Semua Bab A Hybrid, Battered And Broken, Yet Invincible: Bab 11 - Bab 20
91 Bab
Unsettling Attraction
AriaIn as much as I was against the idea of moving in with the Reynolds, I honestly had no choice. At least, I had to do it for Henna's sake. The poor woman was scared that the Sawyers might come after us. You might wonder what I thought of all that. Well, I do not buy it. Not one bit. No one in their right mind would seek revenge for such a trivial matter. Either the Sawyers are downright stupid, or the Reynolds are hiding some deep secret.I honestly choose to go with the latter because that is the only plausible and quite frankly, sensible explanation. Something is amiss and I intend to find out. Now, you all must think that I am crazy for putting myself in danger right? I do not know how, but I am darn sure the Reynolds will not hurt us. I just know it. The Sawyers do not scare me. I know that I could take the whole clan down if need be. The reason I am playing along is that, from the very first day I set foot in that school, I knew that something was off. Whether it is a cult
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Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
MannyI thought that once I meet my mate, everything would be alright. However, it is not so, in my case. If anything, meeting my mate is proving to be an agonizing experience.Do not get me wrong. I was depressed and feared that I would be a mate-less wolf for the rest of my life. So, that day, a month ago, when Summer and I rushed to that school, will always be the best day of my life. I will always remember how her tantalizing lavender blossoms scent almost knocked me over. I remember that it caught me unawares and for a moment, I lost my cool. Even my wolf was giddy and we were the happiest. Unlike Doctor Boyce, I have had no progress whatsoever with my mate. She just does not acknowledge me. She has made it a point that she can only interact with me at social gatherings. She has refused to give me a chance to date her. In fact, she has not opened that door for anyone else. I am slowly losing my mind. Honestly, I am not doing well. How can I function properly when my mate thwart
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Heartbreaking Past
MannyI look up at my mate and see the shattered look in her eyes. I keep quiet and keep licking the torrent of tears flowing down her cheeks. I can tell she is recalling something so painful that it hurts her even now. So, if I dare invade her mindlink, I might just end up shutting her off.There is a distant look in her eyes that signifies that she is recalling her past. Even though the tears are streaming down her cheeks, she makes no sound. Not even a sob. For me, this is deep and shattering pain. I am now rethinking my strategy. Was this even the best move? Am I not being ruthless by forcing her to open up? But then again, why should I let my mate carry such a heavy burden alone? Only if she shares will I be able to help her out. As much as it hurts me to see her like this, I have to know her. Since she cannot let me in, I had no option but to resort to cunning methods. It is pretty obvious that she would never share her past with anyone willingly. I just know it. Call it intui
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A Problem Shared
AriaThey say that a problem shared is a problem half solved and I believe it. The only thing that makes all this surreal is the one I am sharing my story with. A very large, pitch-black Spirit wolf. The universe surely works in mysterious ways. I cannot believe that my invisible friend, whom I am telepathically connected to is a wolf. How cool is that huh?I already know that I am supposed to be scared, but here I am snuggling with my wolf friend. All I feel around him is peace and contentment. No apprehension and certainly no fear. It is as if I just know that this humongous wolf will never hurt me, no matter what. Then there is this tingling sensation whenever we come in contact with each other. The only strange thing is, it also happens with Manny Reynolds. It scares me but nothing of that sort with the wolf. Is there a connection between these two? It cannot be! With Manny, the electric sparks make me feel apprehensive and to an extent, angry. However, with Wolfie, the sensatio
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Is This Love?
