Lahat ng Kabanata ng Omega Mistress For The Alpha King : Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
76 Kabanata
1. Meeting A Stranger
I hissed as the sharp end of the needle pricked my finger. The blood that dripped from the small injury annoyed me for some reason but I paid no mind to it, instead I sucked the finger into my mouth, wincing at the bitter metallic taste of blood.As expected the moment I pulled out my finger there was no more blood coming from the injury, the only thing that remained was a numbness to that finger but I didn’t let it deter me. I continued to sew the patch in my shirt and when I was satisfied with my work, I lifted the cloth to inspect it. It was a neat, triangular patch which resembled the work of a three years old but as I expected, there was no more hole in my shirt and that was all that really mattered. I smiled with pride at the beautiful work and i could even feel my wolf roll around in satisfaction, causing me to roll my eyes. It’s not as if she had done any work. I slid the shirt onto my frame, smiling when the large hole that had occupied the front of it when I picked it up
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2. Preparing For The Feast
I concentrated on dicing the vegetables correctly. I hated this job the most because it took the most concentration and I didn’t even want to mention how many times that I had cut myself from this chore, but Stella the head cook seemed to always think that it was the perfect chore for me and she always ended up assigning them to me. “You need to work faster Cat, those vegetables won’t cut themselves we don’t have much time left. After showing up late, the best you can do is work faster to meet up.” Stella said as she walked past me and I grumbled under my breath. I wasn’t in the mood to get into trouble with the cook and so I kept my mouth shut and continued my task, trying to go a little faster. All I wanted was to go home and lay in my bed or draw. I didn’t want to be stuck in the Smokey kitchen with snobby omegas trying to prove their worth as the best slaves and impress people who didn’t give two shits about them. Speaking off snobby omegas, two of them walked past me and I he
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3. The Alpha King
Athena wasn’t lying when she said that the hall had being beautifully decorated. It was pretty impressive what they had done with it and as the hall slowly began to fill up I could see that the guests were thoroughly impressed. The moment I freshened up and changed into the uniform that we were mandated to wear on occasions like this I had begun to feel the exhaustion settling within my bones. No matter how hard I had begged Stella to let me be her little assistant cook the stubborn woman had insisted that I come to the ball and serve. Mentioning something about meeting my mate amongst one of the Alphas. Even as I thought about it now I couldn’t help my eye roll at her words. As if that were possible for someone like myself. “Don’t just stand there looking like a fool Cat, these guests won’t serve themselves.” Jason hissed from behind me and continued on as if he had done nothing. The hall was slowly filling up although the main guest was yet to show up. I picked up a tray filled
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4. Saying Goodbye
I locked eyes with the Alpha King, he was yet to move from his seat but as we locked eyes, the power that emanated from his eyes was enough to have me cowering like he was standing right beside me. For the first time in my life, I understood what authority meant. I didn’t feel like being rebellious, I didn’t feel like I had to exert some sort of dominance even with my Omega status. I actually felt submissive and I couldn’t tell if it were just his powerful eyes or his aura in general. “You’re one very lucky bitch, but you should know one thing; I always get what I want, no matter how long it takes.” Alpha Gabriel said in a low tone to only my hearing, before walking past me, bumping my shoulders painfully on his way. I watched with my heart in my mouth as Alpha Gwaine signed the check of the exaggerated five thousand dollars and the longer the ordeal took the faster my heart beat, it was hard to believe my heart was still in its cage at this point. “Come with me Cat.” Jason said t
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5. Be My Sex Slave
“You didn’t strike me as the quiet type of person when we met earlier.” Gwaine said beside me and I fought the urge to snicker. It would take a while before I could get used to not behaving like a nuisance. I really didn’t want to offend the Alpha but that might be hard. ‘Well you also didn’t strike me as the king type of person when we met earlier.’ I thought to myself but kept it in, shrugging in response to his words instead. He hummed underneath his breath and for some reason I found the small, useless action attractive. Truth was, there was not a part of this man that I didn’t find attractive and that scared me beyond anything I could explain. This was Alpha Gwaine Stone. Supreme leader of the werewolves, rumors went around that he had been chosen by the Moon Goddess her self to rule over us all as the Alpha King. I mean, not that I believed the rumor personally, I still very much think that he might have been elected by a group of other Alphas, or he might have won a great
