All Chapters of The Taste of Heaven: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
74 Chapters
40. Tangled
"Nevea!" Zach's angry scream reverberated through the bathroom walls. He pushed each door of the toilets without caring whether someone was using it. Since Nevea woke up, Zach had a feeling that woman was cooking something in her pretty little head. The way her eyes wandered around him like he was her worst enemy and how her heart accelerated like she was in trepidation. He should've known it, yet he ignored those signs. After her almost-dying experience, Zach thought Nevea would cling to his arm and beg for his protection. But it wasn't her if she didn't manage to surprise him. And now, she successfully played him and escaped from his clutch. Zach hit the mirror hard until it broke to pieces, and blood flowed through his knuckle. "Damn you, Nevea." He cursed. He, for once, didn't like to play with her like this. Knowing someone out there was hunting for her life didn't sit well with him. He wanted to be her shield and ensure that her soul stayed together with him for as long as h
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41. Old Friend
Nevea had decided for Vuyshire, her birth city, to be her final destination. She had been on the road since last night, moving from one city to another. Luck seemed to be on her side since the driver never once checked on the truck's backside, making her journey smooth. Nevea only jumped from the truck when it finally passed the gate of Vuyshire. Before the incident with Max and Bryan, she had already used the phone from another visitor in the hotel to rent a place in Vuyshire. Not only that, but she also had withdrawn a large sum of money that would help her survive for a whole month. As for now, she was pretty much prepared to stay hiding in her new place until the situation deemed she could flaunt her face. Nevea then walked to her new place in haste. She pulled the zipper of her hoodie until it almost covered half of her face, making sure that none of the local people could see her. By now, Zach and Vlassta might have started their hunt. She believed they had already spread her
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42. Vuyshire
Hanna Banks. How could Nevea forget that woman’s name? She had engraved it on her mind far since she was a kid. Her memory might be blurry on her face, but the name was enough to bring all the memories back.Just as she said, Hanna was a devil incarnation in her eyes. Nevea recalled how Hanna used to taunt her for being an orphan, calling her names because of her odd silver hair. At first, the young her thought it was nothing since kids were always making fun of each other. But Hanna didn’t stop with verbal abuse. That despicable kid took a drastic turn to haunt her and hurt her physically. Nevea, like a fool, accepted all the pain from Hanna. She didn’t even try to defend herself because she believed she had to be the wise one between them. She was taught to be a docile and kind child. So she did. However, her action backfired. It only drove Hanna to the edge.She remembered how Hanna started spreading rumors about her being cursed after the death of her first family. At first, the r
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43. Memories
Nevea wasn't given a chance to comprehend the situation because Kiara had already dragged her away. She tried to break free, but to her surprise, Kiara was stronger than she thought. Kiara pulled her away from the main street to the small alley that Nevea was familiar. As they walked further, Nevea's brows furrowed because she could picture that Kiara somehow wanted to bring her to her first house after she got adopted. "What are you doing, Kiara?" Nevea's voice was firm and almost sounded angry, but Kiara completely ignored her and kept strolling. "Tell me before I decide to hurt you." She threatened, but it fell deaf to Kiara. Nevea then opted to attack one of Kiara's legs, but before she could do it, they came to a halt in front of a minimal-sized house with a brown fence. A long time ago, the house was hers. It was the place she got love and care from her foster family before death took them away from her. Nevea yanked her hands free from Kiara and glared at that woman with a
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44. Fairy
“This is your punishment. You will never be forgiven unless you got his blood on your hands.” An old man said to her. Nevea was sure she never saw that man, but he spoke to her like he was her master. She wondered whose blood that man talked about. She had the idea that it might be Zach’s. But why would she need his blood?“You know very well that desire is forbidden, but you lust for a demon. And worse, you chose Zach.”Nevea’s breath hitched. She wanted to curse. What the hell was happening, and how could Zach be a demon? The demon was only a myth; they didn’t exist. “He has tainted your soul, and nothing except killing him would help to wash your sin.” “What sin are you talking about?” Nevea bellowed, but the old man didn’t hear her. Instead, he kept talking to the unconscious her. “We are sending you to earth, Nevea. He will come for you, trying to lure you again, but you shall kill him; that’s your only purpose on earth. You only have two chances. If you fail, you will have no
