Semua Bab The Lycan King's Breeder: Bab 31 - Bab 40
172 Bab
A cold feeling
Chapter 31: Avalyn's POV "This is treason, Avalyn. If someone else sees this with you, they will consider it treason! Do you know how long we have all been waiting for an heir to be born to King Talon?" I felt tears begin to build at the corners of my eyes. My hands started shaking and the pills dropped off my hands. Cassie wasn't shouting or yelling, but each word she said sank deep into my soul. I had managed to get Talon to let me leave, what if he had seen this with me, what would have become of me? "It isn't mine... I swear..." I choked as the first of the tears dropped down my cheeks. "I... We— it was on the ground and I thought it was a sort of supplement for pregnant women...." I tried to explain despite the large lump that sat in my throat. If she didn't believe me, she would tell Greg and he would tell Talon, then that would be my end. "I swear I was going to ask Sara about it. I didn't plan on taking it... I— I was going to ask Sara... Please believe me..." Dawn stepp
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Forgive me
Chapter 32: Talon's POV Greg and I were buried in the maps of the area when the door burst open and a breathless Dawn stepped in. "Forgive me My King, but I need to speak to the Beta. It is very urgent," she said in one rushed breath. We turned our heads at the same time and as much as I wanted to let him go speak to his sister in private, I had a bitter feeling this had something to do with Avalyn. "Speak out girl. You don't need to go into hiding for your voice to be heard," I growled. Her eyes flashed in panic as she turned to her brother for help. But he gave one look at me and he knew I was going to change my mind. He nodded at her and she stepped forward. "My king, we found a pack of medication at the guard's quarters that terminates—" she paused and looked up at her brother before swallowing the lump in her throat. "It terminates pregnancies." My brows furrowed at the term pregnancy and I straightened up at once. "Where is Avalyn?" I growled as my fist folded on their ow
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Keep my cool
Chapter 33: Talon's POV I left the door open and returned to the room to put some clothes on. My frown permanently sat on my face as I fought with the pants and finally the shirt that followed. "Alpha Trevor and Montgomery are here?" Willow asked and I grunted a reply. Suddenly I felt her soft hands on my back and I felt my inside soften at her action. I turned to her and she cupped my face between her hands. "Talon, you know we need them for the war against the rogues. Play nice," she said and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I know Montgomery is going to try his best to get on your nerves, the boy enjoys it. Please just try to ignore him," she added. I pulled her face closer and kissed her deeply. "I'll do anything for you my love," I whispered as I kissed her again. She chuckled against my kiss before pushing me away. "Our guests are waiting." I groaned against her lips and reluctantly pulled away from her. I moved to the door and found Greg waiting with a smirk on his face.
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Chapter 34: Avalyn's POV "Would you prefer I bring the food or we go get it ourselves?" Dawn asked and I shrugged my shoulders. I saw the vehicles that had trooped into the castle earlier as we made our way from the clinic. Talon had mentioned that he was expecting some guests and he wanted me to stay away from them. I didn't want to do something that would put me in a difficult position. But as I looked at Dawn's face, I could tell she wanted to leave the room. "Umm... I don't know Dawn. Do you think it will be right for me to move around with the guests in the castle?" I asked in a timid voice. Dawn pouted her lips and glared at me. "Do you always have to remind me to be a good girl?" She groaned as she stumped her feet on the carpeted floor of the room. I smiled at her antics and offered her an apologetic smile. "Fine. You win this round but after the meal, we will head out to the garden. It is only for royals and you and I, of course. I am certain the guests won't be there s
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Chapter 35: Avalyn's POV The garden became silent and I could pick out the sound of everyone's breathing as they all watched Talon's reaction. The queen suddenly cleared her throat, breaking the impending silence as she held Talon's arm. "What my King means is that Avalyn here is only but a maid. Alpha Trevor wouldn't want his heir to get mated with a common maid, will he?" she said glaring at me and each word that left her lips felt like whiplashes against my heart. "My father doesn't incriminate positions and besides, I really like her. Can she join us for the banquet later tonight?" Monty asked as his hold on me grew tighter. I could feel the heat of Talon's gaze upon our intertwined hands and the queen's cold glare fighting over who got to vaporize me first. Trevor let out a sigh as a smile covered his face. "My king, with all due respect. Since the girl is an ordinary maid, let her spend some time with Monty at the banquet. It will mean a lot to me," the man said and my heart
