Semua Bab The Accidental Vampire: Bab 11 - Bab 20
68 Bab
Inside Job
Solandra had always been a calm sin-eater. As a leader, she wanted to be an epitome of a regal and eccentric woman that was left with no choice but take over the realm after her husband’s passing. None of this should have fallen into her pretty little shoulders if not for her daughter Helena.Helena was Nicolas’ favorite and when the time came to decide between his life and his daughter’s, he glady gave up his for Helena’s. It was 1725 and Helena was left alone in the mansion grounds by her nanny. The girl saw a rabbit and followed suit and it was soon that she realized that she wandered away from the mansion grounds and was near the village. Everyone was deployed. Even Nicolas went to find his beloved daughter despite Solandra’s plea. The crimes committed by Thadeus were still fresh amongst the villagers. Her pleas were disregarded and her husband went his way. It was then that he came to the village and found little Helena tied in the village plaza. Nicolas made a deal with the peo
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George Smith, Zac’s best office buddy and real life bestfriend cannot leave him alone at peace for three days. Sure, he promised not to haggle on him while he is in Bulgaria but right after Helena left, George face timed him. Zac half expected it. Three days was long enough for George and he misses the dude. It was still early in Brooklyn and his best buddy was notorious for making unnecessary phone calls while on the pantry. His friend’s grinning face welcomed him when he accepted the invite for a video call. If George was grinning this way---then Ken and George might have had the times of their lives discussing his endeavors in Bulgaria. They sort of liked making fun of him whenever he was not around and it was vice versa.“Man, I missed you!”“Can’t say the same to you.”“Agh.” George touched his heart, pretending to be in an intense pain. “ You hurt me, man. You and your words.” “I won’t fall for that trick. I am not your soon to be wife.” His best friend will finally tie the k
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Mad Duchess
The clock ticked midnight.The great hall of House of Hesse-Dermstadt was empty a minute ago, when the last tick of the massive antique grandfather clock chimed its last to indicate that it is already midnight, shadows swiftly came pouring into the halls and soon enough the hall was filled with sin-eaters from different walks of life.There were politicians, celebrities, models, singers ,dancers, lawyers and even pastors and a lot more. They all have one thing in common aside from the fact that they feed on blood, they were all filthy rich and world renowned. Through Solandra’s Guidance and unceasing hardwork to keep their race intact and thriving without compromising their secret long lives--they all managed to live life to the fullest. Having the best of both worlds.Helena arrived just in time. Her mother was making a grand entrance and Maddox was already in the front with her mother. She saw a little nod from her brother which signals her to drag her a** up there and show everyone
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Game Master
The God King of Mount Olympus, Zeus, decreed that no God shall be allowed to mingle with his or her creations. He did this out of spite when he found out that his brother, Poseidon kept on seeing his half human-half God son Perseus. In order to make it fair and for him to not look envious of his brother who have a good father and son relationship with his children, he added the first decree. That no God can show themselves to their creations even if it was the designated day of feast in their honor. His relationship with his own children was a one hot pile of mess. Zeus was not the daddy of the century.And those who dared defy him will suffer the consequences. Of course, the Gods still continue to sneak on his back as Gods favored human affairs than with their fellow Mount Olympus natives, they require less work and were low maintenance. Herds of Gods still visit the surface of the earth, disguised as commoners or rich people to do their bidding and heart’s content. But that was dif
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Helena’s POVDarn it! I do not know why I am so freaking mad at myself for believing that Persephone was the best God that there ever was. And I am increasingly mad that I cannot do anything while that b*tch did all that in a matter of seconds. Also, I am confused why I had to remove myself from that assembly to warn Zac? And how am I supposed to convince that he flee the country and never come back?I was in a state of limbo. Honestly, I do not know where to start, all the logic and reason had escaped my mind when I saw it with my two eyes what a b*tch Persephone was. As I stormed the house to go fetch my car, an arm caught me and dragged me in a corner. It was Julienne. I saw the horror in his eyes. He never showed any other emotion besides being blank as a canvass while at work and a friend to me, but never fear.“I know that like your father, you do not approve of her ways.” I know who he meant. He was whispering.“Yes.” “I should have told you this even before she stormed here
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First kiss
