All Chapters of Love Under the Mistletoe: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
38 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-One
HollyHolly woke a full hour before her alarm went off. She lay in bed with the covers up to her chin. Her cheeks were cold, but she didn’t want to turn the heat up. The old apartment building leaked warm air like a sieve and her heating costs were already too high this year. Better just to wear an extra sweater. Or stay in bed.She heard her coffee-pot click on, the machine on automatic. Soon the scent of coffee filled the air and she found the siren’s song of endless energy irresistible. She slid out from under the covers, wrapped a robe around her and shuffled into the kitchen.The sun was still barely cresting the horizon, and the kitchen was full of shadows. Holly went on autopilot, reaching for a mug, the creamer, and finally the coffee. She sighed with contentment at the first sip.And then she thought of Nathan.He liked his coffee with sugar, no cream.She shook her head. It didn’t matter how he liked his coffee. He was probably back in San Francisco by now. She wondered if h
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Chapter Twenty-Two
NathanLucy had chosen him a local hotel, one of the big-chains, and rented out several rooms on the top floor. Hal and Gregory weren’t fans of the security situation, but as a middle-sized town, there weren’t many other hotel options. He could stay in Denver, but that was over an hour’s drive away.Nathan stood in his hotel room and looked around. The room had a decent sized living area that connected to the bedroom and bath. There was a big-screen TV and a comfortable couch. The bed was a queen with fluffy pillows.It felt tiny and cheap to Nathan after the luxury of Blue Aspen. He knew it was still a nice hotel room. He’d just grown used to his wealth.His father’s words echoed in his mind. He’d grown soft. He was now one of them. He spent too much money. He should stay someplace cheaper. He didn’t deserve even this level of comfort.Nathan shook his head, trying to clear his father’s voice from his mind. His father loved money, but hated spending it. Nathan had the same love of mo
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Chapter Twenty-Three
HollyHolly stepped out onto the street and watched as her breath frosted and drifted away. There was a boy in her class who claimed he was part dragon because he exhaled “smoke” whenever it was cold. She smiled, blowing out an extra long breath into the dark night.Christmas was everywhere downtown. Holly wrapped her jacket around her and wandered the brightly lit streets. Window were filled with toys and goodies. Restaurants were filled with happy diners. Christmas lights sparkled everywhere.Holly meandered down the street, pausing to look at the holiday themed windows of the stores. She made her way to the city center where the mayor made speeches and the holiday parade started and began. This year, the tree stood in the center of the courtyard. It was decorated in silver and purple with lights strung from top to bottom.Carolers walked the streets wearing old fashioned clothes and singing in perfect harmony. Holly recognized several members of the group as the high school choir.
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Chapter Twenty-Four
NathanNathan could hardly believe how easy and wonderful it was to talk with Holly. He remembered it being good while they were at the ski resort, but this was so much better. Surrounded by books and sipping on coffee, he felt like they could talk about everything.And they did.They had close enough opinions on politics that they didn’t argue, but could hold a lively debate. Neither one of them had much time for television, but the few shows they did watch they shared their enjoyment. She got up several times to show him a book he hadn’t heard of or to find one that he recommended.It was a perfect evening.“Closing time,” a man’s voice called from across the store. It was then that Nathan noticed the lights had dimmed and the low chatter of customers had faded. Even the sound of the coffee maker was gone. He looked over to see the cafe dark and everything cleaned.“Sorry, Dad,” Holly said, standing up and kissing the man on the cheek. “I guess we lost track of time.The man had Hol
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Chapter Twenty-Five
Nathan“You want to come to school with me today?”Nathan lay naked in bed, his body exhausted but mind serene. Holly stood in the light of the bathroom brushing her hair. She wore the same pants as the night before, but she’d pulled out a clean sweater from the backseat of her car. It was good enough that it made it look like she’d gone home and changed.He loved watching her. She moved with careful grace as she checked her face in the mirror.“Did you hear me?” she asked again, coming to the bed with a smile on her face. “Do you want to come to school with me today?”He reached out and traced a finger along her cheek. “I have meetings this morning. What about lunch?”She thought about it for a moment and then leaned over and kissed his forehead. “I’ll save you a seat at the cool kids’ table.”He chuckled, watching as she picked up her bag and slid into her boots. She gave him one last smile before disappearing out the door and into the early morning.The room felt empty without her.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
