All Chapters of WHO IS HE?: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
63 Chapters
Daniel's point of views :So, I was right about this bastard.He is the murderer, the beast! I tried my best to control the rage that was evoking like a lava within me. I didn't want to take any reckless move. Hence, gritting my teeth, I just stared back at him. His eyes were now holding my Rose captive. My gaze was fixed on him, keenly observing his every move while simultaneously, they were also on my wheelchair that lay ahead of me. I was just waiting for the right opportunity.He started taking closer steps towards Rose and just when he walked ahead of my wheelchair, that was it! That was the moment I was waiting for.I kicked the wheelchair making it hit him straight. He stumbled down and his gun fell down somewhere across the room.Immediately, standing up on my feet."This is how the tables turn," I said pointing my own gun towards him.Clearly, he was bewildered watching me standing in front of him as his End."You Rasc*l!" He cursed out loud but before he could attack me ba
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Rose's point of views :It must have been about seven in the morning. I couldn't tell.I had been here for so long that it was hard to tell and when I looked back through the hours, it blended into each other like paint on the marble floor.Daniel was taken straight to the operation theatre after we had reached the hospital last night.Doctors have said they are trying their best.I am too emotional to feel tired right now. Just sitting right outside the operation theatre hoping for some miracle to happen.Flashes of Daniel lying motionless in my arms kept coming back to me.My palm balled into a fist.I couldn't help blaming myself for whatever happened to him. If only I had done something, he wouldn't have been in such a condition now.But I was just too petrified back then."You should leave. I'll be here" Lucy's voice got me out of my thoughts."No! I cannot leave him. I want to stay" I replied back."You need rest," she said."I am too restless to rest" I argued back."Please don
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ONE WEEK LATER,Rose's point of views :THE MENACING MURDERER FINALLY ARRESTED.Every article of every newspaper only appraised how the special team not just finally managed to break the chain of murders by putting the psychopath behind the bars but also how in the process they brilliantly connected the dots and solved the other bigger case, that is of organ trafficking.The link which Daniel was talking about was none other than the town's hospital in which illegal practice of organ selling was being done for almost a year.The team never suspected it until Daniel who brought it to their notice and got the hospital in the limelight.Apparently, the doctor involved in the malicious practice had treated me and all the other previous victims too. In the process, they got all the crucial information they needed about us and that is how they chose us as the targets. After every murder the body was always being sent to the same hospital and that was noticed by Daniel. They kept a keen eye o
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After a leap
One Year later,Rose's point of views :The freezing weather of California challenged me enough today. As I walked through the lonely corridor, I could feel the exhaustion of the day taking a toll on me again tonight.Every night is kind of a similar night for me.Inserting the key and turning the knob, I was instantly welcomed by the warmness of my rented apartment.That felt good for a moment. Just for a moment.Walking inside, I looked towards the fridge. There might be a leftover pizza in there i thought. But i felt too tired to even heat that up.Hence, I going straight to my bedroom and i felt better just lying down for some time.A soft sigh eluded my lips,Time flies!It's been a year since I moved to California after college and since then nothing has been the same.I lost my mom to cardiac arrest last year.A lot many things changed.New city, new job, I am a therapist now. Everything did change over the years except one thing.Sighing again, I stood up to the drawer nex
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Second chance?
