Semua Bab Billionaire In Shining Armour : Bab 1 - Bab 10
59 Bab
Chapter 1: Painful Truths
Miranda’s P.O.V“At least smile. You look like you don’t want to be here,” Michael whispered softly in my ear as he continued to caress my waist with his larger hands.There was absolutely no energy left in me for that. I’d already spent most of it pretending to be happy by his side all evening long, and it had taken its toll on me. I was utterly exhausted from all the feigned grinning and laughter; my stomach was basically hollow due to me not having eaten much due to my ever-growing bundle of nerves and my feet were definitely swollen from all the walking around we had done and the dancing.Plus, the fact that Michael couldn’t dance for his life and kept on stomping on my toes.One of his feet clad in his custom-made Prada dress shoes landed on my mine, which were unfortunately covered by open toed Tom Fords and I jumped back with a hiss. My hands fell from where they had been around his neck and balled into fists. I bit my lip to stop the tears from gushing out of my eye sockets; so
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Chapter 2: Hospital Bills
Miranda’s P.O.V“The injury wasn’t as bad as it looked; she simply dislocated her mandible, or lower jaw, from the temporomandibular joint. You rushed her over just in time for manual reduction to put it back into place. I placed some elastic bands to prevent her from moving her jaw too much. As for medication, I wrote a prescription for NSAIDs to help relieve the pain and some muscle relaxers. Over exertion of the jaw, as in yawning, should be avoided and try to eat soft foods. Apply ice to the area occasionally,” the doctor droned in a professional tone, clip board in hand.I felt like shit to say the least.It was early morning the next day after Michael had brought me to the hospital. I had blacked out as soon as we got here and woke up with a bandage around by jaw and head, plus an excruciating pain on the lower part of my mouth. The worst part about this is I couldn’t talk too much or yell at Michael after he had so blatantly humiliated me last night.He sat by my bed, having dis
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Chapter 3: Mother-in-Law
Miranda’s P.O.VAs soon as we got home, Michael rushed upstairs to our bedroom and left me with the jovial task of carrying his mother’s bags and showing her to one of the guestrooms, which was ridiculous since I was in no position to be lugging such heavy things. It seemed she had packed her entire closet, given she had brought more than five suitcases!After pushing the last one through the door, I released a gasp and wiped away the stream of sweat that had formed on my brow. “Aw, sweety, you didn’t have to carry those. You should have let the butler do it,” she laughed in a derisive way. I rolled my eyes. “Oh, I forgot that you don’t have any help around here. Such a pity, you should look into that.”I’m not a money spending machine like you, Roxanne! I pressed my lips in displeasure as I pivoted and made my way towards my room. Upon entering, I found Michael hurriedly slipping on a fresh linen purple shirt. I would have drooled at his chiselled form and unbelievable abs, but nowada
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Chapter 4: An Opportunity
Miranda’s P.O.VAbout six weeks had passed since that untasteful night at the charity ball. My jaw had healed nicely and I was very happy about it; that, and the fact that Roxanne had left the house after being a literal pain in my ass for the last few weeks. She treated me like an invalid and did everything for me, from cooking the meals, house chores and even spreading the bed. I had told her on several occasions that I could do that by myself but she had insisted.She was being so uncharacteristically nice, that it was sickening to watch. I bet she only did it because she wanted to dissuade me from my thoughts of leaving her son, but it had all been in vain. I still wanted to leave him, but I just had no idea how I would do it. Tonight, Michael and I had been invited to a dinner party hosted by none other than Jason O’Connor in celebration of his 5th wedding anniversary with his slut of a wife, Camille. It was only natural that I didn’t want to go for obvious reasons but Michael wo
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Chapter 5
Miranda’s P.O.VI’d made it down the first step of the grand staircase when I almost fell back due to a vice like grip wrapping around me wrist. I was yanked backwards and came face to face with the ugliest expression I had ever seen on Michael’s face. It was both frightening and murderous.“Where the f—k do you think you’re going?” his voice erupted in an animalistic grumble. Camille came to stand beside him and eyed me warily, some sweat forming on her forehead. Scared huh? Well, you better be!I attempted to remove my wrist from his hand but he wouldn’t budge. “Let me go right now, bastard!” I retorted acidly, my nostrils flaring with anger.“Miranda, don’t be irrational. Let’s talk about this-,” Camille tried to pacify me, making me chuckle dryly.I alternated my glare between the both of them. “Talk about what? What is there to talk about? Both of you leave me the hell alone right and let me do what I’m supposed to do. I cannot believe just how desperate and pathetic you both are
