Semua Bab Rise of Athena : Bab 221 - Bab 230
230 Bab
Chapter 221
Heyli walked around aimlessly. She had nowhere to go but deep down, she knew she was looking for a certain fair-haired, green-eyed boy walking with a group of boys his age. But she saw nobody that looked like him. Everyone was busy looking around and talking to their friends or just standing and doing nothing. Nina was among the people standing alone and doing nothing and immediately Heyli saw her, she looked for ways to avoid her without being seen. When she successfully passed behind her, she saw a concession stand where drinks were being shared and out of curiosity, she walked towards the stand. She was glad that she didn't recognize a soul in the group of people standing in the line and one of the girls even smiled at her. She politely returned the smile and joined the line. Craning her neck she tried to see what drinks were being handed out to the people. Colored drinks. Weird. She had never seen drinks of variant colors. The only colors she had seen
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Chapter 222
"He asked me to see him by eleven tonight so he could tell me the complete story of Lycaon," Heyli said as she pulled off her dress. Kayla wiggled her brows. "That story must be really interesting for you to actually sneak out by eleven," Heyli chuckled her chemise at Kayla who caught it in her hand and dumped it on the bed beside her. The girls were back in their room as soon as the clock struck seven. Heyli hadn't seen Loki throughout the day and neither had she seen Athena or Alexander. Melodie was just stepping out of the bathroom. Her body was wrapped in a towel. "Kayla's right. I can't believe you're going out by eleven just to see a guy you don't know," Heyli became defensive. "His name is Miguel," Kayla and Heyli exchanged looks before bursting into laughter. Heyli glared at them both but she said nothing. She wrapped a towel around her and went into the bathroom. She took her time there, opting for the soft scented shampoos for her skin and floral shampo
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Chapter 223
The suit was lit by scented candle lights. Athena sat on the Chippendale chair that faced the windows and she stared up at the night skies. She had spent most of her day in this room. It was oddly comforting. The walls that were repainted by the sunset and the twilight. Then she lit the candles, ignoring the lights she could turn on through the switch. There was something about candle lit rooms that made her feel like she was floating. She stood to her feet and walked to her as dinner was almost near. She wanted to be early so she could mingle with the other ladies who had been smiling at her when she was taking a walk in the afternoon. This was to avoid being in close contact with Alexander. There was something he was hiding from her and if he didn't trust her enough to tell her, she wasn't sure she wanted to have anything to do with him. As for Damien and Loki, theirs was still loading. She didn't have time yet. She took out a pale green dress. It was one of her fa
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Chapter 224
One thing Heyli loved about this place was the fact that she didn't have to go through gates. The doors directly lead out to the streets and once she was hit with a cold gust of wind, she closed her eyes and sighed in relief. "The Lycaon Statue," She muttered under her breath. That was where Miguel said they were going to meet. Pulling up her gown, she climbed down the stairs and turned to the northern side of the road. The streets were void of people but amber lights flooded the roads and she was able to see under them. She actually didn't need any light to see but she needed to see Miguel. Somehow, she didn't trust her sense of vision to lead her to the right person. As she hurried down the road, she made sure to look back. Someone might be following her. No one was and she hastened her footsteps. She just hoped Hathaway had forgotten about her. As she turned her head to see if anyone was following after her, she bumped into a hard body and nearly fell on her kn
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Chapter 225
Heyli fell into his arms. She had no idea what was controlling her but she knew that his arms was where she wanted to be. Nowhere else but his arms. As she walked into his arms, he fully engulfed her in a hug and placed his chin on her glossy hair. "Did you use a new perfume?" Heyli drew away a bit. "Yes. How did you know?" Loki smiled and pulled her back in. "You love vanilla and that's your signature. But you're using something fruity," Heyli swallowed. "Well, Melodie suggested u used a different one and it was actually nice," "Because of Miguel?" Heyli shrugged. "I guess." "You guess? Or you did so because of him." "Do you want us to turn this into an argument?" "Not an argument. I'm mad." Heyli gave him an incredulous look. "Why?" "Because you are making yourself look good for another boy. It makes me want to go after him and rip his limbs apart so you don't find him attractive," Heyli gasped and burst into laughter but before she could sa
