Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 21 - Chapitre 30
Chapter 21
Emily dashed into the room after hearing the weird sudden laughs. “What happened?” She ran to Lily to find her crying and laughing like a crazy woman. She looked at the phone in her hand and kissed her teeth to find Drake’s video, which was released yesterday. ‘Did she see this just now?’ She embraced Lily and patted her back. “The two men I believed in my life betrayed me,” Lily sobbed and hugged Emily tight. “I don’t know about Mr. Denholm, but your father didn’t like you from the start and looked down on all the girls. He didn’t tell you, but you heard and should have shown him what a girl can do.” Lily sniffed deep, “I know. But I thought being obedient would make him love me. I was deprived of fatherly love and wanted it so badly. “ Emily went tongue tied. She couldn’t find words to console Lily. “Think of this as a new start. Do whatever you want, whatever your heart says and feels. Be truthful to yourself.” ~ Ting! Ting! ~ “It must be the salesgirl.” Emily broke the hug, w
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Chapter 22
“Dinner Time!” Emily called out as she sat at the dining table. She wanted to see who would come first, after the uncomfortable incident. But even after five minutes, neither of them appeared. Emily grinned her teeth and decided to look at them anyhow. “Fine! I will have dinner and sleep in the other bedroom. Both of you complete your dinner whenever you want and sleep in the master bedroom. Don’t disturb me when I am asleep.” As expected, Nik and Lily came rushing to the dining table. Emily sucked her bottom lip and controlled her mocking smile. “Mom, I will sleep with you.” Lily said as she sat in front of Emily and beside Nik. “Is that fine with you Nik?” Emily teased. She was enjoying the silence and tension between them. “Why would I not be fine?” Lily said, while glaring at his mother with pinched brows. He doesn’t have any problem speaking to Lily, as he already saw her naked without even those inners, but he wanted to act just like it didn’t happen. He didn’t want her to f
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Chapter 23
[One Week Later] “Mr. Cooper, thank you so much for accepting our interview.” the interviewer said. “We all know that Mr. Cooper is not a fan of interviews, may I know what made you accept this live interview?” “Well, I have something to announce, and your invitation came at the right time. So, I thought why not take this opportunity and reduce the hassle of calling for a press conference” The interviewer pressed her lips to hear that statement. She was at a loss for words. “Then that must be our luck. Thank You, sir” “That’s true!” She was aware of Niklaus’ arrogant nature and how many opted not to interview him, though it was a good opportunity; They didn’t want to lose their dignity over the television. ‘Don’t react!’ she calmed herself, “Firstly, what do you want to announce sir?” Nik arched a brow and gave a half smile. “Well, if you want, I can tell announce it first. But are you sure, as the questions you have prepared might not be used later.” he said pointing to the car
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Chapter 24
[At 7 pm] Lily sat before the television with her legs crossed. She was enjoying people praising her for her obedience and the respect she gave to her father, which he didn’t live up to. The media channels replayed Nik's story narration and conducted public opinion on who is correct -' Lily or Andrew?' The people who pitied her father for having a daughter like her now began to pity her, for having a selfish father like him.Few channels showed how Mr. Cooper's single interview affected the stocks of Meyers and Denholm's industries. While some glorified and applauded Nik, for standing for his love and respecting Lily's opinions unlike many arrogant businessmen, who only marry and form relationships for sexual relations or business prosperity.~ Tring! Tring! ~ “Nik! Nik! My father is calling you. What should we do?” Lily yelled after seeing Nik’s phone, ringing on the sofa table. Her chill-looking and delightful face instantly turned stressed out. While her heart was racing and ha
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Chapter 25
"Can we have this call after dinner?" Nik pouted and looked at Lily with puppy eyes. "Do you think that I can eat after seeing this?" she growled. "No! Let's complete this and have food peacefully." "He has waited the whole day, can't he wait for a few more minutes?" Nik pushed the phone into his pocket. He wanted to see if Lily still had feelings for Drake after all the unimaginable things, he had done to her and her family. The hidden ring, beneath all the files in the last cupboard that he saw three days ago, showed that Drake still holds a valuable and irreplaceable position in her heart. But he wanted to know if Lily would go against him for Drake. 'Niklaus or Drake?' was a question which he wanted to ask her but couldn't with the fear that she might select Drake. Though he doesn't have any feelings for Lily and only sees her like any other little girl, he didn't want to be the second to the girl to whom he is getting married. Lily's eyes widened to hear the word - 'wh
