Lahat ng Kabanata ng Model Perfect : Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
32 Kabanata
Chapter 1: No Matter What
"Emma, why do you always look so fat," Hunter asks while handing me another bikini to try on?I head back into the changing room. The bathing suit I am wearing is the only one I like. It's light blue with palm leaves blanketed throughout its pattern. My hands touch the silky palm leaf fabric and stretch the elastic band near my waistline. Surely, Hunter can't mean this looks bad on me? Can he? I must have heard him wrong. He used to tell me how pretty I was on all of our dates. Pretty is a word that Hunter used to describe all the females in his life. All the ones he thinks are hot anyways. Two years ago, I was 'pretty' to him. Now I am this plump someone. I can't help that my thyroid has gone in another direction. Hunter is the least to give a shit about my thyroid and its toll on my emotions, weight, depression, and the like. To Hunter, I'm now the 'fat girl' he tells me what to wear and how to dress. It's not his most positive character trait, I can assure you. I watch Hunter im
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Chapter 2: That Model Girl
Saturday has arrived, and my beach date along with it. It's not exactly glamorous. Hunter isn't known for being mister romantic. Although I wish he would take me out to a fancy dinner once in a while, is that too much to ask? I put on the bathing suit Hunter likes. I am not a fan of my olive skin clashing with these navy blue planet colors. But if Model Perfect makes it and they want me to look a certain way, then here goes nothing. Rosa Higgins, my best friend, knocks on my bedroom window. "Oh my gosh, girl, that suit is lit. I am so jealous of you. You always look...perfect." Poor Rosa has no idea that being the most popular girl in school sucks. I wish I were invisible then no one except anything from me. But, being the hot topic of gossip comes with a price. My life is not private. Even my journal has its own website on a blog page that Freddie's invented for me. "Rosa, please stop reminding me of how perfect I am. I am not, okay? I am human too." "Okay, sorry, geez. I love y
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Chapter 3: Rosa Higgins
Rosa Higgins squeals her way into my bedroom window. She's been sneaking into my bedroom window for as long as I can remember. Her parents are abusive, and she needed a place to crash for safety. My parents found out about her sneaking into my room, and now they don't care if or when she comes over. "What are you so happy about? It's a dumb party," I say, recalling Hunter being a dick to that Arlo guy. I wonder if I'll see Arlo so I can apologize. "Why are you so depressed? I thought you were excited to make love on the beach." "We made something on the beach alright. And I can assure you it wasn't love." Rosa sits down on my bed and hands me a lollipop. She's convinced lollipops are a sex symbol. Her funny quirky is to suck them while Jeremiah is watching us. She can be quite the little tease when she wants to be. "A lollipop? Seriously? Did you buy these to suck around Jeremiah tonight? Good grief, woman." "Yeah, so what? He needs to see my tongue in action." Rosa points to h
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Chapter 4: Model Girl
The fight between Arlo and Hunter bothers me so much. I skip out on Hunter's band auditions. It's easy to blame my absence on a hangover. However, I did drink a little last night. Hunter won't know how much. Why did I have to be such a bitch to Arlo? Why do I care so much anyway? School starts tomorrow. I'd better focus on that—my phone rings. "Emma, I saw the video of Hunter fighting last night. What happened? Are you okay?""Yeah, I'm fine, Freddie. And don't ask me to go to the Aftershock auditions today. I am not feeling well."Freddie, of all people, understands teen parties. He practically encourages me to attend them for fame, followers, and friends. The three 'Fs' I am supposed to care about. Freddie never thinks about the fourth 'F' for fuck. As in, I don't give a fuck today, Freddie. "Okay, I will let Model Perfect know you aren't feeling well. What are we sick with today?" "I'm hungover okay? I want a day off."Freddie sighs into my phone to signal his disappointment in
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Chapter 5: The Loser Camera Boy
The rest of the day is blurry. The fog in my head gets thicker like clouds about to cry. So what is it about Arlo that has distracted my thoughts for most of the day?Arlo finds me in the hallway. He hands me a small piece of torn paper with the numbers 765-3459 written on it. He's given me his cell phone number. "Don't look all surprised. It's for the project. No more parties remember? See you on Wednesday, model girl." "It's Emma," I shout. Rosa comes walking up to me with a face that looks like I'm on fire. "What was that? Who is that loser?" Rosa asks with her head tilted and lips out? "That's Arlo. He is my party for the big English assignment. And he's not a loser. I don't think." I put the note sneakily into my purse. The last thing Rosa needs to know is that I am attracted to Arlo and that I have his cell phone. Apart of me wants to text him later, but it would mean trouble if I did. Is Arlo a secret bad boy? For some reason, that fantasy makes him even hotter. My face st
