Lahat ng Kabanata ng Their Forced Luna: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
111 Kabanata
Bo Gets Serious
BoThe first wolf, the biggest of the lot, pounced at me from a fucking tree. I stepped to the side and my hand shot out, grabbing him by his throat. The wolf yelped but regained himself a moment later, snapping desperately at my hand."Seriously?" I chided. "There might be more of you than me, but just from this attack I can tell you guys are pathetically trained."Clara stood off to the side, watching us but not interfering. She trembled, holding her stomach tightly, her eyes bouncing back and forth between me and what I assumed were her brothers.My wolf let me know of an attack from behind us, and I whirled, tossing the captured wolf at the new threw. The two combined with sharp yelps and hit the ground with hard thuds.I was tired of playing with these boys. Another dashed at me, trying to snap at my tendons and force me to the ground. I did a rabbit leap over him, slamming my palm down as he went and hit his back. The force slammed him into the dirt."Any more?" The remaining
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Three to Go
BoThe confidence in Abe snapped. "What?" he demanded.I grinned. "You heard me. Why would I walk away? I've won. All that's left is for me to kill the last three of you."The two wolves beside him whimpered, pressing hard against their brother. They weren't even growling anymore."No balls anymore, huh?" I demanded. Worthless. "Don't think this act of being a pussy is going to stop me. You're dead no matter how much you beg."The air around me went cold, colder than the Vermillion Kingdom even. It attacked my nose and lungs. It made me feel like ice crystals were attacking my insides. I put a hand over my mouth and pulled it away with blood dripping from my fingers. What the hell?"Murderer," boomed a voice from all around me. It echoed and pounded into my head, forcing me to my knees."No!" Clara's scream was faded, out of range almost. What was going on? She was standing not even ten feet from me. Why couldn't I hear her properly?"Murderer!" The booming voice screamed again. I g
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The Wizard
ZaleI was pissed about having to abandon my plans. But Ares had shifted inside of Bo to protect his ass. Why?I looked past Bo and a strange woman, I'd find out whoever the fuck that was later. My sights were focused on the creature striding towards us. "Bo, get your ass inside now," I snapped.It's not like Ares gave him a choice. My wolf forced Bo to jump through and I nodded to the guard, watching the magic climb up until the barrier was complete. I turned back toward my enemy and grinned. "Well, aren't you an ugly fucker. You look like someone locked you in an oven." His skin was stretched tight across his skeletal frame. His flesh was blackened with bloody crusted cracks across his face. "You," the voice boomed around me.I lifted a brow. I hadn't felt this type of power in ages. Not since the last Prime walked this land. "I'm in a good mood, turn around and leave and you can walk away."The thing grinned at me. Its teeth were blackened and sharpened like a predator's maw. "N
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Deceptive Practices
AmandaI crumpled to the ground, holding a hand against my heart. My strength had just flowed out of me. What the hell was going on out there? I whimpered, struggling to my feet."Are you okay?" the servant that had been left for me crouched at my side, his soft-green eyes studying me with concern. "Luna, you shouldn't push yourself."I shook my head. "I'm fine." I'd stopped trying to correct his usage. "Something's wrong out there. I should go see."He put a hand out, holding me back. "I can't let you do that. I have to keep you safe." He bit his lip before turning away from me and walking over to the coatrack, grabbing a pair of thick heavy parkas. "Here, take this. The Prime would kill me if I let anything happen to you.'I ducked into the furry coat. It would help combat the chill from outside. I'd been without my mates for the space of a day, and it was enough to make me ache. Were bonds really this strong? "I thought you weren't going to let me do that," I teased.He ran a han
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Rescue from a Demon
AmandaYale walked up to the shield, tipping his head back and studying it. "So much for your plan," I spat at him.He ignored the spittle. "You think that I have to worry about that? Think, Luna. How do you think we got into the shield in the first place? Infiltration, I know the weaknesses of this defense of theirs. For most, it would be unbreakable, insurmountable, impossible."He was really annoying me at this point. But I still understood what he was trying to say. He had figured out a weakness to this shield of Zale's. The hope of him being slowed down here was dashed."Everything has a weakness, and this shield has one that I can handle." He smirked. "You might want to hold on, Luna. We're about to go for a ride."I didn't get a chance to ask him what he meant when he crouched low to the ground, then jumped straight into the air, easily the height of an entire tree. I screamed and clung to him, not wanting to fall. We came crashing back down, but we were on the other side of
