Все главы Miss Goody Two Shoes : Глава 21 - Глава 30
Chapter 21
▪️ Emily ▪️ “Kissing picture?” Ace asked, his gaze swinging between Emily and Ruth. “What are you talking about?” Ignoring Ace, Emily planted a fake-ass smile on her face. “Ruth, I really can’t stay. And I know you have the girls over tonight for book club.” “Not for a while.” “Did you eat your dinner?” She wouldn’t if she didn’t nag her. “I can fix you something quickly.” “Eat, exercise.” She glared at her. “I’m fine. God, you’re worse than a warden.” “Isn’t he, though?” Emily commiserated with her as he hooked her arm through his. “I could tell you stories, Ruth. Come. Let’s get some nibbles, and we’ll talk.” Leaving Emily standing in the entrance like a gaping idiot, the two of them crossed the hallway to the kitchen, and Emily watched as Ace rummaged through the refrigerator, took out cheese and turkey slices, and cut up some tomatoes, chatting all the way, acting like he belonged there. Even the dog
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Chapter 22
▪️Ace▪️ “What ideas did you have for the candy account?” Two days later, Emily stood in his office doorway, and Ace forced himself to ignore the jump of his heart. Circles ringed Emily’s eyes, and Ace knew without asking that Emily hadn’t slept well since Olivia had left. “Hello to you too.” He lazed back in his chair. “Yeah, sure.” Emily gestured impatiently toward her own office. “Bring your notes.” Without another word, Emily walked away.Ace shut his laptop with a snap and scrambled after Emily. Once he at at the conference table, he cocked his head. “What’s wrong? You look like shit.” “I’m fine,” Emily practically snarled at him. “What do you have to tell me?” What Ace wanted to tell her was to chill the fuck out, but he held off, knowing Emily would shove the words down his throat. Instead, he opened his laptop. “The candy company account is being marketed strictly to children, but are you aware they have a retro line, as well as a no-
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Chapter 23
▪️Ace ▪️ “Not a problem. We’re all one big family here at The Company. What helps one, helps everybody.” Ace could accept that he’d made a snap judgment where Simone was concerned, and willing to set aside his initial misgivings, opened his laptop and pulled up his file. “Here’s what I’ve done.” Three hours later, he dragged his feet into his office. Damn, that was brutal. Simone quizzed him on everything and insisted on Ace introducing him to the influencers and going through the campaign specifics with each one. It was the right way to handle things, but man, he was tired. He slumped in his chair, rolled his shoulders, and yawning, picked up his phone. Olivia and Liam smiled at him from a text, the famous Arc de Triomphe on the Champs-Élysées looming in the background. He grinned and sent them a slew of hearts. Emily was also on the text, but she hadn’t responded, and Ace wondered if she was still angry about t
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Chapter 24
▪️ Emily ▪️ Emily knew having Ace come to work at The Company would be a mistake. As if it wasn’t enough that their drunken hookup replayed nightly in her head, Emily found herself thinking about the man when she should be concentrating on business. That near encounter in her office was the final straw. She couldn’t risk having something like that happen again because she knew it wouldn’t be long before she crumbled. And damn Ace for making it easy. “Idiot,” she muttered, knowing full well the blame rested solely on her shoulders. She was in charge and she’d set the rules, only to break them the first chance he got. As angry as she was with Ace, Emily was angrier with herself. She knew what she had to do, and it was a damn shame since Ace was proving himself to be not only a hard worker, but dynamic, sharp, and ahead of the game, more so than some members of the team. Emily had passed by Simone's office when she knew the two were meeting, and se
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Chapter 25
▪️ Emily ▪️ Once she returned the dog to Ruth's place and reassured herself the elderly lady was settled in for the night, Emily left them. She changed clothes, ate her sad dinner of a turkey sandwich, and without giving herself time to think, pocketed her keys and cell phone and left the building. The streets were a little less crowded than when she came home from work as it was dinnertime, and the sidewalk cafés were full. Meandering along Prince Street, she debated stopping in at a few to see some familiar faces, even if they were only the bartenders. She might refuse to admit her loneliness to anyone else, but she couldn’t fool herself. Maybe she could connect with someone this time. But instead, her steps took her to Sixth Avenue, and before she knew it, she stood on the corner of Charlton. “You’re an idiot,” she muttered to herself, and as if to prove her point, she walked down Charlton Street, wondering which apartment Ace was looking at. The blo
