All Chapters of Family Values: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
34 Chapters
Chapter 21
POV BladeI looked at my father in disbelief. There was no way that he was okay with this plan. I looked over to Ash, Smith and Lance who all wore similar expressions. Dad and Stone looked pleased though and that was terrifying. They were monsters."You can't be serious?" Ash gasped."I'm not saying that she'll be in any real danger. We'll have it all planned out. She won't be seriously harmed." Stone added and my Dad nodded in agreement."Besides, that's only if our first plan doesn't work." Dad added and I shook my head.I'll admit, I'm not the biggest fan of Willa right now especially after that fight the other day but this was too much. Just because she's girl, Dad can't see her as a real person. He wants her to be a Mafia princess. To obey. To be innocent. To be helpless. He wants to break her. To make her submissive to us. That's just not her. She will never be like that. Anyone who's spent five minutes with her would know that but Dad is obsessed with the concept of having the
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Chapter 22
POV ZekeAfter the Underground we headed home as the twins and Blaise left to take Lydia home. Blade was happy since he won but the rest of us were annoyed. I couldn't believe that Willa went against our father and fought. I did have a moment of pride when she took down that hulk of a guy but it was fleeting. She shouldn't be fighting in public like that.I'm glad that she's strong and fights against our enemies and I was happy that she helped me out with that asshole Ivan but fighting in the Underground is something different. I could understand why she did it before, she and West needed money to live, but now.... she could have anything she ever wanted. Dad wanted to spoil her. Hell, we all did.All Dad wanted, all any of us wanted, was to take care of her. Spoil her, protect her, coddle her, be cuddled and loved by her. I didn't understand why she was being so fucking stubborn about it. She refused anything Dad offered to buy her. She wouldn't cuddle with anyone other than West and
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Chapter 23
POV AshThe next morning was Saturday and I got up early. I had heard the twins and Blaise and Lydia come in late the night before but I was half asleep and I figured that they would sleep past noon. I was surprised to see them walk into the kitchen as I was sipping my morning coffee. Lydia looked hung over and tired but the other three had a look that I couldn't quite read. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. As soon as they saw me, they had their masks back up and I shivered. I hated when the twins looked like that. I was used to it from Blaise but not from my baby brother and sister."Hey, kids! Did you have fun last night?" I called as they wandered around the kitchen to get drinks."Sure. It was nice." Willa replied after a strange pause.She toasted a bagel and then put cream cheese on it and slid it on a plate to West. He grinned his thanks and poured all four of them some juice. Willa made another bagel for Lydia who hugged her as she took it. Willa then made one for Blaise. I lo
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Chapter 24
Trigger warning: violencePOV StoneAfter the blast, we drove for a few moments before Dad exploded."What the hell were you two thinking? I gave you an order!" he screamed at the twins."Uh, oh. I think we're gonna be grounded." West whispered loudly to Willa who tried not to laugh.Dad turned to glare at West and pointed at him."YOU!!! You put her at risk! She could have gotten hurt or died. All this time...." he trailed off, seething."What? All this time, what?" West spat back not even a second later.Dad stared at him for a moment and the air in the SUV became even heavier than it was."I thought that is was Willa. That she was the one who was reckless and she was the one that wasn't listening but I was wrong, wasn't I? It's you. You're the reason she's this way. You're the reason she won't obey us. You're the one that's making this so difficult.This is all your fault! " Dad accused.Willa's eyes narrowed at Dad and she opened her mouth to argue but West cut her off."Yep. That'
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Chapter 25
POV WillaPain. That's all I can feel right now. I take that back. I'm also frustrated, hurt, and sad. I'm pissed. No I'm livid. I can't believe that I'm in this situation. I can't believe that I didn't see this coming. I'm mad at myself. I wasn't ready for this and now I'm paying the price. I sigh and look up at the light. The only thing illuminating this dingy basement. I hate this room. It's dark and cold. I detest being stuck in here. Three days. Three fucking days that I've been stuck here. Suddenly, the door creaks open and I glared at the person walking in."I swear to you, if you don't come save me from these assholes, I will put a bullet in your tiny brain." I yelled at her with venom, knowing that she wouldn't do anything to help me.Lydia laughed as the others chuckled at my expense as she walked towards me and I glared at her."I told you not to play poker with them. They look like ringers." She defended and I shook my head."Plus, you're just really bad at poker." Puck t