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Chapter 36: Talon's POV My wolf perked up and started flipping and I knew who had stepped into the banquet hall before I even picked up her scent. My eyes finally zeroed in on her as she walked to the table with Sara by her side. The dress she wore was a terrible choice. It hugged her in the right places, leaving nothing to the imagination. Her cleavage peaked at the top of the chest and all I wanted to do was tear that slit open and fuck her till she forgot her name. My cork throbbed painfully in my pants as I watched her get closer to the table. From the corners of my eyes, I could see Monty getting up and before I could stop myself, I got up and moved toward them. "My king," Sara said with a bow and Avalyn whispered the same with her head lowered. I stretched out my hand to her and her beautiful green eyes flashed up at me as if the action was wrong. Heck, it was wrong, but at that moment, I didn't give a fuck what people thought. Avalyn was mine and the whole Kingdom could s
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Craving for more
Chapter 37: Avalyn's POV My body shivered under his kisses as I leaned into him, craving for more. At the table earlier, I was so embarrassed that I felt like a small rat between them but right now, as Talon kissed me so obsessively, I couldn't help but yearn for him. It was wrong because he belonged to another but my heart was beating for him. When Monty had asked me if I had found my mate, I lied when I told him that I didn't. Because I did. I have fallen in love with the King of Werewolves and no matter how much I tried to forget about him, I couldn't bring myself to do it. He was mated to another which meant he loved another but I couldn't stop my heart from beating for him. I couldn't stop my core from aching for him. “No one else has the right to touch you here...” He hissed as his rough palms tore open the top of my dress. "You don't know how much I wanted to do this..." His voice was so hoarse, my core was already dripping before he even started. "Hmm," I moaned as he s
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Ass kisser
Chapter 38: Talon's POV As I returned to my room that morning, my body felt renewed. My muscles clenched as my brain felt better than it did in the last couple of days. Avalyn had a way of touching my very soul and bringing me that extra effect I didn't even know I was missing. I got to my room and pushed the door gently open, not wanting to wake Willow. "Where did you sleep last night?" Her voice welcomed me the moment I stepped foot inside. I cringed inwardly as I banked on meeting her asleep. I didn't tell her where I was going when I left the table at the banquet last night. I was overwhelmed by my desire and all I wanted then was Avalyn. But as I stood in the room with her, guilt washed over me. Just a few days ago, I had asked her to forgive me and I promised to cherish her always —I still cherished her, I just couldn't push away Avalyn either. Willow stood at the center of the room with a face so straight, I couldn't tell if she was angry with me or not. I summon up co
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None of your business
Chapter 39: Avalyn's POV My hand suddenly felt heavy as I slowly dropped it. He wasn't happy to see me. Did something happen? But we were fine last night. What could have gotten into him? Sadness covered my face and my heart felt like it was drowning. Last night was one of the best nights of my life. I thought things were going to be better between us but the look he gave me... Threw every hope I had down the drain. 'Get a hold of yourself Avalyn! He belongs to someone else!' my subconscious reminded me. "Earth to Avalyn! Earth to Avalyn!" Dawn called, waving a hand in front of me. "Huh?" I said turning back to her. "You naughty girl, you are falling for the king aren't you?" She asked and my cheeks turned pink at once. "No!" I cried out rushing to shut her lips with my hands. Who knew who was around us? "I am not! How can I be?" I retorted and she broke into laughter. "Well, I am sure you will confess all your naughty deeds very soon! Come on, let's go get something to eat,
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Chapter 40: Avalyn's POV I stopped in my tracks wondering what happened to the light. Since I have been living in the castle, this was the first time that a power surge would happen. Everywhere was pitched black. I could barely see the jug of water in my hand. I knew my way back even with the lights off but it was best I waited for the light to turn back on. It couldn't take too long. I tried to count out the seconds as I waited for the power to return but I got to three hundred and nothing was happening. "Maybe it was a major fault," I whispered to myself. I couldn't keep waiting here. I decided to find my way to my room. I took the first step forward and my feet hit the first riser of the stair. I smiled as I found it. I started taking them one after the other making sure I took my time to calculate before letting my balance shake. Suddenly the air changed around me and the air at the back of my neck stood on edge. I felt someone's presence but it was too dark for me to see a
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