All Chapters of Love stories: Chapter 41 - Chapter 48
48 Chapters
Everything was going very well, the expo was very good, writers of international level were presented, when we arrived we were guided to our table that was in a very good place, from there we could see everything and was very close to the stage where they were going to give the special awards.So the ceremony began, and they began to give the awards, we were excited because one of our favorite writers would be awarded, when they named a writer to give her a special recognition, she was a woman not very tall, but dressed in very good taste.So she thanked her husband, thanking him for his unconditional support for her, when the guy was going up the stairs he looked familiar to me, but I still couldn't see his face.When he turned around I was paralyzed, it was none other than Esau, yes, yes, yes, it was him, I couldn't believe it, it was him with his brand new wife, I kept looking at him, but he didn't, so when he started to look at the audience our eyes crossed.For a moment he kept l
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Lidia was a girl of the lower class, her mother was a single mother and had a small economic kitchen, with that she saw how, but she got her two daughters ahead with great effort, but that's how she did it.Lidia was the younger of the two sisters, her older sister Elena did not want to study, she was not good for that, so she dedicated herself with her mother to take care of the kitchen, while Lidia studied elementary school, she was not good for studying either.They lived in a neighborhood in Tacubaya, but she went to school in Escandón. When she left elementary school, her mother wanted her to continue studying, so she put her in high school.Lidia was a girl who was eager to have money, and everything she wanted, without having to work hard, in fact, she was a lazy girl who did not like to do anything, and to have everything, her mother struggled a lot with her, so that she would help them in the kitchen.On Lidia's side, she continued looking for her prince charming who would ge
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He didn't bother to answer her, he simply went in, paid, asked for the key, took Lidia by the hand and went up in the elevator, they arrived at the door of the room, opened it and went in, once inside Lidia told him:-No, no Ruben wait I don't want this right now, wait.He did not answer her anything, he just started to undress and told her to do the same, then he went on top of her like an animal, she begged him not to, but he did not listen to her, so after a while he got dressed, threw some bills at her and said:-You go home, don't let me know that you are somewhere else, because I'm coming for you.-But why Ruben, why are you doing this to me?-Look, I didn't look for you, you were the one who was after me and this, this is what you wanted and you were looking for, besides, that's it, you're a buscona, you wanted it and I gave it to you, so don't complain.-But Ruben.-After this, we're going to get married.-What, don't dream, after you've been through everyone you think I'm goi
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-Well, pack your suitcase, just take what you need the most, then come back for the rest if you need it.-But mom, what are you going to be?-Lidia, for once in your life, do what I'm telling you.-But mom, first tell me what you're going to be.-I already told you, look Lidia, I've never touched you, I've always let you do whatever you want, but if you disobey me now, I'm capable of beating you and running you out of the house, so choose either you obey me and do what I tell you, or you leave the house right now.Lidia had never seen her mother so angry, and believed her capable of anything and if she ran, where would she go, Ruben was capable of leaving her in the street, she didn't count on him, so she had no other choice but to obey her mother.So he started to pack a suitcase with everything he needed, when he finished he told his mother.-That's it, I've already packed the most necessary things.-Well, the cab is already waiting outside, so let's go.Lidia did not know where the
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-Well, they are going to get married after the baby's DNA test, if we are sure it is yours, then they will get married for sure, then you are going to start working, you are going to keep a schedule, so with your monthly payment and your salary you are going to live well.-Yes, if dad is okay.-Well, go and see where your mother put her, I hope that tomorrow they will go to the apartment.-Yes, of course, the sooner the better, dad.-Yes, go and see how you are doing with your mother.Ruben left his father's office, when he was going to see Lidia, his mother walked in and said to him:-I feel sorry for you, how could you think of messing with this kind of people, how could you.-But mom.-No, don't tell me, you have disappointed me, go to your room here in my house you are not going to do your dirty tricks, so while they are here you are not going to see her, ok, and if I find out that you are seeing her on the sly, I will see to it that your father doesn't give you a penny, so you be
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So she spent a long time in the store, then she went to the apartment, when she arrived she saw the large number of bags, she lay down on the carpeted floor, when suddenly she saw a middle-aged woman looking at her, she stood up immediately and asked her surprised:-How do I enter, what are you doing here and who are you?-Well, come in with the key I have, I am the cleaning lady and I am here for whatever you need, ma'am, I am sent by the wife of the lawyer, young Ruben's father.-Well, start by putting everything in its place, everything I brought.So did the lady, then Lidia went to where the pool was, she took everything off, being totally naked, then, just as she was totally naked, she submerged in the water, when she came to the surface, she went to the shore, got out and said: "One more dream comes true for me:-One more dream come true, how much I dreamed this scene, to swim totally naked in a pool, and how good it feels.After that, she waited all day for Ruben, but he did no
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-Yes, if you see, I'm leaving now, but she's in communication with your mother, to see about the wedding.-Yes, of course.It was clear that they already had everything planned, they were just waiting for the results.So Ruben came to see Lidia, she saw him and said to him.-Love, how is our baby, no one is giving me any information.-Yes, he is fine, they are checking him.-But I haven't seen him.-I forgot to ask when you will be discharged, let me go see.Ruben looked for the doctor and asked him when Lidia would be discharged, he answered:-When you want, since it was a normal delivery and she has not had any setbacks, you can take her with you if you want.-Thank you, yes, if I take her at once.When he got to the room, his mother was already there with the baby, so Rubén told them.-Lidia, did you bring your suitcase with your things?-No, I didn't have time to take it, I really didn't remember.-Well, you're leaving like that with your robe, mom, let's go to the apartment.-I'm
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-Well, not really, no, sorry, but no.-Let me give you some clues, your wedding, a group of friends who introduced you.-Yes, yes, I remember, come in, please come in.So they entered, the two went to the kitchen, Lidia invited her a coffee and they became friends, her name was Abigail, she was a very pretty tall woman with a very good body, very elegant dresser, she looked like a model, she attracted attention wherever she went, her walk was wiggly, but not in a vulgar way.Wherever she went, she got the looks of the gentlemen, some were lascivious, others denounced her as she passed by, and others were very flirtatious, but she was a very simple person for the environment in which she lived, she treated everyone equally, she did not make anyone feel inferior to her.So she became great friends with Lidia, and so they began to talk.-You don't know how glad I am that you came to visit me, you know, the truth is that no one has ever come to visit me.-Well, I have great news for you.
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