Все главы The Alpha's Bride: Глава 11 - Глава 20
By the time I get back to the mansion, Vivian, Michael, and Cameron are waiting for me. A bad feeling forms in my gut when I see Ness standing to the side, looking very pleased.Both Vivian and Michael are wearing cold expressions on their faces whilst Cameron looks guilty.I don’t know what to expect at this moment and when the door shuts behind me, I jump and look over my shoulder only to find my blood growing cold.Jason had been standing behind the door.I immediately step back in fear, but he just smiles at me, “Hello again, Danielle.”His words sound all the more sinister now and my heart is pounding as he approaches me. But there is no where I can go.“It seems Cameron spilled the beans already,” Jason sounds disappointed. “I’m very disappointed in him.”Cameron turns white as a sheet but doesn’t say anything. “You did this,” I finally muster up the courage to say. “You ruined my life on purpose.”Jason’s hand comes to stroke my cheek, “But, sweetheart, I am giving you
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As a child, I used to go on long trips with my father. It would always be me and my dad.Till wolves attain the ability to transform, they aren’t very strong, and their senses aren’t very heightened. It’s a gradual increase. Mine have begun ever since my eighteenth birthdays. So, I know my time is close. However, my father had wanted all of us to be able to survive in the wild which is why he had constantly taught us basic survival skills. That’s the only reason that I manage to see my had on my shoulders as I trudge through the forest, my sharp eyes following the map.However, after half an hour, I realise that Jason will be able to follow my scent. And if that happens, all my plans to escape will be fruitless. I look around in the dark and find a small skunk staring at me, almost balefully as if I’m intruding on its territory.Knowing what I’m about to do, I wince but reach out and grab the skunk, curling it into a ball so it can’t release its odour on me. I run back down the
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His words pierce through the curtain of haze within my mind, and I jerk back from his touch, “W-What?”He blinks and I see his eyes clear up, but he studies me. His hand lowers from my face, “What’s your name?”I want to step away from him, but something stops me, my chest seizing, “I - Are you real?”This time his lips twitch, “I don’t know how to prove that.”The flash of sudden humour makes me blink and suddenly this man in front of me seems more real. My current situation hits me like a ton of bricks, and I immediately scramble back, “Who - Who are you?!”The man seems a little taken aback at the amount of fear in my voice, “I’m Adam.”“I-” I stare at him, the cloudiness fading from my mind. “You’re with Jason, aren’t you? That’s why- I’m not going back!”I turn around and am about to run when he grabs me by the upper arm, “Wait! Just wait- How do you know Jason?”His words stun me and a seed of doubt sprouts in my head. I falter, “Y-You’re not with Jason?”There is a shar
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However, despite the sudden shock at his words, I don’t have time to process them.Whoever is chasing us has clearly caught our scent and is on our heels. Or that’s what it feels like.“Crap,” Adam hisses glancing over his shoulder. “I’m not fast enough. Not in this form.”My heart is beating loudly, and I tense up when my skin suddenly ripples.“Adam,” I whimper. “It hurts!”His voice is gentle even as he’s running, “I know. Just bear it for a while.However, a few minutes later, he stops and carefully lowers me to the ground, “Change of plan. Get on my back.”I stare at him as if he’s suddenly grown a second head, “I was just on there. Have you gone-?”I don't even get time to finish my question before he is transforming in a shimmer of light into his animal form. There is something comforting about the massive black wolf looking at me. Without thinking too much, I left my mud caked hand and run it through his fur. He doesn’t seem to be bothered and in a sudden fit of mischie
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My mouth is dry when I come to. And my head feels as if it is stuffed with cotton.I let out agora when I try to move and somebody is holding me up, murmuring, “Here. Drink this.”It’s water.Cold, fresh water, and as it flows down my throat, the cotton in my head begins to disappear.My eyes are bleary when I open them, “W-What happened?”“You nearly poisoned yourself,” Comes the angry response and I see vaguely familiar face looking down at me. It takes me a moment to recall everything, and I slump back into what is clearly a bed."It would have been kinder for you to have let me die,” My voice is heavy. “Let you die?” There is a strange undertone in Adam’s voice. “Why would I let you die?”I don’t answer his question, looking around instead. I’m in a small wooden cabin. When I look at Adam, he doesn’t look very pleased and I turn my head away, |Do you know what it’s like to be abandoned by everyone you loved and trusted? To be sold off as if you are not not an existence t
