Semua Bab Taming The Heartless Mafia: Bab 1 - Bab 10
100 Bab
Heartless Mafia
Outside the clan was quiet like a graveyard, so peaceful and calm, that only the cold breeze of the night was the only sound heared.But Inside the clan, lies the cry of agony of a man in his late 30's who's being tortured vigorously by some of the members of the clan.With the quietness outside, you can hardly suspect that someone is being tortured in the most cruelful way."Arrghh!!" The man screams in pains as heavy chains were used on him by the men in charge of the torturing.His face was filled with his own blood, and he was at the point of dying, but this men weren't ready to halt the chains that they were using on him, not when the order of torturing the man came from the boss himself- Axton, the mafia boss of the mob know as the Adrenaline mob."Isn't this getting too much?" Fallon asked.Fallon, she's a member of the clan, brown eyes, long brown curly hair, skinny and she's in her late 20's, good at fencing and archery.Archery is one of her most favorite tactics, she's knows
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The word he hates
The half-dead man look at Axton with eyes filled with regret. He regretted betraying the devil in front of him."I'm sorry boss, spare my life and I won't ever betrayal you again" The Man said hoping Axton will soften to his pleadings."Is he going to spare him?" A male mobster whispers to his friend, his name is Tornado."I doubt. The boss hates the word sorry" Gatsby, who happens to be Tornado's friends whispers back to him.They can't allow their conversation get to Axton's hearings, Cuz he won't hesitate to turn them into barbecues."What did you just say?" Axton asked as more anger build up inside of him."I'm sorry boss, please forgive me" The man begged, but little did he know that he pleading for mercy was just weighing his punishment.Axton with deadly eyes brought out a knife from the dark coloured cargo pants he was wearing, caressing the knife in the areas of his eyes. Fear gripped the man immediately."Do you know the word I hate most?" Axton asked drawing circles around t
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Lusting over him
His suite was painted black. The curtains, chairs were all black, considering himself a Demon, he portray the role of one, by going with the colour that best defines a demon - which was Black.Axton sits in the black sofa, smoking. The room was filled with smells of the cigarettes he was smoking, and he was puffing out the flames of the cigarette, through his nostrils. He was just looking like a complete devil.Braxton enters the suite, and she had this kind of happy smile on her face. She's here to talk to the Boss, and is something she won't trade for a million dollars.She looks at Axton who was backing her, smoking like his entire life depends on. She drag her short purple knife pleated skirt up to her tommy, making the skirt she was wearing more shorter. She cleared her throat and said."Boss, I'm here" Axton turns to look at her and his face was cold and stony, like it has always been.And it often made the members of the clan asked each other how he turned out to be so handsome
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The vroom sound of a truck could be heard as its expedited down the quiet street of the city of Australia.At the back of the truck, two girls were being tied with twisted ropes, one with blonde hair and the other girl with Black hair.The girl on blonde hair was sobbing, as the truck keeps driving them to unknown destination, while the other girl with black hair, had no tears in her eyes, neither was she scared."Can you stop crying?" The girl with black hair said."I can't help it Megan, Where're they taking us to? She asked with tears - Megan was the name of the girl with black hair, skinny and have a very slender waist.Megan sighs and patted her friend. "I don't know Sophia, but I guess is not somewhere bad".And Sophia looks at her. "How do you know that? You don't even know where we're going, why did you insist we steal from them? We got caught and now we're being taking to a place we don't know" Sophia said with a crying voice.Sophia and Megan are friends. They met two years a
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"What're you all looking at? Untie us this instant" Came Megan's voice, as she struggles to loose the rope tied around her.Some of the members were present in the room, watching Megan in disbelief. *Shouldn't she be begging for mercy* Was the thought of the mobsters.Sophia was just quite, unlike Megan who keeps telling the members of the clan to free her from the clutches of the rope."Are your ears clogged, untie us!" Megan said fearlessly. This was the kind of person she is. She's always so brave even when she knows she's in the face of danger."Where is she from?" Spooky asked looking at Megan. Braxton looks at Megan and furrowed her eyebrows, somehow she already hates Megan, despite just meeting her for the first time.The members of the clan were murmuring to one another, still wondering where on earth Megan came from. But silence occupied every space in the room, when Axton enters.And they all bowed their heads to him, making Megan wonder who the hell he was. Axton looks at M
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I don't know why