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6. A Switch
The moment that the men picked me from the floor, it felt like the action triggered the fight in me. I kicked and screamed and scratched and did just about anything to be set free, but it was all wasted efforts. They were far too big for me to cause any sort of damage on them and I was sure that they could knock me unconscious if they chose to do so. I couldn’t believe that for the better part of the day I had found the Alpha attractive. Whatever it was that had caused that small thought in my mind was completely dead now and all I wanted to do was kill the man himself. He was going to lock me up because I refused to be his sex slave? What kind of person was he? I didn’t think the Alpha would turn out to be this sort of person, he had seemed pretty decent on the hill, was that a pretense? But why would he have to pretend for any reason. I got no answer to that question, instead I was shoved roughly into a dark room. My reduced senses couldn’t do much with helping me see better in
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7. The Alpha’s Beast
Gwaine’s POV:From the moment Vilkus took an interest in her, I knew that I had to get far away from her else there would be trouble, but she just happened to cause a scene at the feast and awake the beast within me once more. Being Alpha King was such a great role in the eyes of many. Until they realized that it came with a beast that was in as much control as one’s human side was. But it might be worse for me, since my beast actually had the greater control of my mind than my human side did. The only perk, might be the fact that I at least got to be in my human body and interact in human form. Goddess knew how much trouble Vilkus could cause if his form was allowed to roam out more often. I watched as Catherine’s head hung from the side as she slept, unaware of my presence. She was really cute and I loved how fiery she could get, but I wasn’t sure that attitude sat well with my wolf. Vilkus loved his women submissive, fiery, feisty, he just didn’t do well with neither of those t
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8. “No One Says No To Me”
The sound of footsteps pierced through my slumber and jerked me back to consciousness. Of course I was met with darkness for the umpteenth time and I wanted to scream out in frustration. What was the Alpha’s plan? Keep me locked up in the darkness until I surrendered and begged him for his dick? Because that was never happening so he might as well let me go now so the treatment to his ego could commence before the hurt got any worse. The door was gently pushed open and I frowned when I recognized the Alpha’s scent begin to fill the room. He had such a unique scent that it sometimes burned my nose. I wasn’t sure how long I had been sleeping for because every time I opened my eyes, everything felt, looked and sounded the same and time really did slip past when one couldn’t get a hold on it. “Are you ready to be my mistress Catherine?” The Alpha’s silky voice sounded in the room and although it was as pleasant as the first time I had heard it, it did nothing but thoroughly irritate
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9. Cleaning Up
The next time I gained consciousness, the space around me felt very different. Although my body still burned as badly as I remembered before I blacked out. I finally realized why it all felt different when I could feel a cold surface beneath me, one that felt like pure bliss against my burning back. There was someone else in the room, but they weren’t hurting me. Instead, it felt like they were helping me. I could feel a cloth pressed on top my head and although the water was too cold, I felt too weak to try to protest. I only shivered in effect. I tried to force my eyes open but the pain in my head stopped me from completely trying to open it. Instead I hissed weakly, trying to warn whoever was messing with me to back up but it wasn’t working as well as I had hoped for because they only continued to do it. “Stupid girl, can’t get her mouth to shut up.” I finally heard someone whisper and I recognized the voice immediately. This was the mean girl from the first time that I had co
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10. Nightmares
Gwaine’s POV: My eyes flipped open and I was met with complete darkness but it wasn’t anything I didn’t expect. I was used to turning off all my lights before going to bed, so the darkness wasn’t anything new or weird, but something felt weird. I squinted in the darkness, my super human vision allowed me to be able to see every detail in the room, in black and grey because of the darkness in the room, but it felt like I was missing something, like I still had to see something that was lurking in the darkness. I perked my ears, hoping to hear something out of the ordinary, something different but everything was really still. Then what had woken me up from the almost peaceful sleep I had been having? I was sure there was something in the darkness that had troubled my sleep, I could even feel the presence somewhere around the room. Sitting up in bed, I squinted when I noticed something else. Everything was too quiet, but not only around my environment, even my mind was way too quie
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