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Chapter 26
POV WestI looked toward Blaise as we drove to the meeting place in the SUV. All my 'brothers' and our 'father' were with us so I couldn't say much to him. He nervously shook his leg as we followed the SUV filled with the 'kidnappers' demands.I knew he was losing his patience. He seemed desperate to see Willa even though he knew that she was fine. I felt the same way. We had called in some favors with some old gangs to get some help and I trusted those guys completely. Blaise also called in some favors with some muscle that he said he would trust with his life.Of course, I didn't tell Blaise that one of the guys with Willa, Puck, was and ex of hers of sorts. They had a fling a while ago and I knew that Willa wouldn't do anything with Puck now so I thought it was best not to mention it. I knew that Blaise could get jealous and we didn't need to add more emotions to this situation.The plan was for Puck and a few others to drive Willa to the meeting spot. 'Dad' was to get out and exch
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Chapter 27
POV BladeAfter getting home last night, I went straight to the gym to relive some of my anger so I didn't take it out on our father, Zeke or Stone. Seeing Willa like that in the hospital bed hurt and enraged me to no end and I blamed the three of them. This was all their fault. They had forced us into this situation. We couldn't go against Dad and we had no choice but to allow our dear, sweet sister be harmed.A part of me also blamed West, Blaise and even Willa herself a bit. If they had just obeyed and behaved, none of this would have happened either. West and Blaise were bad influences on her and I hoped that I could get her away from them soon. She deserved better.Of course, I wasn't to blame at all. I had no choice and I hated it. I had to obey my father. He was the one with all the power and money. To go against him was unthinkable. I would be shunned and cut off.As I worked out my anger into the heavy bag, I started to change my thinking. I had to. I couldn't blame my father
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Chapter 28
Trigger Warning: Death, violence, rapePOV JadenOf course by the time we got to the airport there was no sign of them. We've been searching for them for the past two days. Smith is trying to track them but honestly, his heart doesn't seem in it anymore. I don't think that the rest of the family has noticed but I have. I'm not saying anything about it though. My Dad is too stressed and I don't want him to kill Smith. Today is the third day the twins have been missing and Dad is about to lose his shit. I was so glad that school was done at least so we could focus on just finding the twins now.I came down for breakfast and saw the rest of my brothers and friends. The kitchen was silent and I could feel the tension in the air. Dad and my brothers looked miserable and at first glance, our friends did too. But as I looked closer, Lance, Smith and Joe didn't look too upset. Leo looked the worst though. He looked like he had been crying and I knew that he felt guilty about the way he had tr
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Chapter 29
POV StoneI was livid. How dare they?!! Did they really think that they could double cross us? US!? They didn't know who they were messing with... but they would learn... soon. "When we find them, I was going to make them pay dearly. Screw family. They are dead. All of them." Zeke spat.I looked over at my father who was thinking carefully."Have the rest of the house checked for bugs, let's head to out to eat tonight." Dad said to me and I nodded.I made the calls needed and then followed the others up to change. Soon we were all in a large SUV together. Blade drove us to a restaurant we owned. We were quiet on the drive. The hostess looked alarmed as we walked in and hurried to show us to our private room. We knew that this was a safe room since we have 'meetings' with our associates here and have it swept for bugs often.After we all sat and the waiters brought in a large assortment of food and drinks, we shut the doors and began to discuss business."Do you think that Blaise coul
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Chapter 30
Trigger warning: Mention of RapePOV ZekeFinally, it was the night of the ball. My family had busted our asses to get everything fixed and ready. I smirked as I put on my tux. Willa would finally get what was coming to her. She and West would never harm our family again. I still wish that we had never found them and soon, they would feel the same.How dare they turn on us? How dare they take advantage of us? It was disgusting and I was glad that they would pay soon. They didn't deserve to be a part of our family. They were trash and we should have seen it as soon as we found them.I walked down and met everyone in the dining room, the one room we could relax in together. The twins had even taken the security of our home away. They had betrayed us in every way possible.I sat next to Blade who was talking with Smith. I hadn't seen much of Smith lately. Dad had us all so busy."Thanks for those extra guys for tonight. We needed them. Where did they come from?" Blade asked him.Smith sh
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