All Chapters of Catering with Love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
47 Chapters
I was almost done with my coffee, and things had been going great, when Renee' reached over and ran her finger over where my wedding ring used to be. "I, ah, noticed that you took it off," she began, and I knew there was a question in there. I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the light caress of her finger on mine, then opened them and gave her a weary smile. "I'd known Kayla all my life, our parents were friends, and we went to the same school together," I said, turning my hand under hers and holding it in place. "We started dating in high school, which made our families happy and we just sort of settled into things from there. It was never love at first sight, or a match made of passion." I paused, realizing my inner literature nerd was coming out, then I chuckled and continued, "Sure, we had the sweaty palms and stolen kisses of any teenaged relationship, but soon we just fell into an easy relationship. We went to college together, then Kayla got pregnant and we moved back
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I floated through the storefront, across the kitchen, and into the office in the back I shared with my sisters. It was a good-size room. Big enough that you could fit three desks, some bookshelves and couple chairs. My desk was the smallest, since most of my work was done in the kitchen, with Jennifer and Suzanne having full-size desks, which were always put to use. While Suzanne's was completely covered and cluttered at all times, Jennifer's was organized and always clean. Suzanne had an old oak desk with decorating magazines, a large organizer and swatches all over it, while Jennifer's had a modern feel with crome finish and smooth lines. My desk was shoved up against the corner with a small purple chair tucked under it. It was white and feminine and held only my recipe cards, cookbooks and notes full of ideas. Jennifer and Suzanne had been talking about the wedding reception we had  this upcoming Saturday, but when I walked in their heads turned to me and the
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"Why do I have to go to Grandma's tonight? I want to stay home and play with Jess. I'll see hem on Sunday." Amora had been complaining since we got home from school, which had made trying to get her packer up, and myself ready for my date extremely difficult. I looked at my daughter, hoping was I was aout to say next was the right thing. We didn't keep secrets from each other, unless it was something I thought that she was too young to know, so I took in her scowling face and made a decision. "Dad's got a date tonight, so Mama and Papa said they'd watch you. THey said something about popcorn and movie night; I know you'll love that," I said, watching her closely as I spoke. Because she had my undivided attention, I saw her scowl deepen and eyes narrow. "A date?" she bit out, sounding more like Kayla than ever. "Yes, sweetheart, a date. I'm taking Renee' out for dinner at 'Prime Rib'." "Renee', from my birthday party?" Amora asked, her
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I was watching by the window, without trying to look like I was. I didn't wan't want to appear too eager, or like I was waiting for John with my nose pressed against the glass of our storefront. So, instead, I was half hiding behind the door to the back, watching like a creepy stalker. I saw him pull up, park, and hop out of his truck. As he rounded the front, he wiped his palms against the side of his slacks, then pushed his glasses up his nose. He's nervous. I took a deep breath, a small smile playing on my lips, calm now that I knew he was feeling exactly the same way I was, and walked fully out into the storefront and to the door.  John's head came up as he caught my movement and he broke into a happy grin. He opened the door as I approached and held it so I could walk out past him. My arm brushed his hand as I passed and I felt a tingle of anticipation run through me. "Hi," I said softly, a little shyly. "Hi," he replied, his
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I don't know why Tanner's demeanor changed when he realized who Renee' was, but I didn't like it one bit. "Hey, brother, I'm not sure what just happened, but your tone and your face, are kinda pissing me off," I warned, low enough so his employees and Renee' couldn't hear me, but so that he definitely could. Tanner's eyes shot to mine and he grimaced, then said sheepishly, "Sorry, man." Then, he turned his attention to Renee' and took her hand back in his. " I apologize, Renee', it's very nice to meet you. John is one of my great friends and I trust his judgement. I'm sorry for being rude." Renee' looked at him uncertainly, then asked softly, "You don't even know me, so why ...?" Jericho looked over our heads, toward 'Three Sisters Catering'. "I know your sister, and let's just say, when things ended, they didn't end well. But, that had nothig to do with you, and I'm sorry for acting like an ass all this time. I'm happy to have you and John an
