Semua Bab Love Spell: Bab 31 - Bab 40
66 Bab
Today II:
Yolie:Kneeling on the car's back seat, I know what Alex's interventions are and I won't refuse him. Enough is enough, I’m done running away.He kisses me again, drowning me in a desperate kiss. He sticks his tongue down my throat and I brush mine against his. I hold onto his curls, pulling on them. I want to devour him, I want to drink his delicious, thick lips whole.He tangles one of his hands in my hair and pulls them too. I groan, offering him my neck. He brushes my skin with his lips, pressing me against his body. I want more. The clothes have to go, they are getting in the way!I pull my t-shirt over my head. I'm wearing the black lace bra that I put on yesterday, it lifts my breasts and makes me feel sexy. I lean over Alex and he gets the message by laying down on the seat while I stay on him.Now I'm the one in charge and I change the speed of our caresses. I brush his lips with my fingers, caressing his cheeks with my lips, placing my forehead against his and inhaling his sc
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Today III:
Alex:I am stunned. She bit me! The sassy witch just bit me!I took special care to curb my impulses so as not to bite her again, but she has bitten me instead!I'm sprawled in the backseat of my black, tinted windowed Audi. I know I choosed it because I wanted to do just this, I wanted to fuck her in broad daylight right here on the cliff with the entire Acropolis for witness. For a moment I consider bringing her here tonight and spreading her legs on the hood of this very car.I play with a lock of her hair by rolling it between my fingers as she strokes my chest, tracing symbols on me with her tiny nails.—What was that, Alex? - She murmurs against my chest, siting up a bit. She grimaces and fixes her bra, she left it on above her navel and it was apparently pinching her skin. She looks me in the eye, waiting for my answer.-What was that you said a little while ago?—I said you're mine, little witch. - I massage my neck, her teeth have left a mark that is beginning to disappear.
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Ten hours earlier: Kira: I've gone out for drinks with my four friends. I’m wearing a very short, black and tight dress, I didn't even bothered to put on abra. Under the dress I wear a red thong. I also wear hyper high redheels. I haven't fucked someone in weeks. Withdrawal is taking its toll on me. My libido is out of control, so much so that I'm hallucinating with Patrick Amíntoros Yes, I remeber his name alright. I've officially joined his fan club, of which I'm president, prominent activist and sole member. I thought I saw him, while crossing the street, when leaving the bakery and coming home late after watching a movie with the girls a few days ago. But no. He really wasn't there, I'm just so horny that I imagined him. We took the ferry and we've come partying to the island of Mykonos. We've sneaked into an exclusive disco, thanks to the fact that Andrea, the owner of the beauty salon where I also work, is this place owner's cousin and we've been dancing the whole night. I
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One night stand:
Kira:The water in the shower is as cold as the fucking north pole. I scream, finding myself completely naked. What the...?There is someone else in the shower with me. My dull mind can't figure out who it is, but my body likes this new stranger. Even though I'm dressed as I came into the world, he remains stoic and also has all his clothes on. I pout.It really can't get any worse tonight. The guy who wanted me was a bloody rapist and now the one who's made me horny again, is not interested.I sigh.Patrick:I've undressed her and put her under the shower. Not so much to counteract the effects of the drug mixed with alcohol, by vomiting she's purged herself quite a bit of both. I'm giving her a bath to get rid of that guy's foul stench and of the smell of stale vomit.After kicking that guy's face, I called the police and handed him over to them. When conducting the search, they seized a bag with at least five Rohypnol pills and a pound of cocaine.The agents were happy, apparently t
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Confessions of a libertine:
Patrick:I would like to lie and say that ours was a quick and joiless fuck... but no. We kissed like we were a pair of hungry wolves, the girl stuck her tongue down my throat and I bit her lower lip.In three pulls I took off all my clothes and pulled her out from under the white sheet. I kept kneeling on the mattress and directed her to straddle me. She took a fleeting look at the size of my erect member while bit her lip. She climbed onto me and I entered her in one fluid motion, she was so wet I went inside her easily then she brought her arms around my neck.I held her by the buttocks, squeezing each one in my hands and guided her to move at my pace. Her juices wet my thighs, her hips rose and fell causing the delicious friction of our sexes, I raised one of my hands and anchored it to her neck, caressing her skin there with my fingers and nails. Her succulent breasts bounced with each of her movements, I moved my lips away from her chin and closed them on one of her pink nipples
