All Chapters of What if We Drown : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
109 Chapters
"Hi, Ashlyn," Mila settled onto the sofa beside Abel and smiled through the screen. Though her eyes looked weary, and the lines of her forehead spoke of her exhaustion, Ashlyn could see the markings of joy etched into her brow, the sparkle in her blue eyes. Mila was a mother so wholly in love with the sleeping babe in her arms. The three of them spoke for a few moments about their respective lives, when Luka began to stir, his eyes opening. Ashlyn was struck with a fondness so intense and consuming, one that she'd never experienced before when she looked into those gorgeous baby blues. Something stirred within her at the sight, something new and unusual. She'd always found babies to be an adorable sort, and her walls had always been ineffective against their charm. But this time, things went beyond the usual awe and flutters in her chest. There was a stirring she felt deep in her gut, a desire for something she'd always thought an impossibility for her, but now perhaps had more hope
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Ashlyn closed the lid of her computer then turned on the sofa, so she looked at Derek.She rested her arm next to his on the back of it and rested her chin on the back of her hand. Her eyes were level with his as she searched for the answers to the questions she'd never dared to ask.She gave a small smile.Derek reached across to brush her cheek, capturing a stray curl."Are you hungry?" He asked, tucking the strand behind her ear, his fingertips tickling the fine hairs that stood on end. She shrugged, her appetite for food not currently on her mind. She was, however, hungry for something else, the untapped desires that his touch inspired.Her cheek began to feel hot against the back of her hand, and she worried that these desires would be clearly displayed to him, like an open book.Derek grinned and patted the back of her shoulder."I'm starving. Come on, let's make some lunch." Derek pulled himself to his feet and took her hand, pulling the arm out from beneath her chin. Sh
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Running a cloth underwater, Derek began to wipe the sauce away from her forehead, her cheeks, her throat. He worked his fingers through her curls, pulling out pieces of tomato and onion, his fingers massaging her scalp as they worked.Everywhere that he touched burned, his touch igniting the desires she'd tried to suppress. Her breath was shallow as she watched him work, his eyes following the cloth.His knuckles grazed along her jawline as he cleaned the side of her face, his fingertips brushing the corner of her mouth as he wiped the bridge of her nose. They lingered on her mouth for a moment longer, the pad of his thumb brushing her bottom lip.She gulped when his eyes lifted to meet hers, a desire burning fervently in their depths. Up and down, her chest rose with the force of her breathing.What would it take, she wondered, to close that gap between them. An inch? Maybe two?As though guided by the mere thought of it, Ashlyn began to lean towards him, the invisible thread th
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The following Sunday afternoon, Ashlyn had met Derek at his apartment and told him that she wanted to share with him her favorite pastime; the fresh fruit ice cream stall her father used to take her to every Sunday after Church.Giovanni's was busy for a Sunday, but the wait had been worth it when they were greeted with a warm smile and an extra scoop each, on the house. Anything for my best customer, Gio, the owner of the stall, had said. They'd promptly thanked him, leaving a generous tip, before stepping out from beneath the awning.The June sun was high and beating down on them now as they strolled along Marine Parade enjoying fresh ice cream and the promises of summer. The berry and lemon sorbets created a refreshing explosion in her mouth, as Ashlyn grinned up at Derek waiting to gauge his reaction to the mango and coconut blend he'd asked for.Giovanni produced some of the best ice-cream she'd ever tasted, and she'd been elated to find that he was still around when she had m
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Sorry about your face, she added with a grin. His eyes followed her hand as she wiped the sticky residue on her shorts. When he saw that he'd been caught watching, his gaze snapped to the flyer in his hands, a brush of pink embellishing his cheeks."Fourth of July bonfire, huh?" he asked, reading the print on the flyer he'd used to wipe his face and hands.Ashlyn nodded, the smile breaking in her cheeks as she took the flyer from his hands, stood, and took it over to the bin.It was only two more weeks until the Fourth of July, and preparations for the festivities were already underway, and Ashlyn's excitement continued to grow. Next to Christmas, it was her favorite holiday, and she was thrilled to have someone else to share it with. There was nothing better than a day spent with friends beneath the twilight.Wiping her hands on her shorts, Ashlyn came back to stand in front of Derek, offering her hand, which he took. Pulling him to his feet, the two of them resumed walking towar
