Semua Bab HIS INNOCENT ADDICTION: Bab 21 - Bab 30
92 Bab
21. Dante
I push myself further, ignoring my screaming muscles. Working out all the shit Emiliana fed me during the weekend. I don't remember seeing any greens in sight which is unlike me. She was right when she called me out earlier. I haven't been myself and unfortunately, she's not the only one who noticed. Sal is working out next to me and I can feel his stare every few seconds. He has a lot to say but I know if I let him open his mouth, I'll regret it. Still, he's a persistent bastard and eventually I give in. "For fuck's sake, spit it out" "You're in love with her" "Fuck off" He chuckles "I never thought I would see the day. Can't say I like it though" "Are you jealous of my wife?" "I'm jealous of you. She's hot and different from what I imagined" "If you imagined her naked, you're dead," I say getting off the treadmill. "Now that you said it..." "I will fucking end you. Don't try me" I cut him off. He's my best friend and I know he'll never make a move on my woman but we
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22. Emiliana
"Tell them what you did" all eyes turn to me, waiting. I'm sitting in Dante's office at The Cloud with Rico, his best friend Salvatore, and another guy I don't know. Dante nods at me to speak. My face flushes with embarrassment. In all honesty, I thought it was a good idea at the time. I see people doing it in movies all the time so I thought why not "Speak Emiliana" "I crushed his car" "No, I want you to explain how you did it. Go ahead" "You said it didn't matter as long as I was safe. Why are you interrogating me now?" "I am one sentence away from wringing that pretty neck. Keep going" "You think my neck is pretty?" The guys snicker earning me a glare. "Emiliana!" Shit. There's no getting out of this "Fine. But if you were in my shoes, you would have done the same thing" he gets up from behind his desk but Sal throws his hand out to stop him. As if he'll do anything other than puff his chest out and yell at me. Still, I don't want to test his limits s
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23. Emiliana
"You look like shit," Elena says dropping beside me. It's been a while since we hang out. Two weeks have passed since I joined killer angels and I haven't had a moment's peace. G is such a bitch. I've been sleeping with one eye open because I don't know what she'll drop on my head next. I can't eat outside in case they drug me again because I overheard a conversation that messed with my head. This girl was telling her friend how she was eating in a restaurant one time and she passed out. Next thing she knew, she'd woken up in Ibiza with no idea how she got there. All she had was the money in her wallet which was only a few dollars. No passport or phone in sight. Who the fuck does that? Apparently, the point was for her to improvise and make her way home. What the fuck kind of training is that? I didn't get to hear the rest because they caught me eavesdropping and left. Since then I've been a mess. Despite having eight bodyguards following me around, I'm still paranoid. There is no
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24. Dante
Her arms tighten around me and she takes a step closer. As if she's afraid. Which is not right. Why would she be afraid when I'm right here? I would never let anyone hurt her. Myself included. There are murmurs, people wondering what is going on but in the next moment, the stage lights up. Elena steps onto the makeshift podium grinning. Emiliana sighs, her body relaxing against mine. "Sorry, couldn't let anyone steal my spotlight," Elena says making a few people chuckle. And that is quite the crowd she has gathered here. Even businessmen and socialites who have nothing to do with our world attended her party "It's my birthday. I turn twenty and I will be accepting applications for husbands. There's only one requirement" "I'm going to kill her," Emiliana says seeming to know what she's about to say. I kiss her hair, pulling her closer. "If you do not look like Dante Vernetti, walk like Dante Vernetti or have Dante Vernetti's bank account, don't bother applying" a spotlight shines o
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25. Dante
She moans into my mouth, her hands smoothing up my chest and locking behind my neck as her body molds to mine. I suck on her soft lips, kissing her slowly but thoroughly. I can't rush this. For the first time in my life, I want to feel everything. I want her happy and sated. I want her to remember this night forever. Her tongue dances along my lips, licking the seam and I open my mouth, letting her take control. She slides her tongue along mine, daring me, pushing me until I give in and start battling with her. Our noses bump, teeth clashing as the kiss turns demanding. Hard. My hand slides up her back, wrapping the low ponytail around my fist and tugging her head back. Emiliana moans again, running her nails over my scalp. I get the feeling she's rushing me to get this over with and I understand her anxiety but I won't rush. She comes up for air, baring her long, slender neck. I trail my lips down her chin, licking and sucking her pulse point until she starts rubbing herself against
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26. Emiliana
Oh my God. It hurts like hell. I knew it would hurt but not this much. Is he enjoying this? How can he like it while I hate it so much? I'm ready for him to stop but I'm scared that if he moves, he'll make it worse. His finger brushes my temple and I realize I'm crying. Shit. I close my eyes. Maybe this is the reason guys aren't into virgins. A few minutes ago I wanted this so badly but now I wonder if it'll always be like this. I've heard sex hurts for some people. Maybe I'm one of those. My lip trembles as I open my mouth and try to tell Dante to stop. I don't think I can do this, at least not today. "Open your eyes, baby," he says, beating me to it. Slowly, I crack my eyes open. His forehead is creased and sweat covers his hairline. It's clear he's struggling but he doesn't rush me "Do you want to stop?" He asks looking pained. "No" I reply even though I want to say yes. He's been with other women who've satisfied him and I want to be like them. I want him to come back for more.
