Semua Bab A Dragons Heart: Bab 1 - Bab 10
95 Bab
A Mundane life
I woke up to the sound of my alarm, and despite it only being 7 am, I was already feeling fed up. Nevertheless, I managed to pull myself out of bed and prepare myself for another soul-crushing school day. After I changed my clothes, I walked out of my room and down the hall to the kitchen, where my foster parents were already awake and had prepared me breakfast as they always do. I sat down and looked at the breakfast before me, my foster Mother always made the breakfast, and she gave me a small portion of overcooked scrambled egg with two pieces of burnt-looking bacon. Seeing these meals she prepared for me every morning only made my despair grow worse. I knew she only gave me the ruined part of their breakfast since I could see they were both eating perfectly cooked meals with twice as much on their plates as mine. They never even tried to hide it. Eating the excuse for a breakfast, I couldn't help but think, 'Honestly, I wish she wouldn't bother, I can tell I'm just an afterthou
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Reborn a new
I slowly started to come to and open my eyes, but when I did, all I saw around me was pure darkness. As I tried to move, I could feel that my entire body felt as though it was being restrained by a cage all around me. I was completely confused by what was happening, 'What the hell's going on?! Where am I? Why can't I move?!' feeling my entire body being restricted, I felt a strong urge to try and get out. As I struggled inside the strange cage, I could feel that because of its unusual shape, it was unstable and rocked around as I tried to move. Since I didn't like the feeling of it rocking around, I stopped moving and decided to try and just use regular force to try and break the walls around me. As I tried pushing my arms and legs out with my back against the wall for leverage, I kept trying to push and break the walls, but I still made the cage jolt around a little, and as I did, I could hear the faint sound of a voice coming from outside. I couldn't quite hear the voice properly
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A welcome ball
When I woke up, I found myself inside a sizeable pitch-black room, but for some reason, despite it being dark, I could still see as if the lights were on, 'Why does everything look as clear as day? I can clearly tell the room's pitch-black, but I can still see fine. Is it because I'm a dragon now?' Looking around the room, I could see it all so clearly. Unlike everything else I had seen, the room looked like a standard room that wasn't in a cave but was still elaborately decorated, just like the others. The room was much larger than the one I was reborn in but less than half the size of the sitting room my new family was in. The walls were tall with gold patterns across them, and the furniture in the room was equally as ornate as the room itself, all looking handcrafted. However, the cot I was lying in looked to be the most valuable piece in the room. The cot, like the other pieces of furniture, looked handmade. However, the intricate design on the wood suggested a much higher level
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Natural talent
The following day I woke up to Crimson's smiling face. She picked me up from my cot and changed me into another new dress she had ready for me. Part of me was starting to feel like I was her own personal dress-up doll. When we left my room, Crimson took me down a new corridor. This one took us outside the cave. Because of how bright it was inside the cave, my eyes didn't need to adjust to the bright outside. As I looked around, I saw the area outside was a large training area built onto a large ledge on the side of a mountain and in the middle of it were Walter and Tom, 'Wow! I didn't realise the cave was in a mountain! From what I can see, we're pretty high up too!' Crimson raised her hand in front of her, and as she did, I saw a yellow aura emit from her hand, and then a wooden chair materialise out of thin air. She then sat down and watched the two of them train, 'So I was right. She can use magic, and it wasn't just my imagination!' As I sat in awe of Crimson's skills in magic,
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Baby dragon, 1/2
A month passed, and eventually, I was able to start sitting up on my own for the first time, 'I finally did it! I didn't realise how much I missed being able to sit!' just after I managed to sit up, Crimson came into the room and saw me. She quickly became ecstatic, 'Is she really that happy to see me sitting up on my own?' Before I had any time to react, she materialised another one of those floating spheres and quickly made a memory crystal of me sitting up for the first time. I couldn't help but feel exhausted at her boundless energy and excitement, 'She's doing it again... She creates one of those magic pictures anytime she sees me doing something cute or new, and I'm getting tired of it... She's just too excitable...' Crimson took the crystal from the sphere, and as quickly as she entered, she ran out of the room and down the hall with a massive smile on her face, presumable to Walter, to show off the new crystal. I sighed rather heavily from feeling exhausted, 'I know I alway
