Semua Bab A Dark Curse: Bab 1 - Bab 10
40 Bab
We were wild once. Creatures that belonged to the world, and the world to us. Before there were laws and progress, before humans, there was us. Those days are long gone, forgotten by man. But we still remember. It’s in our blood, this wildness. Our people were blessed. When the world was young and still evolving, we were in tune with the nature that surrounded us. It ran through our veins and filled our lungs. Now, I fear that we’re losing ourselves. I sit at the window, staring at the blank night sky. I know there are stars…somewhere. Just not here. Whatever blinks in this sky is not made from light but from metal. I try to picture it in my mind, what it would look like uninhibited by the city’s lights. But I fail. “Miss? It’s almost time for dinner.” I turn, warily studying the maid that dares to interrupt me. Her nose twitches slightly as her fingers twist in front of her. Her spirit animal is a nervous creature—a Rodent and lowest ranking Shifter there is. I can almost see h
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I take my time going home. It’s hard to leave her behind when everything inside of me is screaming at me to stay. Especially when she needs me. My fox growls as I force myself to leave her family’s house behind, whining to go back. I ignore him. I’ve been in love with Octavia Hart since we were kids, though I never realized what these feelings meant until we were older. By then, it was too late. I know how she sees me. How she thinks of me. To her, I’m her best friend. Her partner-in-crime that she can always depend on. I wish I was more. Letting go, my fox leaps forward as I change. My paws sink into the earth, leaves and grass flying as I run through the woods toward my own home. It’s just a few miles down the road, an old house passed down from generation to generation. When my parents pass, it was supposed to go to my older brother. But he’s no longer here. As soon as I spot the lights of our mansion flicker through the trees, my fox slows. Even he dreads going home. I can
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“They can’t do this.” Tristan runs his fingers through his hair, leaving a tousled mess behind. “I mean, they can. But it’s fucking barbaric.” I pace before him, my claws extending and retracting anxiously. “No. They can’t do this. This isn’t the 1600s. I still have rights.” “Rights are for humans,” Tristan comments blandly. “We’re Shifters. Completely different.” “Now is seriously not the time to joke,” I snap. “Do you want me to be shipped off? To the bloody Wyres of all people?” Tristan’s dry expression turns dark. A vein ticks along his sharp jaw. “No. Of course not.” “Then help me figure out a way to get out of this.” He shifts on the bed, snatching my hand in one, smooth move, and pulls me closer. “I would do anything for you. You know this. But I’m also a nobody.” “Your father owns half of Atlanta,” I reply. “You’re not a nobody.” Tristan waves my words away. “An heir is nothing. A Fox Shifter heir to Wolf Shifter parents is even more than nothing. They tolerate me beca
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Nothing has been working. My usual repertoire of resistance goes virtually unnoticed by my parents. Wolves are stubborn, and this battle between us is turning into a cold war. It doesn’t matter how many times I refuse to attend dinner, or how long I refuse to speak with them—they just…don’t care. In between the bouts of silence and petty behavior, I spend most of my time in the library. Usually, I avoid confining myself to the mansion as much as possible, but duty calls. I’ve read up on everything we have about the war, though most of its earliest accounts were lost to myth and legend. My family brought over most of their records from the Old Country, but it’s not enough. With a frustrated sigh, I slam one of the few hundred old texts shut. More are scattered around the long table in the center of the hall, surrounded by floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. I’m not even sure why we have so many books. It’s not as if anyone actually comes to the library and reads. Not in this day and age. W
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He stands so still it’s almost as if he’s carved from marble. Those golden eyes track my movements as I force myself across the ballroom floor. The Bloody Prince has a wild look about him, something untamed despite the clear evidence of an attempt to look civilized. And, behind those eyes, his wolf waits. I can smell it on him. The wrongness. With Shifters, we’re one with our spirit animals, but the Wyres are cursed. Their spirits had been mutilated, twisted into a completely different being—a being that mirrors the ruthlessness and darkness of their souls. The first Wyre had been a monstrous man, a killer who had no qualms about taking what wasn’t his. He insulted a witch, forcing his pack to live the rest of their existence separated from their spirits. Two minds, one body. It would make anyone go mad. I stop just a pace away from where he stands, my eyes locked onto the pillar just over his shoulder. I can’t bring myself to look directly at him. Not yet. I let my gaze wander,
