Semua Bab The Alien Love Series: Bab 31 - Bab 40
136 Bab
Chapter 31: Halt.
Chapter 31: Halt.Elijah walked to the other side of the room with JP. After he shook hands with the stranger, his friend sat at a corner table with the good-looking redhead. Sloan watched them for a minute to make sure everything was okay, but once they started chatting, he figured he could get back to work. Maybe Sloan would ask what the Learning Institute was all about later. Maybe JP was an art teacher or something. Elijah loved to paint so that could be it. For now, Slown figured his friend would be fine. He picked up a rag and cleaned around the espresso machine.While the two men spoke in low tones, more people walked out of the coffee shop. Only a guy on his phone and a girl bent over a textbook and laptop remained.The fat man with green eyes didn't seem interested in JP, Elijah, or anyone left in the shop. Now he turned all his attention on Sloan cleaning. Since it was creepy to be watched by the fat stranger with pretty eyes, Sloan turned his back and brewed a fresh pot of
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Chapter 32: That just got weird.
Chapter 32: That just got weird."Where are you going?" the fat man asked when Sloan tried to walk to the stockroom.Slowly, Sloan turned around and grinned at being told to halt. Who did this guy think he was? The stranger sounded like he was the king-of-the-world or something."I'm not making drinks, so I'm going to refill napkins." Sloan held in his laugher as his eyes took in the counter. His amusement wavered when he spotted the cash. The man didn't pick up his drink or the money. That was a lot of bills to leave on the counter, and he wasn't even watching it. "You should put that money away."The fat man ignored his suggestion and waved to the menu board on the wall. "What drink is complex?""Nothing is complex." Sloan glanced at the items. "But with the strawberry banana smoothies, I have to cut up the banana.""Excellent." The fat man nodded, and again, his jowls flopped. "I will have five of those. You will stay here now. You will keep talking to me."Sloan scratched his whisk
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Chapter 33: Job number two.
Chapter 33: Job number two.Sloan gave Elijah every cent he had in case Hugo found him again. After he left the coffee shop, he stopped at home. Once in his shitty apartment, he tossed on a pair of pajama pants and then slept on the couch for a few hours. When his alarm rang signaling he had to get his ass up and going, Sloan had enough time to eat a few slices of cheese from the fridge and shower before he headed to his second job.As he entered the bar that he tended to every night, Lindsay waved to him as she mixed drinks. The beautiful brunette was fast and efficient so Sloan didn't have to worry about helping her make drinks. They both began serving up beer, wine, and mixed drinks without talking. The bar was filling up faster than usual, but he didn't mind. Sloan might actually make good tips tonight.As the dance floor was turning into a sea of jumping bodies, he slowed down to wipe off the counter. The night was taking off as the music blasted. It was well after one in the morn
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Chapter 34: His ex-boyfriend is back.
Chapter 34: His ex-boyfriend is back.When Sloan's ex-boyfriend stepped up to the bar, he stopped next to the handsome stranger. Once the two of them were side by side, Sloan could see how awful Reese looked. Seeing them together was jarring. Reese's eyes were red and bloodshot. Bags surrounded his brown eyes, and his cheeks were flushed. That mostly came from his constant drinking to forget he was gay. His beer belly hung over his pants, and for the first time, Sloan saw how much his unsatisfying life took its toll on his former lover. "You want me to say sorry for last night?" The question was belligerent and not an apology. Typical Reese. His Ex made everything Sloan's fault, and his unhappy life was always because of everyone else. Sloan wanted someone who could face life as it was, not hide from reality in the bottom of a bottle."I'm busy." Sloan grabbed an imported beer and popped the top. While smiling, he slipped the drink to the gorgeous stranger. "Whatever." Reese didn't
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Chapter 35: Drug dealers can be a problem.
Chapter 35: Drug dealers can be a problem.When he was finished with work, Sloan stepped out into the night air. Scanning the parking lot, his heart dropped to his stomach. Reese leaned against his mini-van, waiting. No sexy-as-fuck Octnavin.True, Sloan didn't know if meeting the stranger was a good idea, but that changed nothing when it came to his ex-lover. He still wasn't going with Reese. "I said no." Sloan started walking toward the side of the bar. His bike was parked in the back alley. He would just go home and look up the Learning Institute and see if Elijah knew if JP was a vampire. Maybe Elijah would tell Sloan that the fat man and the young man thing was all a misunderstanding. "Don't be like that." Reese grabbed Sloan's arm. "Are you going to make me hit you?" Sloan glared at Reese's hand. The other man let go. "We've been over for a long time, and you know it.""You're God-damn exhausting." Reese ran his fingers back and forth through his hair. "Call me when you get yo
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Chapter 36: Excellent.
