Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Assistant's Choice. : Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
25 Kabanata
"You're fired."I looked up from my notes, my eyebrows pinched and my mouth agape. "I'm sorry, what?" My boss, or at least, she's now my former boss, sat on my desk, holding out a tablet."The top review. Read it." I frowned, but looked down and read what it said. "Out loud." She said, glaring at me. Though I didn't detect any hard malice, she was just upset."The service I received from this company was absolutely unprofessional." I began. "The workers are rude and talk back and one even went as far as to throw coffee all over me after a disagreement. Overall, I'm disappointed that such a large magazine can have employees with such disrespect. Signed, Clark Richmond." I gulped, looking back up at her. Her cherry red hair was pulled into a tight bun, that somehow made her glare even more terrifying. I'd been her favorite worker, or so she'd said. I don't know if I could call myself that anymore."That was the COO of The biggest investment company in the whole damn state and you poured
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"Sir, I will be forced to call security if you do not leave."I scoffed and refused to leave my seat. It didn't matter how many times they called security ln me, I would still be back the next day.It'd been four days since I got fired from my dream job, and all because a rich entitled man child, thought it best to complain like toddler about his stupid suit. I was going to give him a piece of my mind even if it was the last thing I do. So here I am, seated in the lobby of his workplace, determined to speak to him. The lady at the desk said that he'd been out for a business trip out of town. I knew she was lying, she probably just wanted to protect her boss.I refused to let this man live without a guilty conscience though. The stupid idiot had gotten me fired and he got to walk off with the last word? Yeah, I don't think so. I crossed my legs, bouncing my knee on the shiney hardwood flooring. This place looked even more expensive than my last job. The random chandeliers that were han
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I was late for my first day, which wasn't my fault. I'd gotten a text this morning that said that his Majesty Mr. Richmond, needed coffee. I was already twenty minutes late by that time and by the time I'd gotten his coffee from Starbucks, the bus had left.Then, I had to wait ten minutes for the next bus, and then twenty as the bus drove around town and the a five minute walk as I walked from the bus stop to my new office building.I was out of breath when the elevator opened on my floor. Jessica, the secretary of our floor -she'd finally told me her name when I'd gotten hired -smiled pitifully at me."You're latey hon." She said in her accent. She only used it when she was talking to me. I think she did it because I was always clammy.I sighed as I caught my breath. "Is he mad?"She pursed her lips. "Depends on what you mean?""Depends on what I mean? What do you mean? Is he mad or not? I'm going to get fired aren't I?" I groaned, holding my satchel close to me and gingerly placing
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A week later and I can say that I at least have gotten the hang of things. Richmond wasn't a total douche. He just had his moods in the morning, they usually got worse if he didn't have his coffee by eight. And I found that I was right, he was a man of order, but that wasn't so bad, it did become a problem however when he was stressed out, which he definitely was this week with the deal we had to make for the city mayor. We'd jumped from meeting to meeting all week, talking to certain people. Me in the corner, typing on the laptop he'd given me. It was a little hard to keep up with at first, but after a few days and hours of doing it, I can confidently say that I at least know what I'm doing. Today was Friday. We had the meeting with the board and the city mayor, to convince him to sign with us. The more I looked at the papers involving the deal the less I liked it, but Jessica had told me it was none of my business. I kind of thought it was since I would be the one who had to pay
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"The board wants to have a meeting about the department directors." I looked up from my game of computer chess to gaze at Richmond. He was looking down at a file, his body reclined back in his seat and his ankle crossed on his right leg. "Elias. He says most of them are screwing the secretaries, and we need to fix it."I scrunched my nose. "Did he actually say that?""He implied it." He sighed, setting the file down and looking at me. His piercing blue eyes stoic as usual. "Thing is, if he brings up the matter with board, I'll be seen as incompetent, seeing as I'm the one who hired the bastards.""What do you want to do?""I need to get rid of the worst ones, before the meeting, so that I don't get fired." I frowned."Mr. Bradley and Mr. Brandon wouldn't let that happen." I assumed so, since they seemed awfully fond of Richmond. His brow rose. "They have no power against it, kid. If they get out voted, I go. No argument about it." He ran a hand through his shiny hair. "So, what do y