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“Oh, now you want to talk?” I turn away from him, fighting the mix of emotions that threaten to drag me under. “A little late for that.”“Please,” he begs quietly. “Just hear me out.” Glancing back towards the glass doors, I make a split decision. “If my parents catch me out here with you…”“Two seconds.” He takes another step forward. Pleading. “Please.” I sigh, glancing back toward the ballroom. “Tonight. After…all this. I’ll meet you in our usual spot at one.” Tristan doesn’t look happy. Mouth thinning, he gives me one last look before disappearing back inside. I watch him go, my heart dropping low in my stomach. I know he’ll probably want to talk more about my failed attempt to seduce him, and that’s something I just can’t deal with now. Or ever. A rustling sound pricks at my ears, drawing me away from the warmth and light of my home. Scanning the yard, I see nothing. But I can smell him. Moonlight filters across the open space, highlighting each neatly trimmed shrub and tree
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My mother comes to tell me the dire news the next morning. Well, good news for everyone else. Dire for me. She’s standing just inside my doorway, looking more at ease than I’ve ever seen her lately. Her lips pull back in a wolf-like grin, her eyes dancing with relief. Not a single hair is out of place, her makeup flawlessly bright. I look like shit compared to her. “So?” I sigh, yanking a brush through the soft waves just to make them extra bouncy today. Mother shifts slightly, finally picking up my wariness. “They’ve signed the treaty. As of right now, we’re at peace.” She hesitates. “As long as the marriage holds.” “And when am I supposed to be married?” I ask quietly, setting the brush back on the vanity. “Not for a few months. The Pr—Alpha explicitly asked if an engagement would be enough.” Our eyes meet in the mirror. “The Alpha asked that?” Frowning, I turn to face her. “Not Father?” “Alpha Ezra didn’t seem too worried about marrying quickly,” Mother replies. “Your father
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I put off telling Tristan that I’ve assured his death just as I have mine for as long as possible. Maybe for too long. A commotion outside my window snags my attention on the second morning…the day we’re supposed to leave. My ears prick at the familiar sound of Tristan’s voice, his fox growling. “Octavia!” I flinch, moving toward the window. Throwing it open, I lean out, catching sight of my best friend trapped behind two of our guards. His face is bright red, green eyes smoldering. Beside him, two bags have been unceremoniously dumped onto the gravel. “When were you going to tell me?” he demands, looking more furious than I’ve ever seen him. “Um…right now?” I bite my lower lip. “How are your bags packed already?” Tristan growls again, shoving the guards off him. They glance at me, only stepping back when I give a slight nod. Snatching up his bags, Tristan disappears inside. I hurry to my bedroom door, waiting. It doesn’t take him long. The door is thrown open, smacking again
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My mother comes to tell me the dire news the next morning. Well, good news for everyone else. Dire for me. She’s standing just inside my doorway, looking more at ease than I’ve ever seen her lately. Her lips pull back in a wolf-like grin, her eyes dancing with relief. Not a single hair is out of place, her makeup flawlessly bright. I look like shit compared to her. “So?” I sigh, yanking a brush through the soft waves just to make them extra bouncy today. Mother shifts slightly, finally picking up my wariness. “They’ve signed the treaty. As of right now, we’re at peace.” She hesitates. “As long as the marriage holds.” “And when am I supposed to be married?” I ask quietly, setting the brush back on the vanity. “Not for a few months. The Pr—Alpha explicitly asked if an engagement would be enough.” Our eyes meet in the mirror. “The Alpha asked that?” Frowning, I turn to face her. “Not Father?” “Alpha Ezra didn’t seem too worried about marrying quickly,” Mother replies. “Your f
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The sleek black car glides through the winding roads of the mansion’s grounds, the gravel crunching softly beneath the tires. The towering trees lining the driveway cast dappled shadows on the pavement, their leaves whispering in the gentle breeze. As we move farther away from the estate, I can't help but feel a sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach. The sun rose higher in the sky, casting a warm golden light over the landscape. The rolling hills stretch out before us, a sea of green that seems to go on forever. In the distance, I can see the faint outline of the city, its buildings a hazy silhouette, shrouded by the forest that surrounds it. As we drive, I steal glances at Ezra, trying to gauge his thoughts. He appears calm and collected, his gaze focused on the passing scenery. But I know my friend well enough to recognize the tension that lies beneath the surface, the subtle signs that betray his true emotions. The car continues to wind its way through the countryside
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