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Chapter 26
▪️ Emily ▪️ Wildly, she grabbed Ace's hand, and they sprinted the two blocks to his co-op, where they ran past the startled concierge and practically fell into the elevator, their hands roaming over each other’s bodies with abandon. “Fuck, you’re so gorgeous. I can’t wait.” Ace tugged at her and WEmily moaned. “You can’t…I won’t let you fuck me in the elevator.” “I just need to touch you. Prove it’s really you here with me.”Ace slid his palm into Emily's pants and cupped her, sending shockwaves of desire pulsing through her. His pants grew hot and damp. She’d never been so turned-on in all her life, and it was with her best friend’s younger brother. Her assistant. How fucking wrong was this? How fucking wrong was it that she didn’t give a damn? The elevator reached her floor, and they tumbled out. Emily fumbled with her keys for a moment, her shaking hands making it impossible to open the lock. Finally they entered, and Ace shut
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▪️Ace▪️ What the hell did Emily mean by that? Not that Ace really cared to delve deeper, not when Emily continued to press butterfly-soft kisses along his neck and rub those hands over his stomach. Hell, he’d give up food for a week to keep Emily sweet like this. “Stay and have dinner with you?” “Mmhmm.” Emily sucked at the juncture of his neck and shoulder, and as physically exhausted as he was, Ace's body responded. “Stay.” His nipples beaded tight, and Emily rolled the stiff points until Ace whimpered. “Okay…please, Emily…” He couldn’t form the words, and his head lolled onto Jude’s shoulder. Emily's lips curved in a smile. “I like hearing you ask me nicely.” “If you kill me, I won’t be able to say anything.” “That might be a good thing too sometimes. Silence has its virtues.” Emily's chuckle rumbled through him, and Ace couldn’t stop the smile breaking over his lips. “Come on, then. Let’s get you something t
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Chapter 28
▪️Ace▪️ He took a chance and swept the lock of hair off Emily's brow, then brushed a kiss over her half-open mouth. “A little of both. I like to live dangerously.” With a bounce in his step, he hastened to the kitchen before Emily could change her mind, and grabbed the loaf of whole wheat bread on the counter. Emily's soft footsteps followed him, and Ace tensed, preparing for another of her quicksilver mood changes and an order to get out. “The jam is in the refrigerator.” Ace peered over his shoulder at a sight he never thought he’d see after their tumble together at the wedding. Emily, naked except for panties, hair disheveled, lips still red from their frantic kisses, looking so enticing,Ace was ready to toss the sandwich and jump her. Instead, he narrowed his eyes. “You keep your jam in the fridge? That’s silly. It doesn’t spoil. It belongs in the cabinet.” “No it doesn’t.” Choosin
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Chapter 29
▪️ Emily ▪️ Snuggled warm and deep under the comforter, Emily stretched and cracked one eye open to see it was only five a.m. she hummed with the satisfaction that she still had plenty of time before she had to get up, walk Ruth's dog, then get ready for work. A golden-haired, tanned arm held her close, and long legs tangled with hers. She smiled to himself and sighed. A soft kiss landed on her shoulder. “Are you awake?” Ace kissed her again. “Mmm. Barely. Who would be at this hour?” “Those of us who wake up and aren’t in their own bed.” Hearing the note of uncertainty in Ace's voice, Emily rolled over. The sight of a sleepy-eyed Ace, that glorious sun-streaked mane of his in full bedhead mode, set his pussy's to attention. “Are you having regrets now?” Emily asked. “About what happened?” A wistful smile teased Ace's lips. “Hell, no. I’m hoping you don’t. But I can’t wear the same clothes I wore yesterday to the office
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Chapter 30
▪️ Emily ▪️ “I’ve been washing myself since I was a girl. If you keep this up, the dog will have an accident, which I’ll make you clean up, plus we’ll both be late for work.” She turned off the water. “And I’d have to dock you for missed hours.” “Bastard.” Laughing, Ace swooped in for a kiss, his lips soft and wet. They clung to each other for a moment, stood there with the water dripping off their hair. “This is really nice.” Ace ducked his head and grabbed a towel, but not before Emily spotted the pink rising in his cheeks. Her heart did a swoony dip. They dressed, and Emily's nerves rose with each step toward Ruth's apartment. At six thirty in the morning, she wasn’t prepared for a barrage of questions she didn’t have answers for. She let herself in with her key. Foxy was already waiting by the door, and Ruth was walking out from the bedroom. At the sight of her with Ace at her shoulder, her morning smile brightened to supernova and her brows flew up.
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