MannyYes! She feels it too. As strong as I do. My mate feels all the effects of the mate bond. I just do not understand why she finds it easy to get closer to me in my wolf form than in my human form. However, for now, having her all to myself in whatever form is heavenly.Initially, the atmosphere was tense as she narrated her life story. After that moment, when she exuded a chilling aura so foreboding, she turned all nice and cuddly. It was the best moment of our encounter. She decided on her own to snuggle with me. The eruption of sparks was otherworldly. It took all my efforts to curb the growls that were threatening to leave my throat. Then it hit me. The scent of her arousal. I swear today, I practiced serious self-restriction. I have no idea where I got such self-control. The scent of her arousal almost made my wolf take over. I am glad that for the first time, Matt listened to me.Had he had his way, he would have ravished her senseless right here. The result would have been
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Undeniable Connection
AriaI have mixed emotions about my encounter with Wolfie. On one hand, I am happy that I have been able to put a face to my telepathically connected friend. Whereas on the other hand, I am a bit unsure of our friendship. It is undeniably weird. Yet, it feels just right.There is a greater reason why we are connected. I may not be able to understand it now, but I will find out. I have never been a believer in coincidence. I know for sure that there is a reason for all of this. I just do not know the reason yet.The one thing that is just so daunting is the feelings that were aroused in me when I snuggled closer to Wolfie. They are foreign and something that I have never experienced before. Could it be that I am not as normal as I deem myself to be? Why on earth would be I sexually attracted to an animal? What is wrong with me? I have to find out what it is before I lose my mind. All logic tells me to cut all connections to Wolfie, but my heart is against it. If I can be brutally hones
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The Daunting Truth
AriaOnce I start reading about the historical society of the Luminous Pack, I am stupefied. I so want to believe that these are all just tales, but I cannot deny the truth that is glaring right at me. It talks of the hierarchy of the pack. Apparently, these people are not even fully human! They are werewolves. Meaning they are half human and half wolf. The only consolation is that they spend most of their time in human form and only shift to their wolf form, occasionally.Cold and chilling fear grips me and all I want to do is bail and go as far from here as possible. However, the curious part of me wants to delve deeper into the secrets of this luxurious community. So, irrespective of the cold sweat I have due to fear, I continue reading. The Alpha is the leader and commands great power. The beta is second in command. He is also the alpha's right-hand man, followed by the gamma, who is third in command. The alpha's mate is called Luna and is also his equal. She holds equally the s
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Bone Chilling Fear
MannyExcitement. Complete, heartfelt excitement and gratitude are what filled my heart as I strolled back to my bedroom. I had come up with a foolproof plan to engage with my mate and it worked. Hearing her pleading with me to meet with her the next day, I was jubilant. I had a hard time controlling my emotions in her presence. Now that I am alone, I am grinning like a fool in sheer ecstasy. Taking a quick shower, I decide to go downstairs and get something to eat first. That will also give my mate some time to relax. I will reach out to her about an hour from now. Just as I dig in, Matt, my wolf decides to disturb my meal. He starts growling in my head and it gives me a headache. What he is saying through the growls is incoherent. "Calm down, Matt. I cannot hear you if you keep on growling. Tell me clearly what has got you on edge?""Mate is in danger! Go to mate. Willow tree."I do not need him to form any coherent sentences. What my wolf says is enough to get me worked up. I ha
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What Have I Done?
AriaAfter finding out all I needed to about this so-called quaint community, my blood started to boil. The rage just possessed me and it was all-consuming. I left the library in a daze. Everything seemed to be so surreal and I was having a hard time composing myself. I am now just pacing up and down in the house unsure of what to do next. I have tried numerous times to reach Henna, but it seems she has no interest in picking up my calls. The frustration just adds fuel to my ever-growing rage. I have many questions but there is no one to ask. Who was that female who spoke right into my mind? What is her intention? How come I never once saw that section all the times that I have been to the library?I grab a cushion from the sofa and scream right into it. I cannot believe how my life just turned upside down. I remember being overjoyed to leave the South and come over to the West. My first impression of Hartland was quite good. However, we had to leave our very first home because of a
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Dejected And Lost
MannyWith every punch and kick I received from my mate, I felt a huge sense of loss. Initially, I thought that she just wanted to vent her frustrations. However, when she let out that chilling aura, the killing intent in her eyes was unmistakable. At that point, I felt as if I had lost her. That left me no choice but to try something abruptly. I turned into my wolf form and she stopped. I laid down just so that she would know that I meant her no harm. I could not help the whimpers. Physically, I was not hurt, but the emotional turbulence ran deeper. I felt a deep ache right at the very core of my heart. To me, everything Aria did, was akin to rejection. Any wolf knows the pain of rejection and no sane werewolf would ever opt for that. When she sat down and put my head on her lap, it soothed my pain a bit. However, the dent her adamant rejection left on my soul was almost irreparable. As an Alpha wolf, we tend to feel everything ten times more than the other wolves. I am lying her
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