All Chapters of HER BABY'S DADDY : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
31 Chapters
JAX The sun's rays illuminated brightly through the curtains and into the room. Its brightness pulled me out of my unconsciousness. I struggled to open my eyes and when I was fully conscious, my head began to bang heavily, it was heavy and uneasy. This was a result of the amount of alcohol I had sculled down in the bar last night. I had drank so much that I became intoxicated as a result of the excessive intake of alcohol. I woke up very weak and tired, I didn't regret last night's drinking though because it was fun and I needed it to relieve myself from work. I stood up feeling lightheaded but I managed to walk over to the table where I kept my aspirin, took two pills, and gulped it down after taking the water from the glass cup at the table. ***** The atmosphere was cool and frigid, the cold breeze swept through the city as the moon shuns on the earth. The night was bright and chilled, however, my body was back to being strong and energetic. Loud music and chattering from insi
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Nine months later... JANIS I faced up with my back lying on the hospital bed. I was worn, my weak eyes were fixed on the ceiling that seemed to spin in my orbs. I was weak from pushing the baby from my womb, the pain was so excruciating, I almost gave up the ghost. My body and soul were engrossed with so much agony. Perhaps I wasn't fit to bare a child yet but at last, I give birth to my child safe and sound. I can't lift a muscle or blink an eyelid because every part of my body was in pain. Multiple sweat beads coated my forehead and heat radiated off my body. My chest heaved frantically with each breath I took and I tried so hard not to pass out as a result of exhaustion. "How are you feeling now?" the nurse who assisted the doctor during labor walked up to me and placed her hands on my head. "That baby almost claimed her life, she was almost about to give up" another nurse murmured to her colleague in the ward. "I'm so glad she birthed the child successfully, the doctor had
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JAX My legs moved briskly on their own accord towards the huge gates of Janis' mansion. Yes. I was back here again, I was back to the place it all happened more than seven months ago. To the place where my reckless nightstand birthed a child nine months later. I hadn't forgotten this place. Even though months had passed since I came here, this place ed fresh in my head. The memory stood clear like it all happened yesterday. But my motive for coming here had been altered. The last time I dropped by, I was bringing back a drunk Janis from one of her frivolous escapades in the night club and we ended up having such passionate and heated sex. Just looking at this house from the iron gates that protected it brought back memories. Now I was back again, not to have sex, but to claim what was rightfully mine-- My child. I didn't know our careless act would lead to a baby but it did and now I wanted to claim that baby. I didn't want to be like my father who ran away from his res
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JAX I glared at the Janis' younger sister as she ambled her way back into the car and banged the door so loudly. Gearing up her engines, she drove off leaving a trail of dust behind. Anger was an understatement of what I felt at the moment.This woman had utterly disgraced me all because of her wealth. My rage seared words in my heart and it tightened around my chest, almost making me forgetting to breathe. I will never forgive the Walters for this humiliation and I promise to pay them back. The only way I could make them pay was to become rich and come back for my son.With determination in my heart and a sternly resolve across my face, I vowed to come back to come claim my son but the only difference was that this time, I won't come back as a poor and wretched man. I will come back as a billionaire and I'll get my son back.Whether Janis liked it or she didn't. My eyes drifted down to the dollar notes the woman threw at me and my fist clenched in anger, my eyes seethin
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Stravis walked into the ward of her sister, her face contorted in rage and disgust written all over it whenever the image of Jax crossed her mind.Fuming with anger, she pivoted to speak to her sister but stopped noticing Stravis was in slumber with the baby lying next to her.She didn't want to wake them up.Left to her thoughts, Stravis succumbed to grumbling to ease herself of her rising vexation."Fuck she is asleep. I would have told her about the idiot that paraded himself as the father of her child" Stravis mumbled underneath her breath. She dropped her bag and the extra bag which contained baby things onto a table in the ward. Still feeling irritated, Stravis ransacked her bag in a bid to get her perfume.A smile formed on her face once she had gotten the perfume and without wasting any more time, Stravis began spraying the perfume all over her self."God he stinks so much of poverty. I hope I didn't contact any disease" Stravis shrieked, her face morphing into a scowl.Spr