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Chapter 6: Under the Bleachers
Wednesday comes and the next photography class is upon us. I think Arlo was just trying to get a rise out of me the other day. I want to start over with him, a fresh clean slate. Mr. Douglass meets us in the basement of the photography room. "How is everyone's projects coming along?" He lowers his glasses and looks at me like he is accusing me of something. Does he know that I almost kissed Arlo? Did the paparazzi follow me? Average people get privacy, but that will never be me.Any accident that can go wrong, is somehow my fault. Anything considered a scandal with my name follows me around like the ghost of Christmas past. That's why I try to be perfect. It's not easy being the 'it' girl of Davis High school. Arlo walks into class, my stomach already hurts. It's in knots because we almost kissed and that's a scandal waiting to happen. If we can keep our relationship professional then maybe we can be just friends after all. We aren't even that yet.The thing about Arlo is he isn't
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Chapter 7: Tanya Pennington
It's Friday and that means another weekend is almost here. Weekend are when we live. The teenage years come to life on the weekend. The responsibilities of school and homework are left behind in the classroom. The hallways are crammed full of everyone pretending to be something they're not, with me the Queen B pretending to be above it all. But the thing is I have never been above any of them. I hate that think that I am, I'm not. If I was average I wouldn't have my life spoken for me. My life wouldn't be planned. Rosa and me could have a sleep over in tents in the backyard and we could do each other's nails. This weekend, like most of them is filled with Model Perfect photoshoots and parties. After awhile, it feels like my days are on repeat. School, party, photoshoot, rinse and repeat. Not that there's anything wrong with a routine. "Miss Rhodes, you're needed in the principal's office, immediately." A voice from the low speakers says. The onlookers judge me, but I still smile bec
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Chapter 8: Are We on a Date?
Embarrassed! That's the only word to describe how I am feeling at this moment. My hair is sticky from the fizzy foam of Tanya's spiked lemonade. She's ruined the silver halter dress that Model Perfect had me wear. I know I saw cameras and phones landing on me at that party. My phone beeps and buzzes with the sounds of a thousand judgmental comments. I open it and my cat fight has already gone viral with the title, "Model Perfect's Imperfect Princess Accepts a Modeling Challenge While Getting Baptized by Lemonde." I read a few of the comments. "That bitch deserved a lemonade to her head." "She totally did. She didn't support Hunter or attend open auditions.""That dress would have looked better on Tanya.""Tanya is way hotter. I hope Model Perfect replaces Emma soon." "Hunter, your girlfriend is fat." On and on the comments continue. Their harsh words feel like an arrow to my heart. I am a deer who has been hit by a hunter and will soon face the end of my life or in my case my mod
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Chapter 9: Hellcat
Arlo takes me home. I am still wearing his clothes, his sweat pants are the most comfortable items of clothing I have been offered to wear in a really long time. Even though they are huge on me, I don't bother taking them off. My silver halter is in a plastic trash bag that Arlo hands me. It still smells like spiked lemonade. Model Perfect will take the damages out of my paycheck for the way Tanya treated this garment. He parks his car in my driveway. I don't want to leave. I want to stay in this moment with Arlo forever. Arlo's fingers are laced around mine, and even though I am technically Hunter's girlfriend I stopped dating him in my head ages ago. It's hard to be with the boy who calls me fat and thinks I am nothing but worthless meat. Hunter's anger gets the better of him, and I am too timid, shy, and scared to tell him off. Arlo isn't like that. I can be me, and be safe. Being with Arlo would be easier than being with Hunter, as far as a real relationship goes. But I am not th
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Chapter 10: Biopsy
The only choice I have now is to forget Arlo. It's not Arlo's fault the party went haywire and that my followers' list keeps going down in size. Do those thousands of people even know the real me? I'm starting to think no one knows who I am anymore. Rosa wanted to be my friend for fame. Now I am the slutty friend, who is shacking up with the hot camera guy from school. Popularity is like the tide, it pushes and pulls the waves back and forth to shore. The moon forces the tide to rise like my heart makes my emotions boil over. My emotions have been boiling for a while now, festering deep between the pores of my skin. Rosa was the scapegoat I needed. The pressure valve snapped and our friendship right along with it. My thoughts at this moment are to stay away from Rosa and forget we were ever friends in the first place. Perhaps our friendship was merely a facade, desperation on my part for a female friend and popularity seeking on hers. Maybe it was a doomed friendship this whole time
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