Rose's point of views :"Will you hurry up?" I heard Jessy growl."This is my best speed. Besides, we are just going to a cafe nearby so what's the hurry?" I replied back simply."I have a date later on. I have to get ready for that. I haven't even decided on the dress yet" she said."Another date? With whom? The same guy you met last month? What was his name? Sam? " I asked back."No. This one is a new one named Jason. I met him in the library last week." She replied back as we moved out of my apartment."Wow! That's fast! Until last week you were with Sam and now Jason. Must say You move on really fast" I commented."Well, you should too. Daniel isn't coming back after all" she replied as we got settled in her car.Ouch! That pricked!Gulping the lump of emotion i felt,"I...i am not waiting for him either" I retorted back."You don't have to lie. Not at least to me." She replied back while driving."I am not lying!" I told her straight away.I was."Okay, Great! Because you should
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Rose's point of views :There are times when longing for you overwhelms me Daniel and I think of you with clenched teeth because it's just so frustrating!That's exactly what happened today.Mike was indeed a great guy. He was calm and composed and so well mannered but the problem was me. I couldn't help but compare him with you. The way he talked, the way he smiled back, the way he was groomed today, I judged everything and compared everything with you Daniel like you are the top notch bar I have set for me and then somehow his charm just faded and I just ended up missing you even more.After that, I declined his offer for a second date.I felt bad doing that but I just couldn't say a yes.It's all your fault Daniel!I wonder when will I stop searching for a smile just like your's and wonder when will I stop looking for the familiar spark which you used to have in the eyes of others.Why is it so impossible?I let out a sigh walking down the lane. I don't know if you have really m
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ROSE'S POINT OF VIEWS :Next morning started with the continuous sound of the doorbell that woke me up.Looking up at the wall clock, I realised I slept longer than my usual time. The terrible headache made it even worse."What a perfect start of the day!" I whined getting out of the bed.With a loud growl, I walked towards the door.I knew who it could be.Who else!It has to be the most annoying person I know."WHAT?" I growled unlocking the door."What do you mean by what? I have been so worried for you since last night. How could you just hang the phone like that? What's the matter with you?" Jessy blabbered."Could you please lower your voice. Damn it! I just woke up" I told her with gritted teeth."I understood that by noticing your grumpy self. I got you breakfast. Get ready and come out fast" she said in a lowered voice this time."I am not hungry. It's my day off. I will eat my breakfast for lunch. So thanks and now just leave me alone" I snapped back "You are more grumpy to
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Nice guy?
Rose's point of views :Not belonging is a terrible feeling. It makes you feel awkward. Never thought I would have such a feeling sitting in my own living room.Letting out another soft yawn,But I really don't belong here. These are not my people.I feel stuck in this Crowd with the majority of the unknown faces. Time to time, my eyes instinctively went to the wall clock. I'd rather have prefered to be alone reading a book and eating the leftover pizza in peace than sitting in my crowded living room, sipping alcohol, looking at the bunch of nincompoops dancing to the deafening music."Will you stop being grumpy?" I heard Jessy talking.I gave her a glare."When I had said party, I didn't mean you taking a corner in the room cursing under your breath. Just relax and enjoy" she said. "It's in my nature to stay in a corner and just observe others." I replied back."Come on!" She said,"I still don't understand the purpose of this party" I told her, annoyed by her over persistent natur
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Rose's point of views :New day, new morning.Weekends are finally over and unlike others, I don't get Monday blues.I like my work.My work is like an escape from my reality. The reality that has nothing to offer but loneliness. Hence, I look forward to my work. I look forward to meeting new people, to know their story, to give my contribution in their life to bring a good change and to take a lesson for me to keep on continuing. There are too many silent sufferers out there and I want to reach out to them. Help them!That has been my driving force for a year. That is what has kept me going.I paused for a moment to look at myself in the glass window.Hmn. I look normal. So normal that nobody would ever guess that beneath the facade lies a perfectly flawed woman with a broken heart.That's good!With a sigh, I walked ahead.Walking outside the narrow lane, as I crossed the road to reach the bus stand, I saw a similar face staring back at me.Being not a very social person, I often
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Rose's point of views :It's 3 am,The world out there probably half slept and half awakened.The freezing chill outside my living room's window, moonlit desk by my bed, I am observing everything. Inside, it isn't completely dark even with the lights switched off.I am sleepy and tired yet lingering to stay awake in my living room, observing the CCTV footage. Can't miss the chance. One irrefutable evidence is all i need.Jesse is pretending to sleep in my bedroom with her back facing the window. Not only did I need her for the plan but I also lacked the courage to do it by myself. She was aware of the plan and all we are doing is just waiting for the right moment.Apparently ,Nothing strange has happened so far. Or am I missing something? I couldn't tell.With another yawn eluding my lips, when my eyes shifted back to the laptop's screen, I noticed the uncanny finally.I moved closer to the screen and my eyes gradually widened.A shadow?When I slightly zoomed in to my bedroom's
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