All Chapters of The Dark Prince: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
42 Chapters
11. Still Here?
There was a smile on Sasha's face. She didn't expect to see Caro in Nolan's room. She felt weird at first but she covered it up by walking toward her. Besides she hadn't gotten to know her cousin's new girlfriend. The last one didn't go well. She died before she even got to know her, and now after five years of being alone and nowhere to be found, there is another woman.Nolan would never bring a woman to his private home if she wasn't important to him and if he wasn't serious with her. She looks very calm and mature, she is obviously a billionaire, and she is intelligent. just by looking at her anyone could tell that she is very smart.They are definitely going to get married soon and she won't miss the opportunity to bond with the woman Nolan is going to spend the rest of his life with. She isn't going to let the incident that occurred five years ago happen again."Oh my gosh, Caro, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you wanted to spend some time with your sweetheart." She stood up and wa
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12. League
She didn't know how to move her feet. She heard his words loud and clear and they registered in her head, but her brain had not processed the next move. She was lost and trapped in her own body. Move Caro move.Her feet suddenly felt heavy. She felt tears welling immediately. She didn't want to embarrass herself again, she had had enough for one day. It had been just a few hours since she met these hot men and she already feels intimidated.She fought really hard to blink back the tears but she couldn't. The hot mist rolled down her left cheek first, and before she knew what was happening, it started pouring down nonstop.left brow rose to her reaction as his eyes remained on her face.What the fuck is she doing?Are those tears?Is she crying?"I-I'm s-sorry". She barely made it through those words. She didn't even know why she was crying.Maybe the fact that she embarrassed herself, or the fact that no guy finds her attractive. Maybe the fact that she kept thinking that she could h
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13. Savage.
Scorpion's eyes strolled to her cheeks and he saw the dried tears- from the looks of things it was a couple of minutes ago. The cold hallway had obviously dried it up. He knew that Nolan must've roasted her alive judging from her reaction. He can't argue with her request; after all, this was what they wanted from the start. To get rid of her"As you wish".He gestured his hand to lead her out of the house. Carolyn walked directly behind him. Her head was bent to the floor, her white skin was still flushed, and her steps were barely heard. Her head was still wrapped around what had happened moments ago. The thoughts of it all were in her head. She remembered his eyes— never in her life had she ever been scared of looking into someone's eyes, but there was something about his that scared her out of her mind. Those eyes said all of his unspoken words that he didn't air out and somehow, she understood it all. She understood what he thought just from looking into his eyes.After a long wal
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14. Pride
In the Royal Castle,"Make sure you put extra milk in that tea, Her majesty likes it that way"."Yes, ma'am".Cordelia the head maid gave out instructions strictly as she walked into the large dining room to make sure everything was in order. It had been a while since Her majesty gave orders. Ever since the young master left the house, it was as if he took the liveliness and happiness of the entire family."Arrange the white plates to the right and the cream-colored plates to the left". She ordered the two maids that were in charge of dishes."Yes, ma'am".At the same minute, one of the maids rushed into the room and towards her."Ma'am, Lady Sasha is back"."Oh is that so?" She nodded. "Get back to your duties then"."Yes, ma'am".Sasha walked straight into the Mansion and to the large stairway. She was beyond pissed. She didn't even want to talk to anyone or see anyone at the moment. Her entire mind was on the incident that happened not quite long ago in Nolan's house. It angered he
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15. The Truth.
He raced his hand through his hair. He couldn't even focus on what he was doing anymore. Sasha's words taunted him. She said things that weren't true and didn't give a damn about it. Why the hell would he abandon his mom? Is that even possible?He just needed some time and space. He wanted to heal before facing her again. And he didn't want her constant bugging of him about getting married and giving her grandkids. He knew that he won't be able to do that. He knew that he wouldn't be able to move on and was scared of her finding out that he wasn't over her. He wasn't over her death.He loved his mom so much. He couldn't believe that he was able to stay away from her for so long, but he did. Not even a single day passed without her thoughts coming into his mind like a reminder. With her, in his mind, he knew that he was bound to return even without anyone persuading him to.He laced around the room, still mad at himself and everything about him when his eyes strolled to the shiny brace
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15. The Truth.