"Is she crazy?" Gatsby asked, directing the question to both Ace and Tornado who was present in the room with him."I love her guts" Ace said admiring Megan. And somehow he feels himself getting attracted to Megan."Why? You won't pull the trigger anymore?" Megan asked looking straight in his eyes. "You asking them to kill us is totally unfair. You can scrutiny us if you're thinking we took anything from those cartons of yours. Are you really the devil's son, so you won't blink an eye when taking the lives of two innocent souls. c'mon dude, what's going on in that big head of yours?" Megan said, Ace looks at her and smiles."Bring down your gun" She said. The members of the clan were expecting Axton to blow off Megan's head, but what Axton did next, took ten years out of their lives due to excess shock.Axton brought down the gun from Megan's head. Braxton had to blink and rub her eyes to verify if her eyes were deceiving her. "Did the heartless mafia just spare her life" She muttered
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I'm not afraid of you
The room was dark and empty, so the echoes of their breathe could loudly be heard. Megan and Sophia couldn't see each other because the room was so dark. It has no window, which made it more darker.Sophia's sob was just circulating around the dark room. She hasn't for once stopped crying since they arrive in Russia. Megan struggle to look for her in the dark room, and when she finally saw Sophia, she search for Sophia's hands, holding it."I'm sorry Sophia" Megan apologize, but Sophia took her hand from Megan. "Don't touch me Megan" She sobs and continues talking."Why do you like involving me in your trouble? First you suggested we steal from that truck and because I stupidly listened to you, we were brought here. How could you have talked back to that demon, instead of apologizing". Sophia said.Megan scoffs on hearing the last sentence Sophia made. "Why should I apologize to him? I didn't do anything wrong, I was saying what I intended on saying to him" Megan said. Somehow she al
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I have to see her
The spit on his face send nothing but anger down his spine, he grab Megan's hair forcefully. Megan winces in pain, trying to break free from his grip, but Axton was way stronger than her. His eyes were burning in chars."You're really tasting my patience aren't you!!!" He roars at her. Megan looks at him still trying to break free from his hold, but Axton held her tightly."I haven't kept anyone who choose to go against me alive, but since you're proving to be so stubborn, your going to die in the most cruelful way" Axton said with his eyes filled with anger. Megan gulped down hard. "What is he going to me?" Megan asked herself inwardly.Even if she's so damn scared of what he might do, she didn't show any sign of fear. Apart from having great fighting skills, she got to learn from her late dad never to be scared of anyone. "Showing how scared you are, we make your enemies think you're weak" Her late Dad will always say."I'm not afraid of what you might do to me" Megan said, after re
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The plan
Ace enters the torture room panting heavily. He ran without stopping still he got to the torture room. When he heard Megan was being whipped, a part of him was greatly hurt, and that's why he ran all his way down to the torture room.His heart aches seeing Megan being whipped with hard twisted ropes. Her cries filled the torture room and she had bloody trace marks all over body, especially her arms and back since she was mostly whip there. Despite her blood wetting the ground, they didn't halt from the whipping her. Though they were feeling sorry for her, but they know halting the whipping will be the end of them. They dare not stop when the boss hasn't given the order."She's going to die" Ace muttered feeling so sorry for her. He'd wish he could help out, but he can't. No matter how strong he was, he knows he can't confront the Boss. If it wasn't Axton that gave the other, he will have stopped the whipping. But since the order of whipping Megan came straight from the heartless boss
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You're a demon
Fallon and Braxton were the first to arrived in the building. Both were wearing black fitted jumpsuit. Fallon was wearing a pencilled silver heels while Braxton was putting on purple wage heels."The building is huge, just like Artemis said" Braxton said. "Let's get to work" Came Fallon's voice as she enters the building. Braxton scoffs before joining her.Their faces weren't shown on the CCTVS, thanks to Artemis, being the queen of hacking. She hacked into the CCTVS of the building and that's why it was easy for both Braxton and Fallon to gain access inside the building.And just like Axton has said, the poison ivies were already invading in the building."The boss was right, the poison ivies really came " Fallon said."Let's take them down" Braxton said, folding her fists, all in the mood to fight. One thing Braxton was proud of was knowing how to fight. She wasn't just skilled in tracing people's whereabouts, but knows some fighting tactics too.Fallon and Braxton attacked the posi
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