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"Does it feel like you never get a break, working and living in the same building?" John asked as we walked across the street. Dinner had been perfect. Delicious food, easy coversation, and no more weird run-ins with Tanner. Now, we were on our way to my place for dessert and all of my earlier bravado had left me. I thought it was terribly sweet that John was nervous about being alone in my apartment and waht my expectations may be, and at first, I'd assured him easily that there was nothing to be nervous about. Then, over the course of dinner, my mind kept circling back to our conversation, and my nerves had grown. It wasn't that I was worried that he was anticipating a certain ending. I knew he wasn't, but my fear had grown from something else...Him. I liked him so much, and everything about him, about us, seemed to fit so perfectly, what if I somehow ruined it? Maybe I should cut the night off now, before I have the chance to screw things up. End on a happ
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It may not be manly to admit, although, I’ve never been afraid of my softer side, but after my evening with Renee’,I was floating on cloud nine.The date had gone better than I imagined. Aside from Tanner’s bizarre behavior, the evening has gone perfect. I loved getting to know Renee’ better. Her close relationship with her sisters, her random Elvis obsession, and the way her lips met mine eagerly after a delicious helping of lemon crème brûlée, and a glass of wine, all only further fueled my desire to spend time with her.I was in danger of acting like my students. Utterly lovestruck an impossible to be around. And I loved it. After a night of deep, soundless sleep, I awoke, feeling refreshed and excited, already counting the minutes until I get to see Renee again. Only one black cloud over shattered my happiness, the fact that today was the day I started the search for Kayla.Would it take days, weeks, or God forbid months? I had no idea, all I
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"We totally rocked that reception," Suzanne said happily as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes, champagne flute in hand. We'd had one of the rare events where all hands were needed on deck, so the three of us, along with all of our staff, had spent all day and all evening on Sunday pulling off our biggest wedding reception yet. A lot of blood, sweat and tears had gone into making it go off seamlessly. But it was all worth it. Now that everything had been cleaned up and torn down, my sisters and I were back at our building, sitting in the quiet dining area out front. THe shutters were drawn, so no one could se e in, and it was blissfully peaceful. "Yeah, we did," Jen replied, raising her glass and nudging Suzanne with her knee to get her to sit up amd open her eyes. "To Three Sisters, us and the business, for becoming more than I ever imagined. Great job tonight." My feet were throbbing and my lower back niggled, but I wore a huge smile as I clincked my glass to theirs. "
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Hey! I know you have school, but can you breeak away for lunch? If not, it's totally okay. Just thought I'd ask. I was wlking down the hall, the discussion my class had just had on the pros and cons of Mr. Darcy still playing in my mind, when Renee's text came through. An instant grin and, I'm a little embarrassed to say, some stomach flutters, were my immediate reaction to seeing her name pop up on my phone. Unfortunately, I didnn't have time to break away during the school day, but was so pleased that Renee' contacted me and wanted to see me, that I wondered just how strict Principal Wiggins' policy on non-staff members eating in the lounge was... Realizing I was willing to risk it, I texted back: Can't break free for lunch, but you could come here. I'll even share my peanut butter and banana sandwich. My break is until 12:30. I was standing in the middle of the hallway, looking down at my phone as I awaited Renee's reply, when a gentle hand on my shoulder, and softly spoken, "
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I stopped walking once I realized I was marching down the hall alone and had no idea where I was going. I turned to see John still standing at the door, frozen, his mouth gaping a bit as he moved it but no sound came out. I tried to figure out what had happened then his words came back to me and I guffawed. "Calm down, John, I know it was just a reaction to the cake, and you don't actually love me," I assured him, even though the words had given me a quick thrill coming out of his mouth. "You're such a nervous nelly. People tell me they love me all the time after they taste my cooking." Relief filed his face and he smiled as he crossed to me. "Really? I have a lot of competition, huh?" "Yep," I quipped, matching his step as we made our way down the empty hallway. It was kind of weird being in a high school again. Brought back memories. Some good, like Suzanne and I laughing as we rushed through the halls to get to soccer practice before we got busted by Coach. Or bad, like the t
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