He raced his hand through his hair. He couldn't even focus on what he was doing anymore. Sasha's words taunted him. She said things that weren't true and didn't give a damn about it. Why the hell would he abandon his mom? Is that even possible?He just needed some time and space. He wanted to heal before facing her again. And he didn't want her constant bugging of him about getting married and giving her grandkids. He knew that he won't be able to do that. He knew that he wouldn't be able to move on and was scared of her finding out that he wasn't over her. He wasn't over her death.He loved his mom so much. He couldn't believe that he was able to stay away from her for so long, but he did. Not even a single day passed without her thoughts coming into his mind like a reminder. With her, in his mind, he knew that he was bound to return even without anyone persuading him to.He laced around the room, still mad at himself and everything about him when his eyes strolled to the shiny brace
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16. Harsh.
The water from her bathtub filled the sink and her entire body was in it. Who knew that this was all she needed after all? She was drenched in the sweet smell of rose and she loved everything about the way the entire room smelled of scented candles. Her eyes were closed. Her entire body lay limp and had become one with the water.Her hair was slightly wet, her white skin glowed from the effect of the candlelight that shone in the room. Yes, she wasn't wealthy but the one thing Carolyn knows how to do best is taking care of her skin and her entire body. She loved everything about body care. Somehow, that is her peace of mind. It eases her and makes her feel confident in herself.The soft instrument that played in the slightly bright room was all she could hear. It was beyond soothing. All her problems were forgotten at that moment. All she could focus on was the way every single muscle in her body that was tensed a few minutes ago became loose. All the pressure she felt was gone and he
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17. Revealed.
They arrived at the estate― Sasha and Serenity. The black BMW she drove was parked as she left the key to the bodyguard and walked straight to the entrance of the mansion with serenity beside her.The large doors were opened for them as the maids in the room bowed their heads in greeting."Welcome, ma'am".There was a frown on serenity's face. She didn't even bother to look at any of them as she strode in with Sasha. All she wanted was to see her cousin. She just wanted to make sure that whatever Sasha told her was just a mere exaggeration. She didn't want to believe anything until she saw it for herself."Where is Scott?"Sasha asked immediately after she got into the main lounge. She couldn't even go in because of the last experience. She had never seen him that angry before, and in her very own eyes, he lost his calmness right in front of her."I'll go get him, ma'am"."Please do".She sat down dragging serenity down with her as they both sat."Why aren't we going to Nolan's room t
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18. Rare Breed.
Bella's eyes held onto the man for a while before turning back to Caro that stared blankly like she had no idea of what was going on."What?" She asked innocuously."What is the name of the dude?" Bella whispered, tilting slightly to Caro's side hoping that the man by the door would not hear what she just said but he heard it anyway."Oh, um, Nolan".Even the call of his name made her nervous. She tried to cover it up by looking away but she was sure that Bella saw her turn red when she said his name."Nolan, his name is Nolan". Bella turned her head back to the huge man as she spoke audibly calling the attention of the other men that stood by the gate."Do you have an appointment with him?" He asked with an intimidating tone.She turned back to Caro with a raised furrowed brow in question and confusion as she quickly replaced it with confidence turning back to the man and holding his gaze"Yes! I do".Caro on the other hand had been alerted as she was in a panic. Bella just fucking l
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19. Playing Along
He couldn't take his eyes off Bella. If a woman like Carolyn can have a friend like this, does it mean that she is this kind of person? Well, it could be because he kind of saw a side of her that was savagery the previous night, so he won't be shocked if his assumptions were true.He managed to drag his eyes away from her and back to Carolyn as he opened his mouth to speak."Carolyn, what a surprise". He said in a sarcastic tone. "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon".The shame was evident in her eyes but she waved it off anyway. She didn't care what he thought, she just wanted to get her phone and get the hell outta there."Trust me, I would never be here if it were up to me".He smiled with a raised brow.Yep! She is definitely what he predicted. "I see... But you are here! So may ask, what urgency brought you back?""I left a property of mine while I was being chased out, and I've come to reclaim it". She said plainly, fixing her eyes on his face.He furrowed his brow in confusio
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