the triplets and I felt I was ready for it. Butterflies exploded in my stomach the more I thought of it. When I think of what they will do to me, my body trembles with extreme sexual excitement. I have been daydreaming about it all day and now it is coming to a reality.Today was something else, excuse this morning… I had finally got to see a side of Jake that wasn't rude and aggressive and I liked it. I like being around him as much as I like being around Jared, and I find myself wondering what his touches would feel like, what his lips would taste like and how they would feel against mine…I just couldn't stop these thoughts from filling my head. The passion in his eyes when he stares at me, his confession, everything aroused me more than I wanted.After I got out of the dressing room earlier, I had to get a grip on myself, acting as if nothing happened. He paid for the clothes and we got back into the car and we
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I opened my mouth slightly as a confused frown came onto my face. What did he mean by "I am the girl they've been waiting for"? That was strange, even for Jared. I blinked, waiting for him to explain what he meant. Jared didn't speak, instead, he took a hold of my hand and led me out of the room.I realized that he was taking me to their suite and my confusion made way for excitement. My body sprung to life as anticipation buzzed through my veins. It was happening. My fantasies will soon come true.Though, as excited as I was, I still felt apprehension at the whole thing. Was I really doing the right thing? I know that we weren't related by blood, but was it really alright? What will my mother think of me if she finds out? It felt wrong and I was going to engage in polyamory too.Yet, I couldn't get them out of my mind. Jared's kisses always managed to scramble my brain and I instantly feel the need to submit to him. Jason and Jake...they spark up a need in me that I never noticed I
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