HollyHolly checked her watch for the millionth time that day. She wanted it to be lunch time. She wasn’t even all that hungry. She just wanted to see Nathan. She wanted to show him where she worked and what she did all day. She wanted to share her world with him.The morning dragged on. Even her students said that it felt like lunch was taking forever. They complained more than usual and no one wanted to stay in their own seats. It made for a very long morning.I’m bringing lunch.Holly read the message from Nathan and grinned. The cafeteria food was decent, especially since today was tacos, but it was mass produced and geared toward children. She tried to bring her lunch as often as possible, but she still ended up eating chicken nuggets or macaroni and cheese at least once a week.“Ten more minutes, and then it’s lunch time,” Holly called out to her class. “Please finish up the math worksheets and clean up your math blocks.”She was answered by the sound of blocks falling and scatt
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
NathanNathan hadn’t had a workout like that in months. When the whistle finally blew signifying the end of their time outside, he was drenched in sweat and his legs were shaking.The kids seemed unfazed.“How do they have so much energy?” Nathan asked Holly as they followed the classroom back inside.“They weren’t picking each other up and swinging them in circles,” Holly reminded him. She smiled when she said it, her voice warm and soft.“Okay, friends. Put your coats away and we’ll head to art class.” The kids continued shouting and talking, but they did as she asked, hanging up their coats on the pegs along the far side of the classroom.Once the coats were put away, they formed a rough semblance of a line.“I’m just going to take them to art class,” Holly told him. “It’ll only take a minute.”“I’ll wait here. I don’t have to be back just yet.”A smile filled her face and then she darted around, making sure that the kids were ready. As soon as the door opened, the kids became quie
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
NathanSomeone was knocking on his door.Holly had already left for the morning. She wore jeans and a dark green sweater with a sparkly reindeer on it. She looked hot, even if the sweater was ridiculous. But then, Nathan suspected he would find anything Holly wore to be attractive.He opened the door expecting to see Hal or maybe someone from the hotel. Instead, it was Lucy.She stood, looked annoyed as hell in a dark red pencil skirt and matching jacket. Her jet black hair was pulled back and away from her face. Her dark gray eyes were focused directly on him.Despite being her boss, when she looked at him like that, he didn’t feel like he was the one in control.“Hey Boss. Surprise.”“Lucy, it’s good to see you. Come on in.” Nathan held the door open for her. He was glad he was dressed and the living room of the hotel suite was cleaned up.Lucy looked around and sniffed. “This is where you’re staying?”Nathan looked around. He’d gotten used to the small room. It wasn’t nearly as nic
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Holly“Ms. Jones! Ms. Jones!” Preston ran yelling from the back of the room. Holly immediately made a mental note of where the first aid kit was and which route was the fastest to the office. Preston sounded legitimately concerned.“What is it, Preston?” Holly asked, going down to one knee.“Laurie is violating my religious rights,” he told her. He wiped at his cheek.“Your religious rights?” Holly asked, no longer worrying about the first aid kit.“Yeah. She says Santa isn’t real.”Oh boy. Holly thought to herself. She still had to stifle a laugh, though.“How about we just don’t talk to Laurie for the rest of the day?” Holly suggested. She made one mental note to email Preston’s parents and another mental note on an already very long list to talk to Laurie about telling the other kids about Santa.Winter break was all of ten minutes away and Holly could hardly stand the wait. The kids were antsy as well. They were ready to run outside. The big Holiday Parade was tomorrow, and everyo
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Chapter Thirty
Holly“You’re coming to the parade today, right?” Holly whispered, her head cradled on Nathan’s bare shoulder. He smoothed her hair with his hand against his head. The room was still blissfully dark with only the edges of the curtains showing any hint of morning light.“I am. I made sure to schedule it with Lucy and everything,” he replied.She grinned, snuggling into him. This was heaven. She was warm, safe, and completely satisfied. If it weren’t the fact that she’d been looking forward to this parade for the last month, she would happily stay in bed with Nathan for the rest of her life.She wondered what their future looked like. Would there be more days like this? She knew it wouldn’t be perfect or easy, nothing worth having ever was, but she hoped there would be days like this. Perfect, content days.“What are you doing for Christmas? Since you’re working, will you be staying here?” Holly asked.Nathan shrugged beneath her. “I think so. Would you like me to stay?”She sat up and
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