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45. Purpose
“I am your kin, Nevea. A fairy.”Nevea muffled her laugh. This had to be the wildest day she had ever had. Everything that happened was just too ridiculous that she couldn’t help but feel that it was a mere figment of her imagination.“Fairy, you say. I must admit you have colorful imagination, Kiara.” Nevea barely bothered to hide her dislike. “First, you show me countless images with a different scene from what I remember; then you let me see a scene where I was punished for something silly. Lusting, that too for a demon. A creature we only know from myth.”“You manipulated yourself into believing you live with a harmonious family and also forget despicable things you’ve ever done. I merely helped you to see without something clogging your views.” Kiara defended herself. “And a demon. If vampires, a creature that used to be a myth, could walk freely. What makes you think demon couldn’t?”“You are manipulating me.” “Stop it. Deep down in your heart, I know you realize that everything
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46. You
When the morning came, Nevea didn't bid goodbye to Kiara. She snuck out of Kiara's place. Their conversation yesterday made her uncomfortable. So before that woman could try to coax her again into killing Zach, she had to escape. She needs time to think without having someone pressuring her to make a choice. Her nerve spiked up when she arrived at the front of her home's gate. Something told her that behind the closed door of her home was someone waiting eagerly for her. Nevea's brain screamed for her to dash in the opposite direction, but instead of obeying it as she should, she ignored the ringing alarm and marched forward without hesitation. Her hands went into her waistband, searching for the gun, which was fortunately still there. It wasn't for Zach but rather for her self-defense against Vlassta because Zach wouldn't dare to hurt her while Vlassta was on a mission to eliminate her. She then grabbed the keys from the pot and unlocked the door. The cracking sound it made broug
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47. Deal
After sharing a brief kiss in her home, Zach immediately took her away, and she followed him without complaining. They had many things to discuss, so she thought arguing was pointless. They had met with Hanna accidentally. As Nevea expected, her so-called friend started blabbing about her past when she saw Zach. Nevea assumed that Hanna might experience a little jealousy after seeing the car Zach used to take her back. Her heart jumped with joy when Zach completely ignored Hanna's existence and went straight to the car, waiting for her to hop in. And she followed him not long after, and they drove back to Grouver in silence. Never in her wildest dream had she thought she would walk to his door voluntarily. But here she was, sitting peacefully while looking straight at Zach without being alarmed. They sat across each other comfortably, then Silan entered the dining room with two glasses of wine. Nevea noticed Silas peeking at her ankle, and Nevea knew he was looking at whether she wa
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48. Turning Point
"Is this necessary?" Nevea asked, looking at the handcuff that bound her wrist and his. "Hmm. I can't trust you blindly. Despite the amazing theory, we have yet to reach the same stage as the other version of ourselves. When we finally share the same feeling, which isn't to hurt each other, then I'll trust you.""Fair enough. I can't trust you either." Nevea sat on the bed, tugging him to make herself comfortable. "So what do you want to do now?""Sleep." "The sun is still up. Why are even want to sleep when vampires don't need one?""I am tired, Nevea. Thinking about you out there while fighting for your dear life made me restless for a week. So, what I need is high-quality sleep.""Oh.""Yes, oh. Now lay down." Zach pushed her flatly onto the bed and followed right after her. Zach closed his eyes and stopped talking with her. He kept thinking about the theory of them being in love. It sounded way too beautiful and magical to him. The word love itself was unfamiliar to him. He didn
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49. Sweet Bite
Nevea slept like a log until the following day. She had ignored Zach's question about her feeling and took her confused mind and heart to sleep. Zach had laughed and mocked her, but she acted like it didn't anger her, and eventually, he gave up and let her rest. When she woke up, her wrist was finally free. She didn't know when he had decided to unbind their wrist. Maybe their conversation before she slept helped him to put a little trust in her, or perhaps he felt terrible after witnessing her having a bad dream. Or he could have a completely different reason she wasn't aware of. Nevea moved around the room leisurely as if she owned the room. Then she went to take a bath. She was done only after ten minutes. She wore an oversized black shirt paired with grey trousers, which she guessed belonged to Zach because they didn't smell new. After that, she left the room and tried to look for him. This was the first time she wandered without having a pair of heavy chains on her feet or a
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