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Baby dragon, 2/2
The months started to pass me by within the blink of an eye, and before I knew it, I was already three months old. Since seeing my dragon form, Walter had personally started teaching me in the living room to control and practice changing forms nearly every day. Every time he trained me, he made me change into my form as fast as possible. With his training, I could start changing within a couple of seconds because of how often I practice. After I could begin to change within ten seconds, he started taking me to the training area and teaching me how to fly, and he gave me my first flying lesson only yesterday. The next day, Walter came into my room and changed me out of my night dress. After he did, he carried me out of my room and down the hall, "Today, Sash, I'm going to try and teach you how to fly again." He took me outside to the training area and placed me in the centre of the arena, "Ok, Sash, today I'm going to show you how to effectively use your wings!" I couldn't help but
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Birthday celebration
A few months later, I was startled awake by the sound of heavy foot traffic coming from outside my room, 'What the hell's going on out there?!' Before I could guess what was happening outside, three maids rushed into my room. Two of them went to my closet and jewellery case and started going through my dresses and accessories, while the other came over to me and picked me up. My head was starting to spin from everything, 'Why are these maids in my room?!? Normally, Crimson's the one who comes and picks me up!' When the maid saw I was looking confused and concerned, she said to me, "Please don't worry, young Miss, the Duchess is busy setting up for today's ball, so she didn't have time to prepare to collect you herself." Her words caught me off guard, 'She's busy with a ball? She's always put off all her work to spend time with me in the past. So this must be for something important.' The two maids picked out a matching dress and accessory for me while the maid carrying me changed
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The invitation
The following day I was sitting on Walter's lap while he was reading documents in his office. While going through them, he paused when he saw a letter with a gold seal. Walter carefully opened the letter, and after he finished reading it, he rang a small bell on his desk, and a butler came into the room, "Yes, sir?" "Please inform the Duchess to bring Tom and Dan to the living room and wait for me. I have an important announcement." "Right away, sir." The butler exited the room, and Walter lifted me up and carried me out of the room with him. After a couple of minutes, we arrived at the living room, where Walter sat down, put me back on his lap, and waited for Crimson and my brothers to arrive. We didn't have to wait long for them to arrive. The three of them entered the room after just a minute of waiting. They all took a seat in front of where Walter was sitting and waited for him to talk. Taking a deep breath, Walter looked out at them, "I've received a letter from the king sum
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Dealing with treason
With how late it was, we all rested for the rest of the day. The next day Walter left early in the morning with a guard for his audience with the king. The guard escorted him straight to the king's throne room. When there, the guards in front opened the doors and allowed him inside. Walking into the throne room, Walter knelt before the king with his head bowed. The king smiled at Walter, "There's no need for formalities between us; feel free to be informal with me." Walter got to his feet and thanked the king, "Thank you for your consideration, your Majesty, but respectfully, I would prefer to show proper respect to you." "Very well, I won't force you to do something you're uncomfortable with. Now, let's get to the matter I summoned you for. You may have guessed already, but I called you here about your brother, Peter Hastus." "May I ask what my brother has done, your Majesty?" "It saddens me to say this, but he committed high treason." Walter was shocked by what he heard, with a
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A misunderstanding
A few months later, I was woken up by Crimson's voice, "Sash, you have to wake up! Don't you know what day it is? You can't sleep in today of all days!" I tried to ignore Crimson as best I could and pulled my blanket over my head, 'I don't care what day it is... I just want to sleep, so leave me alone! I'm trying to be depressed still...' Crimson pulled an exhausted face, "Sash, you remember it's your first birthday today, right? Don't forget you have your birthday party later today, and everyone will be there!" I didn't budge and kept trying to sleep, but Crimson didn't give up, "I guess you won't want all the presents everyone will be bringing with them. What a shame... I guess we'll have to give them away..." Hearing her say that, I couldn't stay still anymore. So I sprang out from under my blanket, giving Crimson a big smile, "Mommy!" Crimson couldn't hold back her laughter at my reaction, "Don't you wanna keep sleeping?" I shook my head while responding to her question, "Now
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