Semua Bab Rise of the Supreme One: Bab 31 - Bab 40
116 Bab
Chapter 30: Infiltration Successful
The terrorist group traveled deep into the nearby forest, to ensure they were not followed before they stopped to rest and do a death count. They suffered a huge loss from the battle, as they lost 60 recruits from the original 115 recruits and lost 20 veteran soldiers. The loss was huge, but it was within their tolerance range. After the death count, the commander finally came out to meet the soldiers. “There have been some unexpected changes,” he announced. “The old soldiers are already familiar with this, so here is my advice for the recruits. There is a high chance that the local forces of all nearby towns have already deployed their forces to intercept us. You wonder why we didn’t clash aggressively with the local forces.” “Yes, we could have killed them completely, but in return, we would have surrounded from all sides without any way to escape. We would have won the battle but lost the war.” “Get prepared, because we will be clashing with a strong and very prepared oppositi
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Chapter 31: Battle Begins
Rustle!! Rustle!! The forest leaves swayed gently to the rhythm of the wind, as activities begin in the temporary terrorist camp.Kalen joined the other soldiers, as they checked their weapons, before proceeding to load their resources for the inevitable battle. After taking the armor yesterday, he went over to the other armory where they stored the normal weapons.In there, he dropped his old gun, exchanging it for a better machine gun and a sword made from reinforced steel. Almost all the other newly graduated terrorist soldiers made the same decision.He was assigned to be in a vehicle, at the forefront of the formation of vehicles. The 2 high-grade warriors that fought in yesterday battle, was in the same car with him. The engines of the vehicle roared to life, as they started moving forward in an orderly fashion.Vroom!! Vroom!! The vehicles moved with such momentum like they were going to war as their hardened tires left deep trails behind in the forest surface.Well, their situ
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Chapter 32: 3 Weeks of Attrition
Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! 3 more shots were released in a quick succession, leading to the death of three other leading offices as the police offensive quickly faltered. Kalen was finally able to pinpoint the shooter this time. He was standing in a car, in the middle of the retreating terrorist’s vehicles. High regent Craig, Kalen recognized him immediately. Everything seemed to pause in time, to better decorate this moment. The high regent’s long black hair waved with the wind, as he watched keenly with his hawk-like eyes. Most of the new soldiers’ eyes sparkled in admiration, as the high regent’s face suddenly glowed in a unique heavenly glow. Kalen was sure that most of the female terrorist soldiers were probably already getting hot and bothered from seeing how amazing the high regent is being. “Now, get to the forest!” High regent Craig shouted out, as the soldiers quickly took the advantage of this escape to escape from the blockade. The police decided to wisely stop the pursuit
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Chapter 33: Invincible Commander
They didn’t waste any time, as the terrorist soldiers already saw the policemen as their archenemies. They exchanged fire aggressively, as the area quickly became chaotic. But this time, the organization decided they will rule in the chaos.Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! The commander charged into battle with style, as his figure shot forward at the police vehicles. He moved like a phantom on the battlefield, as he fired bullets out in rapid succession.The 4 other high-grade warriors also joined the battle, as they were determined to destroy this police force to its last vehicle and policeman. Kalen also joined the battle, but he spent most of his attention focusing on watching the commander’s battle.As the policemen didn’t have enough time to set-up any kind of shields. They begin to die in droves from the unexpected direct and aggressive offensive. The commander was using 2 not too impressive machine guns, but what was frightening about him is precision and calculation.He could always find
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Chapter 34: Divine Battle Arts: Bullet Barrage and Berseker Battle Mode
Boom!! The organization finally started revealing their trump cards, as the commander launched from his car like a rocket.Kalen was shocked, as he knew that this was a result of high-grade air compression technology being used. The commander launched straight at the giant erected shield, they quickly collided with a loud sound.Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! He started the battle immediately, as he wreaked havoc on the shield. The part where he landed, shattered on contact with his swords. His response to the police blockade was fast and decisive.The sight quickly fired up his soldiers, as they felt their blood pressure gradually going up. He worked on expanding the crack that was on the shield, while he ignored the heavy firepower raining down on him. He meant it when he said he was going to spearhead their escape.A lot of soldiers jumped down in a frenzied state, including the 3 high regents, as they charged into the battle. The policemen retaliated with as much aggression as their opponen
