All Chapters of My Alpha, My Hellfire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
90 Chapters
Alec’s POVAs soon as my beta Ryan admitted me to the pack hospital the night of the battle, I grabbed the doctor by the arm firmly, and ordered him to give me a powerful sedative to make me sleep instantly.I was getting sick from how much her feelings were deeply affecting me and I wanted to shut her off in any way I can. That was the only thing I could think of at that moment.So I slept for twelve hours straight on a hospital bed and when I woke up around noon the next morning, I noticed that I was no longer able to tell her feelings.A huge sigh of relief escaped my chest. She’s probably sleeping, that’s why I can’t sense her. I knew it won’t last of course but at least this gives me time to sort out my options without any distractions.Besides, I don’t think her emotions will still be as powerful and consuming as they were last night. I’m pretty sure she’ll move on pretty quickly from whatever it was that got her feeling so much pain after she fled.“Are you able to move on quic
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Alec’s POVA huge weight of guilt settled in my chest because that question; about my pack’s survival, should have been asked last night, not twelve hours after I rested.Not merely two weeks ago, I stood in front of my pack and vowed to be a better alpha to them. To put their safety above everything else after what happened. And they have been kind and loyal enough to give me a second chance after getting most of my warriors killed in the attack I initiated against alpha Victor’s pack. The bastard who killed my father ten years ago and killed so many members of this pack the night he tried to attack it before my father and the rest of my old pack; now my brother’s pack, backed them up and made the rogues flee to save what’s left of them.After my father died that day, everyone of authority in this pack was dead too. The alpha, beta, and most of their adult relatives. So my brother appointed me as the alpha of this pack. Ryan was about to turn eighteen at that time. He was from this p
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Alec’s POVI really needed this hug.Who said hugging can’t be for men too. We’re also humans with feelings! It doesn’t make us less manly nor weak. We may have a stronger control on our emotions than women, but sometimes the blow we receive is harder and stronger than our capabilities to endure, even for us alphas. And so we do need a few moments to break down and need someone to be there by our side to give us the push we need to get back up. This someone happened to always be Adrian. My best friend, my secret keeper, my older by two years brother who always loved and took care of me despite being a pain in his ass because of how much and how often I put myself in danger, making him always worry to death about me.He tightened his hold on me as if to reassure himself that I was really here and still in one piece.Then he let go and looked me straight in the eyes “You’re not, but you will, I’ll make sure of it” he said determinedly.“I need your help for that” I said calmly.“Whateve
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Alec’s POVDavina is one of the greatest people I ever got to meet in the past two years since I met her.She’s a danger addict just like me.But she has a huge advantage with her that makes her absolutely invincible, a few huge advantages to be more specific. She’s one of a kind. She’s the only one who has both the werewolf and warlock genes together, making her an ultimate weapon against everything evil.She’s great at magic because her powers never run out thanks to her wolf and her mate, Jude. She gets her powers from them and she’s the only one capable of casting extremely powerful spells that no warlock could ever be able to perform no matter how old they are. And she’s only twenty years old. She’s the one who helped us win yesterday’s battle without losing a single life. She’s the one who cast the protective shield around this pack and made anyone who’s not part of the pack completely powerless and human, unable to shift.I truly consider her a friend because we used to hang ou
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Alec’s POVAdrian cursed and closed his eyes in anger.I pulled out my phone and started calling Davina’s number with shaking fingers.I have to find her. I can’t leave her with those monsters. They will kill her. I can’t go through this.Maddox was howling and growling in rage at the thought of her dying by the rogues.I kept calling Davina non stop all the while I was focusing on my mate’s emotions in case they change, but they only kept on intensifying making me picture what it was that she was experiencing. I didn’t like the picture I was building in my head at all.By the sixth time, Davina finally answered in a cheerful tone “Hey Alec. I’m sorry I just saw your missed calls. I left my phone in….”I cut her off urgently needing to get to the reason I’ve been calling “Davina I need your help. Please, you’re the only one who can help me” I said desperately in a shaking tone.As soon as she registered how serious my tone is, her voice got worried “Sure Alec. Whatever you need. What’