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Something moved in the sand, like a rock, but the colors were all wrong. It was much too large to be a rock, Ashlyn thought, it's mass taking up the majority of the space around it. The longer she looked, she realized that it wasn't moving. It was struggling. The poor thing was caught.Her hands fell to her side when Derek stepped past her to take a look. His phone was already out of his pocket, his fingers entering a phone number. She reached out to stop him, grabbing onto his arm.'What if it's not safe?' her eyes asked when he looked back at her. They were the only ones on this part of the track, and if something happened, she didn't know what she would be able to do to help."I have to help it, Ash," his voice was raw, his sorrow and concern for the animal evident. She could see it in the way he looked back towards it, he was doing this with or without her support. His heart was too good to stand by and do nothing.Ashlyn nodded, letting her hand fall away.Carefully, Derek s
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She's still scared. I hope they're not far, she answered, looking over Derek's shoulder and back towards the path they'd been walking.There were no roads around this part of the cliff, so they would have to walk out to find them here. She really hoped that they would have understood Derek's directions. She worried her bottom lip, wondering what would happen to Joan if the marine rescue team didn't find them there.Derek took her hand in his."She's going to be okay. They'll find us," Derek reassured her. She nodded, leaning her head to the side so she could look at Joan's face.She didn't know much about the way that turtles displayed their emotions, but the eyes she gazed into were a depth of darkness and pain, and she couldn't help but feel saddened by the predicament Joan had found herself in. Joan blinked. If turtles could have wept, Ashlyn had no doubt that she would have been crying a stream of tears.By the time Ashlyn noticed the flashing lights that approached signaling
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Ashlyn woke by a rough hand shaking her shoulders."Quick, get up. We overslept!" Kass exclaimed over her before something heavy fell on her face. A pillow.Ashlyn groaned, and, squeezing her eyes shut, she rolled over. But the soft surface beneath her back promptly disappeared, and she fell through the empty air, a thud echoing as she hit the floor.She bit her lip against the pain that shot through her knees, her vision hazy as she stared through groggy eyes at the room around her. She was in Kass's living room and still wearing yesterday's clothes. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Ashlyn tried to recall what had transpired the night before.The smell of cookie dough and chocolate were at the forefront of her memories, followed by the distant sounds of laughter and oven alarms. The mess she could see in the kitchen was the last missing piece to her memories.The night before, Kass, Marcus and herself, had been up until the early hours, baking an ensemble of cookies and slices f
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"Poppy, Sage. This is my very good friend, Ashlyn," he addressed each of the girls. She tried not to flinch at his choice of words, her heart yearning for a different word to have been used. But they hadn't yet had that conversation. Perhaps they never would.Quickly, she pushed that thought aside and reminded herself of the words he'd said that afternoon behind Salt. Words that had been proven true countless times since. It didn't matter what they were or were not, only that he was there, and that at some level, he cared.Pushing back the thoughts that threatened to ruin the day, she chose to focus on the people before her, and the good that she felt.Ashlyn waved to each of the girls, her smile warm. As she gazed at both of the girls, she could see the playful spark and curiosity in each of their eyes. The hints of those cheeky smiles they each possessed hidden in the corners of their lips were evident, much like they had looked in all of Derek's photos.The way that Derek spoke
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The ocean drew a deep breath.Suddenly, and all at once, everything came back to life.The sounds of the twin's spirited words were drowned beneath the roaring in Ashlyn's ears, the jagged sounds of her breathing smothering her. Three steps at most stood between where her feet sunk into the sand and the shifting waves that rolled up on the shore. Three steps, but a lifetime of disillusions.The girls continued their taunts from the water, oblivious to the rising storm that raged inside of Ashlyn.She had no doubt that everyone was watching, and there would be no turning back if she ran from this now. But still, her flight instincts urged her on, the security of the sandy dunes more promising than the mysterious depths that approached.Her hands twisted tightly in the fabric of her dress, and her toes curled and clung to the granules of sand, as she fought to maintain a steady heart and a clear head. Panic and fear thrashed against her from all angles, the thoughts she'd always fo
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