While Helena was fixing Zac’s stuff and started throwing in the sheets that were used by him in the aluminum trashcan that she dragged outside, she did not notice Zac was undressing. When she looked inside, Zac was half naked and was ready to remove his pants down. At this point, Helena was tempted to kiss the man. He had really improved, physically, although , he was not in bad shape the day she first saw him.The man was clearly under the influence of some drug. It was widely known in the clubs in Bulgaria but she did not realize that what those girls gave Zac was actually a sex stimulant and now Zac was all over her.At first, he was giving her light kisses which she managed to dodge but when Zac cupped her breasts, Helena could not resist it anymore, she accepted the mouth that was searching all over her face and let Zac explore her body. It was only when she heard a sound from out back that she came in to her senses that she came here to remove Zac from his present state and not
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Solandra was taken aback by the presence of the Goddess of the underworld herself in the assembly. Such a gesture and attendance was unknown of. The history of the sin-eaters go a long way back and the only one time that Hector and his family saw Persephone was the only time that she turned them into sin-eaters and that was it. She was never seen again by a large number of audience. Not until tonight. The Duchess was dubious about such display from a daughter of Zeus. Solandra was not a fool and she was definitely not born yesterday, she knew of the exploits of the Gods and their hobby of visiting the human world rather frequently. The Gods have been bolder since Zeus did not shown any concern about Gods hooking up with humans discreetly. Every God was well aware of the decree. So here she is, wondering what on earth was Persephone up to?Of course she was not here for a frienfdly visit. If her father does finds out about this certain event, Persephon can find herself a spot where Kra
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The bunker where they stayed had running water but the food that was stocked there were roughly about eighty years old or so and Helena could not risk giving those food to Zac since she was not yet sure of how his system was coping up with the transition. He was a sore thumb for Helena, someone who sticks out and she was fond of the 'not normal' stuff. She was more curious now of his transformation than she was two days ago. She would like to think that this was a little act of rebellion directly towrads her mother, because nothing hurts more than the betrayal of family, right?Normally, when a human is infected, he will be under a lot of pain. Tremendous pain that will slowly disintegrate as time passes by. A full transformation will take about a month and the changes are slow, boring and nothing fun to observe. Unlike the purebreeds who have not had the pleasure of transistioning, she had been quite around a long time and have seen many transform.But Zac was an exception. His was a
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True colors
When he saw Persephone on his mother’s assembly, the one thing that hit him like a log was the fact that he was not as close and intimate to her as she claims him to be. During their trysts, she would often pepper his ego with sweet little nothings and adoration. He was led to believe that he was special. It was no secret that the Goddess kept a string of lovers all over the globe but he was most certain that he was a step above the rest. It made him feel great and it made him think that he was her favorite.He was Maddox Mountbatten and he was a direct descendant, a pure blooded sin-eater.His lineage and pedigree could have given him that advantage to win the Queen of the sin-eater’s heart, if he had any. But she deliberately did not mention any plans which might have given him subtle clues of her plans. Maddox wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, that maybe she just forgot to tell him because she was so engrossed in the pleasures that Maddox’s lithe body was giving him.Tha
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Solandra Battenberg Mountbatten
She had lived a full life. Eight hundred and thirty six years old and still serving the look. Solandra enters the world famous The Bellagio casino in Vegas. She and the proprietor of MGM Grand go a long way back and most of the staff there know of her, having frequented the casino since its inception.For tonight, she was dazzling in a silver halter funky dress that left nothing to the imagination. For a woman her age, though they all knew that she was in her fifties, she was a stunner and her heels are to die for. She let her hair down for a change and was only carrying a small designer pouch.“Miss Mountbatten, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” The manager himself welcomed her at the entrance hall. “Oh. Look at you, Conrad.” She pauses and fixes the bow tie of the man. “ You still look dashing.”“Thank you , miss.” The man was blushing. Solandra had her way with the male populace. She can get all the attention of the males in the room without overdoing it. In fact, she can get al
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