Semua Bab Art Of A Girl: Bab 31 - Bab 37
37 Bab
Chapter 31
SAMMYI hit the floor with a thud. My face throbs. My head pounds."I told you. You can't win, child. I'm too strong." The beast cackles.I pick myself up. Wiping the blood from my mouth. I'm tired, but I'm not giving up."You won't get control. Not again." I spit blood on the floor."Look at yourself." The beast walks around me. "Pathetic! Weak! Not one ounce of strength in you. You're too much of a coward to take what's yours. That's why I exist. Someone has to take the path destined for us. That will be me." She lands another punch to my head, sending me flying across the void, bouncing off a wall and crashing to the floor."I'll fight you." I struggle as I get to my hands and knees. "I'll kill you." I fight the white-hot pain in my head."Child, you couldn't harm a fly and the way I see it, you're as good as dead now." She walks over and delivers a kick to my chest.I roll on the floor, whining holding my ribs."I can't believe the creator chose to pair me with the garbage that la
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Chapter 32
SAMMYI pace the floor. I'm sick with worry. I'm supposed to be concentrating on other things, but not seeing Bastian for the last three days, has my stomach twisted in knots."Sammy, please. We need to continue."I glance at Wren. Bastian sent her to me two days ago to see if she can assess my wolf. Plus, she's a trained fighter so she's like my personal bodyguard right now."Wren, I can't train. It's been so long. I need to know what's going on." I shake my hand as I pace.She walks over and stops me. Her big, blue eyes stare at me. "I get that you're scared. But, Sam, Bastian wanted you to train. You should train. Ok? Come on." She waves me into the middle of the training room."Now, relax." She shakes herself out.I copy her. I blow out a breath.She puts up a finger. "Remember. Call the wind, but don't shift. Ok? Concentrate."I close my eyes and call the wind. It blows a little gust then dies. I flop my arms at my side. "I can't do it.""Sammy, you can do this. Just try." Wren s
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Chapter 33
SAMMY My fork dances around my plate. Pushing around the food that I barely touched. Wren looks at me. "Sam, eat something. You haven't eaten properly in days." "Why hasn't he called me?" I drop my fork and slump back in my chair. "I sent a message two days ago." "I don't know, maybe because he's preparing for war? Come on, Sam. He'll be ok. He's trained for years. He's fought over a dozen major missions and hundreds of minor ones. Bastian knows what he's doing." She puts some food in her mouth. "I know. It's just.... the more he's away the more it hurts. I know he's coming back, but my chest feels like it's in a vice. I feel like I'm going to be sick." I whine. Wren smiles. "You're in love. You miss him." I lean on the table. "I do, but this feels a hundred times worse for some reason. I'm not a clingy person, but I need him here now or I'll lose my mind." She looks at me funny. "What?" I ask. "Sam what do know about the Blue Moon?" She leans on the table to me. "Nothing. J
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Chapter 34
BASTIAN I'm lying in the cot, healing, when my head explodes with Sam's blood curdling scream. I jolt up holding my head. "Sammy?" I try to mind link her. "Sammy!" Getting no response, I run to find River. I finally find him. He's been bitten in the side and bleeding. Jay's helping him to the medical tent. "Fuck. You, ok?" I look at the wound. He winces. "I will be." "Listen. Sam's in trouble. I have to go." I look at them both. "What? How do you know." Jay asks. "She screamed through the link. I have no time. I have to go now." I say. "I'll go with you." Jay says. We drop River off with the medics and shift. Running back to Black Rock. "Please be ok." I beg over and over. I look at the moon as I run. It's higher now. "I'm coming Sammy." I dig in and run as fast as I can. An hour later were entering the property. I shift and run for the house. "Why is it dark?" "Don't know." Jay skids to a stop. "Bastian." He points to the outside walls. I look at the wall of my house
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Chapter 35
SAMMY"Look up." I turn my eyes up as the pack doctor shines a light in my eyes."Ok. Look at me." I look at the doctor and his light.He takes the light away. He smiles. "Well, young Luna. I really can't find anything wrong with you except your very exotic eye color."But, why? I don't understand." I ask him. He goes to his computer.He clears his throat. "The only thing we did find was this chemical in your bloodstream. It doesn't seem to be doing any harm. It's inert really. If what you told me is true, it's entirely possible that this chemical had a reaction to the blue light being reflected off the moon from the sun."I looked at him completely confused.He laughs. "The blue moon that we shifters see, is a special combination of light radiation given off by the sun in a certain position in the sky. When that light hit your body, it activated that chemical which caused a rather violent reaction. After, the chemical seems to have fused with your damaged Lycan gene. In short, it fix
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Chapter 36
BASTIANMy head is still reeling from everything that's happened over the last few months.I sit at my desk at the Falcon Ridge Prison. Trying to work, but I desperately want to get home to Sam. I'm not finished celebrating my mate bond with her.I'm going through the prison reports that the now dead doctor left for me in my email. I delete them all, but I can't help but think there might be some merit to his idea. There may be some here who could use a rehabilitation program. I'll have to discuss it with the next Head Alpha.As far as it being me, I left that months ago. Sam and my pack were more important than any job promotion. When I do go for it again in the future, it'll be on my record. Not my popularity. Because I realize I was living a fantasy. A dream world I created that I only lived in. I was oblivious to the way I sounded and acted toward people.That man will never exist again. Now that I have Sam, I don't care about frivolous things. Money may buy a lot of things, but i
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Chapter 37
BASTIAN"There he is. The man of the hour." River smiled as he held his beer up to me.I bowed as I approached. "Thank you. Thank you."I clink my bottle to his."Congrats, man. I don't what the Unit is thinking putting your ass in charge, but I'm sure you won't burn the place down." Luke smirks."Thanks, Jackson. Coming from you, I'm sure that's a compliment." I smirk back.Jayson puts his hand on my shoulder. "This is quite the party. Looks like the whole pack's here.""Since our ball was canceled this year, it was the least I could do for my people. A Luna introduction is one of the biggest parties. I want them to love Sam as much as I do." I grin."Hey thanks for inviting us all." Wes and Grey approach our circle.I pull them in for bro hugs. "You all are as much my pack as anyone. Sam wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys.""Sam wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." River pointed out. "You saved that girl's life. Who knows where she'd be right now.""Living the high life a
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