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Chapter 226
As early as five in the morning, the girls were awoken by the ringing of large bells. "I woke up at six back at home," Melodie said as she groaned and sat up. "I hate this time arrangement." Melodie noticed that Kayla wasn't in bed. Heyli had woken up for a few minutes before laying back down and falling asleep immediately. "Kayla?" "I'm bathing!" She called from the bathroom. Melodie climbed out of the bed and went to the bathroom door of bathroom. "Why didn't you wake us all up?" "I did. You both sleep like a hibernating snail. We have to prepare quickly, by the way. We're going to be manning the surroundings of the amphitheater. Handing weapons and change of clothes and help to the injured. I just hope nothing goes wrong," "What might that be?" Kayla's voice lowered. "A beast might be released. That would fight with one of the contestants. Someone told me a few warriors were killed the last time," Melodie's heart sank. "What?" "Yes," "Is this what I
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Chapter 227
Kayla and Melodie were still waiting for Heyli to come back to them with good news when they saw her climbing one of the seats above. Kayla stepped forward and Melodie squinted her eyes as she watched Heyli take a seat beside Athena and Alex. She looked guilty and as Alex spoke to her, she only nodded. "Did she actually leave us here?" Melodie asked, suddenly feeling offended and betrayed by their friend. Kayla wasn't going to believe that was it. "I don't think so. Heyli won't do that to us. She's probably trying to negotiate things with Alex," "But she's seated there!" Melodie cried. Some people from the team looked at them and Kayla immediately apologized. "Let's just hope that's not the case," Melodie turned and looked at her. "Maybe that's the case." Kayla kept staring in Heyli's direction, hoping their friend would look at them and signal that she was going to return soon. But that wasn't going to happen because the master of the ceremony already stepp
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Chapter 228
Athena stood alongside other contestants. Most of them were women and she frowned. Was this category just for women? Just then, she saw Eucaria standing at the other side of the line. The lady waved at Athena and scurried to stand beside her. "I had no idea you were participating," "Well, I am. Why is it just women here?" Eucaria shrugged. "This is a women's game. It's less brutal than combat and the rest," "That's bullshit," Athena said. The women around her gasped but she ignored them. "Why would they allow that?!" "There's actually no time for you to ask questions," A lady, dressed in combat outfit but looking like she was the referee with a whistle around her neck, came forward. She stared at Athena who matched her look without fear. "Once I blow the whistle, you all run towards the ropes hanging off those rocks on the other side of the amphitheater. Use it to lift your bodies off the ground and jump once you're about two meters in the air. Note that lit
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Chapter 229
"What the hell is going on?" Kayla gasped as she heard the announcement the master of ceremony made. Kayla came to stand beside her. "Did the King just ask her to participate in the male category?" "Yes, he did," Kayla replied, sounding really shocked and worried. "Why would he do that?" "Because the King does what he does according to what his subject wants," A guy came and stood behind them as he spoke. Melodie gave him the stink eye. "She's not his subject. She's the King of Antarti!" The boy laughed like he was mocking her and Melodie glared at him like she wanted to kill him on the spot with her eyes. "You think. He's ruling the Lycan Confederate and can make any degree. Besides, she asked for it with her whole feminism shit," "And who the hell are you?" Kayla stepped forward in a defensive stance. "Oh," The boy touched his chest in a mock polite manner. "My name is Lawrence. I am the Prince of The Lycan Confederate," "And what are you doing here?"
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Chapter 230
"It's the men's combat game, Athena!" Damien said as he watched his Alpha strap herself with knives. She placed a diamondback knife in her boots and wedged a dagger on her arm. A pair tantos sat on the insides of her jacket and when she turned to face Damien, she smiled. "How do I look, Damien?" She asked. Damien shook his head and turned away from her. He hated the fact that she was excited for the combat. There was nothing to be excited about! She was literally putting herself in the face of danger and beckoning on it to come to her. "I don't know what to say, Athena. I do not feel comfortable with you participating in the men's combat category," Athena walked to the window and opened it. It was nearing evening and in about an hour's time or so, she would be out there, facing her opponent while everyone watched. If she was being honest with herself, she was really scared. Scared of the unknown. What if she got beaten to a pulp. What if she got paired with someo
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