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27. Dante
My heart jumps into my throat as I run forward to catch her but I was too far away. By the time I get to her, she's at the bottom of the stairs face down. I kneel beside her not sure what to do. "Shit baby, are you okay?" "No" I'm afraid to touch her. What if she broke something and moving her makes it worse? "Where does it hurt?" I ask trying to see if she's bleeding. No blood. At least not in my line of sight. "This is so embarrassing. I want to die" she cries hiding her face behind her hair. Taking her arms, I pull her up. She's fine. "You should be lucky you didn't break your bones. What were you thinking?" "Stop yelling at me in front of other people" "Are you sure you're okay? Try to move your hands and feet" she sidesteps me and walks to the kitchen straightening her robe. "Good morning, Sal" "Morning Em. Are you sure you're okay?" "Aside from being embarrassed? I'm fine" she says pouring herself a cup of coffee and taking a sip. I rub a hand down my face, will
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28. Emiliana
"Dante..." He looks up at me with an evil smirk then flattens his tongue on my pussy. I slap my hands on the bathroom wall behind me to keep my body up. My skin is sensitive, bordering on pain but it also feels so good. He swirls his wet tongue around my opening making me wince and groan at the same time. I don't think it's supposed to feel this good. I was only teasing him about the sex toys. He was in his head, reliving his horrific past and I wanted to pull him out of it. But instead, I got him riled up. He carried me to the bathroom, pulled my robe off, and got on his knees. There's a part of me that loves it when he is down there and not just because of what he's doing. It feels like I'm being worshipped. He sucks on my clit as his finger enters me. I want to pull away but I can feel my orgasm building up. Dante adds another finger, stretching me. My hips move back in an attempt to get away from him. This is too much. "Do you want me to stop, innocente?" He asks curling his fi
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29. Dante
We stare at the body that was just found behind the club. Whoever killed her either stashed the body here to be disposed of later or they just didn't care. I wonder who would have the guts to kill one of my girls. The Cloud is mine. I built it from the ground up and handpicked the best girls and staff. It's the reason people like it. We cater to the rich and famous. Albeit they can be a handful but my men make sure they don't go too far. The girls work of their own free and I pay them good money to entertain the guests. They don't get involved with clients on the premises but what they do outside is none of my business. However, Crystal looks like she was assaulted, sexually and physically before she was killed. It's the first time this has ever happened and I have every intention of making it the last. "Any clue as to who she left with?" "Massimo is looking through feed," Sal says "Luckily it wasn't a civilian who found out or the cops would be a headache" Right. Especially if t
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30. Emiliana
I sit in the car contemplating whether I should go in or not. I'm still shaken and not from the attack. I mean, it'll be a while before I step foot in The Cloud again and I'll always be weary of men I don't know but that's not the reason my body is still trembling. I just can't believe one person can be capable of such violence. I've never seen anything like it. The way Dante just switched off and straight up turned into another person was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. The man I left back there is not the same person I was with this morning. Or yesterday. His eyes were dark and empty. Zero emotion. I don't even think he realized what he was doing. For a moment, I even felt bad for the guy. It would have been better if he'd been run over by a truck. At least his body and his face would still be intact. Swallowing down the bile in my throat, I open the door and step out. Rico is there in a flash to help me. "I can take you back to the penthouse" he off
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