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Bo I'd had my ass kicked several different ways, but the instant I woke up, I was horny as fuck. The best way to heal would be my Luna's sweet pussy wrapped around my cock. There was only one problem. My Luna wasn't anywhere around. "Stay," Zale growled at me from his bed. Clara was still passed out in her own bed, and snoring up a storm. I was tempted to grab a pillow and lob it at her head. "I'm horny," I whined. "Deal with it. What the fuck hit us?" I shrugged. "Some wizard? I wasn't expecting to run into that." Zale gestured to Clara with his head. "Who the hell did you bring into my pack, Bo? Are you abandoning your Luna so quick?" I huffed. I expected that kind of insult from Javier but it's not something I should have to deal with from my own Alpha. "No," I snapped. "That's Amanda's kid." Zale's face went blank. "What? What kind of wolf nip did you wonder into? There's no way that's her kid. She's way too old." "Yeah apparently that pack of hers is pretty messed up. Cl
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Breaking Point
AmandaI found myself staring into his golden eyes, specks of red glittered in their depths. "You think you've escaped from me? Your punishment will be something you wear for eternity. I will carve our pieces of your face and bind your wolf from healing you. No one will ever want your worthless hide again."Normally I would flinch away from him, but not this time. Instead I met his hateful gaze. "I'm never going back to you. You're not my Alpha anymore, and nothing you can do will ever force me back. I'll die first."His nostrils flared, and his eyes narrowed. "Is that so? Amanda?" he purred my name an almost wicked chuckle to it. "Tell me, are you really willing to leave your children in my care? Because if I can't have you, I'll be content to tear them apart, and send them to you piece by piece. This forest of mine could use some new decorations. Some heads on the tree tops, limbs hanging from branches." He smirked. "Yes, I think that will do nicely. I've already arranged to send y
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Sweet Torture
AmandaI stayed in bed, watching. Zale got rid of my supposed daughter first. I still found it difficult to just accept that she was mine, she looked to be the same age as me. The wizard was powerful, but was he capable of something like that?"Out," Zale ordered her. Javier groaned. "I've got her. Come on, extra. You're probably hungry. I doubt you get to eat anything decent in that hellhole you came from. My spirit is more than willing to go on a fuck-a-thon, Luna but my body is still recovering from breaking through a magical shield. Forgive me, I promise to make it up to you later."Clara walked with him as he hobbled out of the room. Bo glanced between the two of us and wiggled farther in his own bed. "I'm not going anywhere, and you can't make me, Zale.""Oh?" Zale asked with a smile spreading across his lips and silk in his voice. "Are you sure about that? Because you're not allowed to get off that bed if that's the case. You're going to be forced to sit there and watch."Bo
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Lost in Pleasure
ZaleAmanda probably wouldn't admit it, but she was getting off on torturing Bo, and I loved every second of it. Her fingers were already sticky. Her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow and her hips rose up and down as she hit the perfect spot.I didn't exist anymore to her, and neither did Bo or Javier. All that mattered was her next hit."Bo, on your hands and knees. Get on the bed, but you can only touch her with your tongue. Help our Luna out."Bo broke out of his trance and turned toward me. Darkness glittered in his eyes. "So much for your punishment, Alpha."I had to agree with him, but it was more important to see Amanda lost in a haze of lust than to keep the punishment up for him. Besides, he had put himself out to fight. He'd failed, which was why he needed to suffer eventually. I got up from my own bed, walked over to him, and grabbed him by the nape of his neck. My nails scraped against his scalp. "Are you defying me?" I growled into his ear.Bo moaned low at my
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Amanda There was no way. I stared at the quivering mound of plastic. Yes, I was horny, and with the stupid bond feedback, I was ready to take both of these men again. But, that didn't include giant ass dildos. They were massive. That pool-noodle thickness was not going to fit in me, and especially not both my holes. "That's not going to fit," I whimpered. "You're wet, it'll slide right in," Zale replied. He stuck the tip of it against my drenched pussy lips and coated the cock in my fluids. "And now, it's showtime," he purred into my ear. I didn't have a chance to ask what he meant by that. The dildo on top started to vibrate, sending incredible waves of pleasure coursing through me. My mouth fell open a long moan pulled from me. Bo pulled away and to the side, waiting for more instructions. "You like that, don't you?" Zale questioned, twisting the dildo head and pressing it against my clit. He pressed a hard nub against me and my eyes almost crossed as a strong sucking sensat
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