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Yolie:Sun has risen and I'm hungry. Lately it seems like I could eat a whole mammoth thes days. I take a shower, putting on the red dress from the first day and going down to breakfast. When I get to the dining room, I’m surprised to find that all of Alex's guests are gathered inside. I take a cautionary step back.This isn´t good. If Alex isn't here...I feel him before I see him. He is right behind me,making relax into his his touch by caressing my hair, I’m melted already. It must seem to his guests that I'm some kind of pet of his, and it’s true. I've been completely domesticated by their Mégas.—Friends. - Alex intones. - What do you think if my girl accompanies us this morning?His girl? Alex has called me his girl in front of his most relevant acquaintances! Oh, my heart has grown a couple of wings and has flown up to the roof.The faces of his lieutenants show different expressions, going from obvious displeasure, tacit acceptance, total disinterest and the strangest happy fa
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Yolie:Alex brought me to the beach. I hoped it was a small secluded strip or cove, but no. We are in the very busy and crowded with tourists, Edem. It's the one closer to the center of Athens.At noon, after I had lunch, he went to find me in my room. He handed me another shopping bag and I stuck my tongue out at him.—Alex if you keep buying me things this is going to look like Fifty Shades of Grey. - I scolded.His lips twisted for a second and he looked at me mischievously.—The part where I tie you to a bed post and whip you with a riding crop hasn't come yet, precious.I swear I almost came right there. Oh, I would like it, I would like it very much if Alex got in a domineering mood and whipped me with one.—Do you ... do you have one of those? - I stammered.Alex chuckled, shaking his head.—Sometimes you have to be careful what you ask for. - he commented to himself. - Come on, go get dressed. It will take us some time getting to the beach.I dressed in a short, so short that
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The Balance:
Alex:I know I am smiling like an idiot. It had been a long time since I felt so... Pleased. I run my left hand through my hair, sitting in the mansion's dining room accompanied by my guests. We are gattered at the table. They debate among themselves on the subject at hand.Oh, I'm in DEEP trouble, Yolie summoned a hurricane because I smiled politely at another girl, if I get to seriously flirt with one... I bite my lip. I wanted to make her addicted to my caresses, to make her a slave to my kisses but I think the roles have been reversed. Zeus! I have drunk her blood again and that is dangerous, so much magic runs through her veins that I could easily end up addicted to the substance. Today on the beach I couldn't contain myself.Magic literally gushed out of her. I suspect that if I hadn't calmed her down, that storm would have caused great material damage or victims even. Many of my lieutenants are restless. Others like Vlad, throw glances at me, smiling broadly, some of them know
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Yolie:During the early morning I had a dream. I dreamed Alex came into my room, took me in his arms, and led me to a black armored car. We went out in a caravan of three identical vehicles. We were in the second car.During our journey, I went lying on the back seat of the vehicle, my head resting on my beloved’s muscular thigh while he stroked my hear.Oh yeah. I love him. Desperately.I keep the secret while I am awake, holding back the thought. But now that I’m sleep, I'm free to think it and feeling it and saying it.My dreamed Alex doesn't surpass the Alex of my reality. They are exactly the same. He takes me in his arms and carries me up the jet ladder. We take off and I sleep, snuggle in his arms and against his chest savoring that I have all to myself.Alex:I got her out of bed and carried her away.She didn't even noticed. The episode she experienced on the beach left her exhausted. We are back in Villa Philipides and my beautiful witch sleeps, oblivious to the great change
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Kira: My aunt and her husband have gone on a trip, apparently Kyrios Alexandros paid a cruise for a month to all his employees and their families. Aunt Yulia invited me to go with them, but I refused. I put my job at the orphanage as an excuse, but the real reason is another. I' m obsessed with Patrick Amíntoros. I can't get him out of my head. Theos, what a man! He spent up my monthly orgasm quota in just a day! I haven't heard from him in over a week. I know he is back in the Villa because all the people comment that something very ugly is going on. The fishermen claim to have seen Kyrios Alexandros himself patrolling the southern side with a group of men who look like CIA agents, something is awfully wrong. I' ve tried to entertain my mind with work, I even went out a couple of nights to the local bar in search of a releaf , but it’s pontless. I can't stop thinking about him and no other man gets my libido out of control in the same way. I'm screwed 000 My cell phone rings a
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