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Everything inside me goes still, “What? Say that again.”Adam has a half smile on his lips, but his eyes are serious, “You are my Luna. My true mate, my other half. My-”“I get it,” I snap, annoyed at his light-hearted attitude. “I mean how do you know?”“How do you not?” He raises a brow. “You felt that connection when you first laid eyes on me. And don’t bother lying to me, little skunk. I saw it in your eyes.”“Will you stop calling me that!” I half wail. “This is a serious topic!”“Okay, okay,” He raises his hands in surrender and laughing quietly. “I don’t know what else to call you. Why don’t you tell me your name?”I hesitate before saying, “Danielle.”This time his smile is soft in a way that makes my face feel way too hot, “That’s a beautiful name.”I flush, “Thank you.”And then he pinches my cheek again, “But I’ll keep calling you little skunk.”I give up at this point.“Fine,” I glare at him. “Why can’t you be serious? How do I know that you’re not saying any of
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“A servant girl at the Moore mansion gave it to me,” I tell him, my eyes on his face. “Her name’s Jenny. She has a large burn scar on the right side of her face.”Adam goes still in an almost unnatural way, his face stiff, “What did you say?”His words are a threadbare whisper.Unnerved, I repeat myself and I see a savage pain in his eyes, “Jenny? Jenny’s still alive?”He seems so shocked and devastated. But under the agony, there is relief, but I feel confused, “How do you know her?”Adam’s jaw is tense, “She’s my little sister. I thought - I thought Jason had killed her or worse.”What could be worse than killing someone?I don’t realise that I’ve spoken aloud till he gives me a pointed look and something within me goes still as horror fills me, “He wanted her too?”Adam looks angry but nods, “It’s a long story. I don’t feel up to talking about it just yet.”I’m about to say something when I feel a piercing pain inside of me and I groan, curling up into myself.He is by my
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I go still on hearing that, “What?”Adam gives me a dry look, “Surprised?”I stare at him, stunned, “But he did the same to me. Why Cameron-”“How do you think the Moore family became so rich?” Adam gives me a long look. “They mostly do the Alpha’s dirty work. Jason gave them a lot of trading rights in exchange for this. Cameron and I used to play together as children. Never did I fathom that he would betray me like this. I begged him not to do this or to just take Jenny as his mate. But he refused to. He did this to the little girl who used to follow him around since she could walk on her feet.”I sink my teeth into my lower lip, “But surely if Jenny is a servant there, she can leave right?”Adam lets out a bitter laugh, “You really don’t know much about this pack, do you?”When I just stare at him, he shakes his head, “She’s not a servant, Danielle. She’s a slave. Females have very little rights here. After Jason took the mantle of Alpha, he started making a lot of changes. Thi
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The mating bond gives me the push I need to allow my wolf out.I feel the fur rippling all over my body and under the intense pain is a sense of freedom as if I can finally breathe.When the pain finally stops, I slowly open my eyes, only to see Adam staring at me, his eyes glinting.“You’re magnificent,” He murmurs, his hands running over my fur.I stare at him, feeling almost wild, before I trot over to the hot springs to take a look at myself.My fur is a light grey and when I look over my shoulder, I see the large black wolf walking towards me. He rubs shoulders with me before licking my snout and grinning. I can feel Adam’s presence inside of me, a steady throb within me. And when I look at him, I feel a sense of belonging and home.This sly tongued man with his teasing words and sad eyes, he’s mine.And for the first time, I’m hopeful for what the future holds.*Shifting back is easier and I’m giddy with excitement after my first transformation. And yet there is
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I stare at him, “What?”When he doesn’t answer right off the bat, I feel a bit panicked.“You’re saying we should sneak in-”“Sneak in?” Adam lets out a sharp laugh, filled with anger. “We’re mated. We can walk back into that pack, and nobody can touch you or me. Jason can’t steal you from me and if he tries, I want the pack to see his true face. And I’m still the beta of the pack. I am still the heir to my family. Me returning won’t be a shock.” However, I’m not entirely convinced, “What if he does something to Jenny?”“I’ve been thinking about that,” He murmurs. “There’s a good chance he’ll try. But our first stop will be at the Moore house. Cameron owes me his life. If he is willing to repay the blood debt, then I can get Jenny out of there. Years have passed. I doubt that if I reach first, he’ll think that Jason still has an interest in my sister.”I feel tense because this whole thing seems like a gamble, “And what if he doesn’t?”Adam’s smile is sharp, “Then we play the g
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