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Chapter 35: Night Sabotage
Rustle!! Rustle!! The wind blew silently in the cold night, as the moonlight shine down on the temporary terrorist camp. The whole camp was silent, as the only sound that could be heard was the faint sound of soldiers snoring. Kalen slowly opened his eyes to see the starlight shining down, as he calmly took in his surroundings. Yesterday’s battle was simply too much of an energy drainer, as he figured that everybody in the camp was already asleep due to exhaustion. The battle was fierce and tedious, the only reason he could still wake up was that he held back during the fight. He slowly stood up with apprehension, as he got ready to complete his mission. After seeing the strength of the high-grade warriors, especially the ranged specialist and the commander. He became more prudent, as he already removed the commander from his list of targets. The commander was simply a monster, to a soldier like him. But despite the ranged specialist’s strength, he still would target him as he was
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Chapter 36: Fight Against the Commander
Boom!! Kalen heard the familiar sound, as he saw the commander launching straight towards by the air compression device. Bam!! The commander’s figure flitted above the air in a blur, as he slashed at the traitor’s armor with his sword as he landed. Kalen could only grind his teeth, as he responded by hastily dodging to the right. “Warning!! Durability reduced by 25%,” the low-grade A.I of his armor, suddenly reported a warning for the first time since he started using it. Armors don’t naturally report damage, but if one blow dealt too much damage, the armor’s A.I is programmed to alert the owner as a precaution. He cursed, as he quickly attached his gun to his back. He unsheathed his sword, as he jumped forward, trying to run from this formidable opponent. “Kalen, I am disappointed and pissed off, I had high hopes for you.” The commander shouted as he rushed forward to engage him. His superior opponent wasn’t wearing any armor now, so Kalen took courage from this, as he turned ba
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Chapter 37: Dream of the Legendary Secret Agent
“My name is Kalen, I am a squire of the Camelot military, currently still in training,” Kalen announced loudly, as he was handcuffed by the vigilantes. “Call 112 to confirm my identify,” he continued, as he deactivated his face armor to reveal his face. 112, is just like 911 is the Kingdom of Camelot’s number, to call for emergencies. As he introduced himself, some vigilante members already mobilized, as they went after the terrorists who pursued him here. He had to wait for 30 minutes, as they did a lot of paperwork and procedures, before they finally confirm his identity. The way they spoke to him immediately changed, once they learn who he was. They asked him if he needed any refreshments before they asked him some questions. “What was you doing in the forest? Who were the people pursuing you?” He told them the whole truth, not excluding any details, as he conveniently placed the terrorist organization in another precarious situation. They were surprised by his reveal, but the
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Chapter 38: Going to Church
“Shit, this is probably the first time that I woke up directly from a dream. What a stroke of bad luck,” Kalen grumbled, as he got up. He looked around, and finally did a proper survey of the room that he booked last night. He admired the decorations and scenery. From the little he already saw; he knew that it is a nice hotel. He was too exhausted to glance around yesterday, so he looked to his fill. “The vigilantes did a great job reserving this hotel for me,” he thought with a smile. He dropped down again to rest some more, as he rolled on the king-sized bed. “Oh shit!! Today is Sunday,” he suddenly recalled. “Since I don’t have anything going on. I could use this opportunity to visit the church. Man…, how long has it been since I last entered a church,” he soliloquized nostalgically. He glanced at his wristwatch, which indicated that the 33 minutes after 8. “There is no rush, The second service is already in service. I’ll go to the third service at 10 am.” He quickly decided
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Chapter 39: Pandora's Box: Virtual Black Market
The church service ended around noon, as Kalen stood up, following the other members. They all orderly left the church premises. He felt happy and fulfilled as he took in the fresh air outside.  “I am going to be a bonafide knight soon,” he thought with a smile. As he smiled, a memory of his parents quickly flashed into his brain. Despite the complicated relationship he had with his parents, they were still his closest companions when they were alive. He missed them a lot. He got into his car, he didn’t want to go back to the hotel just yet, so he drove to a nearby burger shop. He bought a burger and fries, with a soda, as he relaxed on the chair provided.  The shop had a television set-up for customer’s entertainment, placed at the top of the shop. He looked over and was surprised by the news being displayed. “The local police force attacked a nearby Red Water Legion’s base, but it seems that the terrorists expected the assault, as they all
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