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Chapter 6
Third Person’s P.O.VAs soon as Miranda jumped out of the car, his brain refused to process the fact that it had actually happened. Bringing the car to a jolting halt some metres away, he moved out of the vehicle with nothing but bafflement washing over his features. He looked at her form, having stood of the ground with a determination he had never seen before.This b-tch is f—king crazy! He thought silently, but he wasn’t going to let her get away with it that easily. To his chagrin, a car stopped by her side just as he had begun to make his way towards her and she didn’t even hesitate to slip into it. He picked up his pace, sprinting like he was in an Olympic race towards her, but he hadn’t been fast enough. Whoever was behind the wheel was resolute on driving away at the speed of light, albeit driving a ramp shackled looking pickup truck, and almost ran over him in the process. Cursing loudly into the cool night air, he turned on his heels and took off for his car where he immedi
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Chapter 7
Miranda’s P.O.VWe had been driving around in circles for the past half hour. By now, I was certain that we had lost Michael somewhere along the loops and knowing him, he’d probably given up and must be heading home by now. The kind man, whose name I’d learned was Jessie, soon pulled up to the side of the road. “I think we’ve lost the son of a gun,” he exhaled in relief, completely mirroring exactly how I was feeling at the present moment.Frankly speaking, I was terrified out of my wits. Camille pushed me down the stairs and I was still surprised as to why I hadn’t died. I narrowly missed my chance to put an end to their clandestine affair but I guess luck wasn’t on my side. My phone is most definitely broken, and who knows if it can be repaired. This was only the tip of the iceberg. I’d also not forgotten that Michael had threatened to kill me if I didn’t keep my mouth shut. I can only imagine how desperate he would be now to find me, and who knows whether or not he will succeed. I
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Chapter 8
Miranda’s P.O.VI felt the softness of a bed beneath me as my full weight pressed against it. After my little pathetic display in the car, Davien had carried me into his house, which was surprisingly not as big as I might have expected. I’d had this notion that since he had a driver and all, he’d be some Ritchie Rich but I guess I’d been mistaken by a long shot. It was a quaint little abode, with a very cosy and kindred exterior. He had carried me to what I assumed to be a guest bedroom on the ground floor.I scooted up and leaned against the headboard, and watched him disappear into the adjoining bathroom only to return with a first aid kit in hand. He sat beside me, making sue to maintain some distance, but I could still smell his enchanting cologne. He opened up the box, took out cotton balls and some antiseptic before looking at me. “I need to dress your wounds; will you allow me to do so?” he asked politely. I nodded silently, before he leaned over to me and got to work.I tried
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Chapter 9
Miranda’s P.O.VA look of amusement spread across is glorious face as he leaned against the doorframe with an outstretched arm. “Eavesdropping, were you? Didn’t expect that from you,” he tsked and then shook his head in fake disappointment. I dipped my head in dismay. I’ll admit that what I did was really shameful, and now I looked like a toddler who had been scolded for drawing on the wall or something like that. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” I mumbled and then bit my lip. All the while, I was still on the floor, my butt stationed on it. He laughed briefly before he offered his hand to me which I took, only to end up landing on his chest. My hands flew up to his pecs to steady myself so that I didn’t land smack dab on him, his smooth and glistening skin making contact with my palms. My eyes began to trail all over and downwards on their own accord, not hesitating to admire the well-defined contours of his abs, deep v-line and happy trail. When my eyes then met his blazing ones, I
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Chapter 10
Third Person’s P.O.VAfter last night’s ordeal, Michael ended up oversleeping and ended up having to buy a new outfit for work. He had been so exhausted from feeling restless from most of the night that he woke up around seven. With the speed of lightning, he ordered a new suit from the boutique downstairs of the five-star hotel he had ended up staying in for the night. He ended up arriving at the office a little over eight, and he was shaken up to say the least.Entering his office, he blew out a tired breath and took a seat on his cream leather swivel chair. He was lucky that everybody seemed to be in a frenzy about some meeting that was supposed to take place that he had slipped in almost unnoticed. It wasn’t long before he powered up his PC and got to his duties, which brought him a sense of calm and ease.The company which he worked for was Hux & Co Marketing Consultancy. It was basically the largest marketing firm in the whole state, and one of the most prominent companies in th
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