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"Mr. Delano, I'm glad you could take time out of your…many obligations to meet with me." Richmond smiled. Flat and mockingly. Delano glanced at me, an accusing glint to the look, I smiled. He glanced back at Richmond and smiled in what was supposed to be a charming grin, but looked more like a snake trying to open its mouth wide enough to fit its prey. "Mr. Richmond. I uh, gathered that this meeting may be about my team's last presentation." He scoffed dismissively. "I know it was... Horrible, to put it nicely, but I know you and I can both agree that my team was incompetent." Richmond made a non committal sound. Delano grinned again. "Lazy people, all of them under-skilled and in need of experience. Most lacked proper training."Richmond leaned back in his seat, twirling a pen with his fingers. "Interesting. Especially since…you were the one in charge of training our new interns this time around."He spoke thoughtfully. Delano went pale, and I fought a grin. Richmond sat forward and
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"I'm sorry." I blinked, shaking my head. "Could you repeat what you just said? I don't think I heard you right."Brandon and Bradley shared a look. "We'd like to go out with you." They both said, and I was beginning to understand why Richmond hated it when they spoke in unison. I let out a shaky breath, still not understanding anything they were saying. "You want me ... To date the both of you?"Bradley nodded. "Yes---no! No, no." He sighed. "We both like you, Sam, a lot. As juvenile as that sounds, but you can't date both of us at the same time. We're..." He glanced at his brother and his face contorted. "We're not those kinds of twins."Brandon nodded. "We'd like you to choose.""Choose?" I asked. They nodded. I spluttered. "I-I can't."Brandon looked confused. "Of course you can."I shook my head. "I… I don't even know you." I said stupidly. Bradley shook his head. "We're fully aware. We don't know you either." His brother nodded. "But we could go on dates? Separately, of cours
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I was running late. But it wasn't my fault. I missed my bus, because I woke up late, and I woke up late because I was retyping a contract that Richmond had declared was mediocre at best.I probably would've had enough time to retype it if he'd given it to me at work, but no, the bastard had to call me at ass fucking o'clock, and demand I retype the contract and have the documents to him by this morning. He'd called at ten pm, and I'd gotten done with retyping at two in the morning and then I had to run across the street at the twenty four hour internet cafe and print all the pages out. By the time my head hit the pillow, it was already four thirty am and I swear I'd set my alarm for Six in the morning but I'd missed it and woken up at seven thirty instead. I rushed up and down my tiny apartment and almost killed my cat, getting ready this morning. The bus that I normally took was long gone, and I had to get his majesty's coffee and look up the bus schedule. On top of it all, Richmon
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"Okay, what's going on?"I looked up from my plate, and stared at Jessica. "What?" She raised a brow, pointing a manicured nail at my bowl of noodles."You haven't touched your food, and you've had this look on your face for a while, like you're about to poop. You've let the noodles go cold." I looked down at the bowl. Ugh, she was right. I sighed and pushed the bowl away. Jessica blinked at me. "Was it Richmond? What did he say about this morning?" She pressed, Jessica's Brooklyn accent took some getting used to, especially when she switched it off at work. I frowned. "What are you—oh, he said he was sorry." Jessica's mouth gaped. "And that he'll have a driver pick me up from now on." I continued."Really?" I nodded. "What? Is he buying you a house next?""Jessica." I warned She shook her head. "I'm just surprised—" " —That makes two of us." I mumbled, laying my head on the palm of my hand. Jessica ignored my comment and continued talking. "—Richmond is a full bodied prick. I'm
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Having a man waiting for you outside your building standing in front of a big, black, shiny car, shouldn't have been as intimidating as it was.It felt surreal, watching the car pull into the curb. The driver got out of the car and stood by the driver's side, pulling out his phone and tapping something, completely unaware that I was watching him.Like clockwork, a minute after he put his phone in his pocket, my phone pinged in my hand.DeMarcus was his name. My new personal driver was named DeMarcus. That felt weird to say and to think about. I'd never imagined myself to be in this type of situation. Once, I did imagine myself becoming a personal driver but not the other way around. I shook my head. DeMarcus' texted to inform me that he had arrived. I peered out this window again. From the looks of him, he didn't look like anything I would've expected.First of all, he was big. Huge actually, maybe a bit bigger than Richmond, he was bald, and...that was about all I could see from my
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