Chapter 36: Excellent. Holding his breath in the alleyway, Sloan stared at the sparkling rock that Octnavin had sitting in the very center of his palm. Suddenly, the gem burst with the most beautiful rainbow of light he'd ever seen. The fireworks display was mesmerizing and hypnotic. He couldn't look away even if he wanted to. After the magical light show, the stone flashed brighter than the sun glinting off a mirror. And then his vision went awash with white. Sloan was blind. "Fuck." Hugo snapped. "I can't see shit."A gun was fired, and it sounded like there was a punch thrown. Sloan thought that crunch was maybe bones breaking."Hey, Boss?" That must be one of the thugs who couldn't see either. Clearly, Sloan wasn't the only one who had currently lost his sight. "I'm blind, Sloan." Elijah sounded panicked. "What the…?" Before Sloan could get out a word out to comfort his frantic friend, he caught the thump of someone hitting the concrete. Maybe Octnavin? He hoped to hell that i
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Chapter 37: One kiss couldn't hurt.
Chapter 37: One kiss couldn't hurt."I am sooooo fucked up," Sloan slurred as he tried to make out the shapes in the interior of the limo.For a minute there, he wasn't sure if he'd passed out or just fell asleep. He smiled. Everything felt so soft and happy. Could things feel happy? He ran his hand over the leather seat. Yes. Happy. Things were great. Life was super."This word fuck is very confusing." Octnavin sat on the back seat with his eyes raking Sloan. Man, that dude was sexy-as-hell and his eyes were so hot. "The meanings do not fit." His pink lips were turned into a cute pout. "You use the word like punctuation.""Fuck is a great word. It goes with everything." Sloan shook off his leather jacket and ran his hand over his t-shirt. He traced the band name 'Forever Tuesday' that was the main design across his chest. "You know I waited in line for hours to get this shirt and meet this band. Their drummer is awesome. I never saw them, though, but I got the shirt. Last one." Seeing
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Chapter 38: Fooling around with an alien.
Chapter 38: Fooling around with an alien.Sloan angled his head, and his lips met Octnavin's. He sipped at the closed plump lower lip before he traced the closed seam with his tongue. Before he could deepen the light kiss, all the tentacles wrapped around him. Suddenly, Sloan was pinned to the floor of the limo. Octnavin's huge frame blanketed him and held him tightly in his embrace.As he gasped in surprise, Octnavin's tongue slid past his teeth. Who the hell had a tongue that big? The flesh filled his whole mouth. The pole took up every available space.Sucking, Sloan closed his eyes and covered his teeth with his lips. This was like sucking a large wet cock with no mushroom head. He traced the alien's mouth shaft learning its shape and feel. Sloan sank into the wildness as Octnavin plundered his mouth. When Octnavin retreated slightly, Sloan stuck the tip of his tongue in the hole at the tip. The alien made a sound like a little scream and the shudders that racked his body was so ho
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Chapter 39: That's a dick move.
Chapter 39: That's a dick move.Ocean waves crashed. The sound rocked Sloan back to sleep. When he woke a second time, the waves hitting the shore had his eyes popping open and his head clearing. Where the hell was he that he could hear the ocean? He lived in a landlocked state.Lifting to his elbows, Sloan glanced around the room. To his right was a wall of windows and an open doorway facing a sparkling beach. The ocean glittered clear blue as the sun lit the waters. His eyes swung in the opposite direction. Was he in a bungalow? The bed was all white sheets and blankets with piles of pillows. There was the essential furniture for a high-end hotel in the Bahamas. Wall art was plants and flowers. A spread of fruits and salads and drinks was on a coffee table near the TV. Sloan swung his legs out of bed and stared down at his jeans and band t-shirt. He felt marginally better that he was still dressed. He frowned. Except his pants were unbuttoned. Walking around the room, he stopped at
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Chapter 40: Not going home yet.
Chapter 40: Not going home yet.There was silence after Sloan's announcement that he was leaving. Maybe he had won? Maybe the alien was gone now.Sloan set his ear on the wood and listened. After about three seconds, there was a swish. When he looked down, pink silk slipped under the opening of the door. Shocked, Sloan stumbled backward to the sink. The fabric moved on its own. A piece of pink sateen slid up the door and around the towel he'd tied. Another piece slid along the floor toward Sloan's feet. "What the fuck?" Sloan climbed up onto the counter. The door to the bathroom opened with a bang. The silk had somehow cut through the terry cloth by itself. Sloan wished he were high to explain this messed-up visual. "This is not silk." Octnavin leaned in the doorway. "This is Nebos. They are with us from birth." Octnavin crossed his two middle tentacles over his chest. "They are like family."The silk, or Nebos as Octnavin called it, advanced up the counter and wrapped around Sloan's
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