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Chapter 26
~ Tring! Tring! ~ The phone rang again with Drake’s name on the screen. “Get up! Let’s complete this call as soon as possible.” Nik hissed. He thought of speaking to Drake, similar to how he spoke to Lily’s father. But after a whole lot of shouting and quarrels for Drake, Nik didn’t understand how he should talk to Drake. Taking a deep breath, he lifted the call and put it on the speaker. “Hello, Mr. Cooper. This is Drake Denholm.” “Hi! How may I help you?” Nik asked in a dull voice, and he sounded disinterested in the whole drama and lies going on. Though he was the one who started the false marriage, he didn’t expect all such nuisance to come after it. 'This is why I hate marriages and relationships.’ He felt it was a waste of time and energy to get involved with all this unnecessary stuff. ‘Can’t people live without getting married?’ “Can I talk to Lily?” Nik just wanted to hand over the call to Lily and leave them alone. He pushed the phone towards Lily, but before h
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Chapter 27
Nik mummed. “What about you?” Lily mummed. “Why?” Nik asked, staring at her pale and sorrowful face. “No one ever gave me the support and freedom you do. I feel safe and content when I am with you.” Lily muttered, without removing her eyes from Nik’s bandaged palm. “But don’t you love Mr. Denholm?” Nik didn’t understand what Lily was trying to convey to him. A moment ago, she made a fuss about making Drake wait and now, she is saying that she feels happy to be with him. “I know what you are thinking. Yes, I am frail, and I am made to live and adjust in such a way. I only see the positives and neglect the negatives in a person. I did love him, but was that love? Did I feel safe with him? No! Why? He was so possessive and hot tempted that I couldn’t even speak to my girlfriends. Was I happy with him? Yes! Why was I happy? Because he is the first male person that cared a lot about me.” she gulped and looked into Nik’s eyes. “But I didn’t know that he was psychic and awful possessive
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Chapter 28
After coming from the hospital, Lily laid on the sofa. She didn’t want to sleep with Emily as she usually does. But she was unable to sleep even for a bit, guilt and confusion were clenching her heart. Whom does she love? Whom can she trust? What will Drake do? The fact that Drake knows where she lives was even more frightening to her. She wasn’t worried or scared about him, but after listening to his words and possessiveness. She was even more tensed about Niklaus; she didn’t want him to be hurt because of her. At about six in the morning, the two alarms in the two bedrooms rang. Lily heard the two bathroom doors open as the mother and son woke up. Lily too sat and looked at the topless furniture in front of her. Her shoulder collapsed and her eyes became moist. “I am a burden,” she whispered to herself. ‘Why can’t I protect myself? Why must I be taken care of by someone? Can’t I live on my own?’ Her whole life, she lived as per her parents' wishes and put her passion and interest
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Chapter 29
[Denholm's mansion] "Drake!" James' yell from the hall woke Drake and Ember, who were sleeping in the room upstairs. Drake immediately began dressing himself, while Ember went back to sleep again. As soon as he got dressed, he slapped Ember hard. "Are you deaf? Get dressed, bitch!". "Drake!" James shouted again. Drake's heart halted to hear the frustration and anger in his father's voice. 'What happened? I haven't signed any business contract?' His pulse raced. Though Drake is a strong and independent individual himself, he is damn scared of his father, especially when it comes to business. His father is very particular about business deals and their prestige in the business world, which is why he had to behave politely and carefully when he went to Cooper's office. "Did Nikalus do anything? But didn't I say that idiot not to involve business in the bet?" he panicked and gulped. Her heart was racing like hell and was sure that he would get a tight slap from his father. "Drake!"
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Chapter 30
“Let’s get married today!” “What?” Nik and Emily shouted at once. They didn’t understand why Lily suddenly wanted to get married when she planned hard for a beach wedding at the weekend. “No, I don’t want this suspense. Just marry me, please!” “Do you think that I can’t protect you?” Niklaus asked. “I have shown you the protection around the house. What are you still afraid of?” “I am not afraid of me,” she paused and looked down. “I'm afraid you will get hurt because of me. We thought of getting married, let’s get married, a little before. I don’t even want my dream wedding, just a normal one, among your parents and close friends. That’s it!” Emily and Niklaus looked at each other and didn’t understand how to console her. Emily too got worried after seeing how frightened Lily was of Drake. She felt as if Lily knew something and became anxious about her one and only son. “Son, there must be some reason, if Lily is stressing over this. Let’s do as per her wish. We shall also have t
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