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Alec’s POVI furrowed my eyebrows “I thought she was being hurt by the rogues she came here with because of her betrayal. What is she doing with a non rogue pack? And why are they torturing her?”Sadness and immense grief painted her features and I had a feeling that what ever this pack is, they were worse than rogues, if that was even possible.“They’re not a normal pack, Alec. They….they have an agreement with many rogue packs. They have a deal with them. Whenever rogues raid a pack and invade their territory, they spare a girl or two who are young and beautiful and sell them to the King’s pack in exchange for money, food, or anything else they need. They sell the girls to be….to be…” she couldn’t bring herself to continue as she choked up on her words.“To be what?” I asked darkly. Not liking where my train of thought was headed into.“S… sex slaves. They… train them then sell them out to people who can afford to buy them; mostly alphas and betas or even rich humans, or they offer
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Alec’s POVMaddox whimpered in my head “If she says that’s the fastest way and safest, we need to hear it. They won’t kill her, at least we can be sure of that. If she suffers for a day but it eventually gets her out without anyone dying, we need to hold on to that and get through this night”“What is your plan?” Adrian asked Rhea on my behalf.She winced before saying to me hesitantly “You need to act as an interested buyer. When they recognize you as an alpha they will do everything they can to get you to buy one of their slaves because alphas always pay a generous amount of money. They will present them all in front of you to take your pick. You can purchase her as your slave and bring her back to your pack. But Alec, you have to play the part right. You cannot let them know you’re actually rescuing your mate or it will turn into a blood bath. If they find out, they will know for sure that you are going to retaliate for what they did to her tonight. You need to act cold and cruel,
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Alec’s POVI let go of the glass wall I was using for support, straightened back up after I was done heaving, and began to walk towards the door leading out of the quarter when Ryan stopped me “Where are you going?” he asked in confusion.I turned to them all and spoke sharply, making it known that I mean what I’m saying “I don’t want any of you to follow me or look for me until tomorrow before it’s time to leave. I need to do this on my own in order to do what needs to be done tomorrow the right way. Ryan, you will come with me to that pack. Prepare yourself to act the part too. We will buy two of them. At least help free another person instead of just one”“Wait, I’m coming too tomorrow, we can buy more” said Adrian assertively.I shook my head and said determinedly “No, it will look suspicious. You’re already marked and I don’t believe many alphas with mates go around buying sex slaves for themselves. Same goes to you, Jude. Just me and Ryan”I turned around and left at once withou
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Andrea’s POV“You have to eat something. I saved you a sandwich and a bottle of water” she said softly as she helped me up to a sitting position.I shook my head, My stomach turning in revulsion at the thought of putting anything in my mouth after what I had to swallow the entire time I was with that bastard.I don’t think I will be able to put anything in my mouth, to eat or drink anything in a very long time to come.I looked around and saw the same girls I was locked with before. They were sleeping, laying down on the cold hard floor, all recovering from various forms of torture. But while the only evidence left of what they went through during the night was dried up blood and fading, faint bruises, I could feel that my own injuries were still not fully healed telling me I went through the worst of it. Well, it only made sense as it was my first time and I didn’t exactly make it any easier for myself.I looked at Mila and saw her sporting the same kinds of bruises with the same dri
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Andrea’s POVThe showers were in the form of a long, semi dark aisle with a long wall running in the middle of it that carried the shower heads to it. The three light bulbs that were hanging from the ceiling at equal distances from each other were not enough to give enough lighting to the entire area. There was absolutely no form of privacy. No curtains. No partitions between each supposed shower space.The place was somewhere in the same level as the basement as we didn’t go through the door I went through last night that led to the ground floor of the pack house where I tried to escape.I realized that the basement area was quite large and must have a lot more than just our cells or showers, but I was too terrorized last night to focus on anything.My assumptions were confirmed as I saw two other groups of naked girls walking inside the aisle with two other men leading the way. The girls were in the exact same condition as us. They must be held in other cells separate from ours.I c
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