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Mrs Walter walked briskly towards the doctor's office, she was anxious waiting to finally hear what the Doctor would say about Janis condition. She wanted the doctor to quickly discharge Janis from the hospital so she could take her home.Mrs Walter knocked the doctor's door, waiting for a permission to come in. On getting the permission she pushes the door softly and walks in to see the doctor seated. He was going through some documents at the table when his attention drifted towards her."You're welcome mrs Walter, please come in"She walked in and took a sit opposite the doctor."You're here for Janis right?""Yes I am""She is in good condition""Although there are few things miss Janis has to avoid and some things she shouldn't take into her system for now. Miss Janis is to avoid; sugary drinks, fish with high mercury content, Coffee and alcohol, drinks that have high gaseous content, spicy and acidic food. She must eat foods high in fiber including fruits, vegetables and whole g
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JAX Time flew by in a blur as I sculled down my sorrows with each glass of alcohol. Today's events still remained fresh in my head. I could still vividly recollect the insults and vain words hurled at me by Stravis Walter. Right now, I wish I could just get rich with the snap of my fingers.Nothing mattered to me more right now than to make excessive wealth. I want to be ten times richer than the Walters. I want to be so wealthy that even the rich and powerful would tremble and cower at the mention of my name. Just my voice should be enough to make them stutter and pee on themselves.I want nothing more than to teach rude, proud and obnoxious people like the Walters a big lesson of their lives. Time and time again, I imagined the shock and embarrassment that would be glued on to Stravis' face the day I storm back into the house as Jax Storms, the billionaire. She would be tongue tied, robbed of her speech and totally humiliated. I would rub my wealth on her face the same way
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JAX My eyes drifted to the watch strapped on my arm. It was time for my shift.The starry night sky had come out in it's full glory."Man it's time for my shift" I sighed, standing up.Michael nodded and stood with me."Find your father so you can stop all these menial jobs you do bro" Michael whispered before walking away towards the exit. He was saying the truth. I have a rich father out there and I'm here working multiple shifts just to put food on the table.I serve people for a living while my father is somewhere enjoying all the good things life has to offer. I hissed, my irritation written all over my face as I walked towards the bar counter. Customers poured in as usual but I was thoroughly absent minded. I didn't even greet or say a word to them. I only took down their orders and served them. My mind was in disarray. My thoughts ran wild as I sought to find answers on how I'll find back my father or atleast run into that private investigator. He was literally my onl
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JAXIt was a bright beautiful day, the sun lit it's radiants of light all over the place. Waking up every morning to see myself at my king sized luxurious bed was a reason to live longer. I loved the enormous wealth, the power and respect that came along with it was soul lifting. At the snap of my finger a fleet of men would run up to me and be willing to grant every request of mine. Wealth was like a remote which I could use to control how people treat me. All I wished for, came to pass and I will make sure I get the best of it. My father has officially named me the heir of LS corporations and this morning a meeting has been organized to finalize an investment deal with young well to do investors who were willing to invest in LS corporation for a specific agreed time.My secretary walked slightly behind me and so as my bodyguards. A step into the meeting room and all eyes veered towards my direction. Weighing my complete outfit, I was dressed in black designed Italian tuxedo and
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JANIS I sat on the broad king sized sofa with my mum sitting next to me as we tittered together. I needed some rest and also something entertaining to find doing. Jerome was fast asleep right now and I was more than relieved. The boy was just a handful of work. I barely went out any more. I seldomly had time to actually go out and just have a good time with my friends.Eyebags coated my optics and my bones ached from the lack of sleep I had been getting as a result of Jerome. He was two years now and his energy increased everyday. He was too agile and playful, always giving me a hell lot of work but still I couldn't help but admire my baby boy. I badly wished his father was by his side. It hurts my heart everytime I think of the fact that the uber driver was denied access to his son all because of our financial difference. I couldn't bring myself to tell Stravis or anyone the truth about the real identity of Jerome's father. He wasn't the type of man I would normally sle
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